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Sky Ferreira

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The worst scenario I can imagine is a "HAIM-ESQUE" situation where the follow up took too long to come and then people were not... into it... at all (I love Something To Tell You but I understand that people disliked it after so long).


The whole teasing-delaying doesn't help her either so honestly idk. I feel like she tries sometimes but it's really some type of Limbo.


Charli went through a lot as well between Sucker-Mixtapes-Third album but it pretty much feels just like Sky BEFORE NTMT. How many EP's were released and planned before the album came out? the titles change with sounds shift....

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i do really believe there's something that's holding her back, i don't know if it's either the label or the crack or something else but i really find it very hard to believe that she didn't have at least ONE song ready to be released with a music video. it's literally impossible. 


and again, the whole thing with her it's not the waiting, but the lies. she could pull up a lorde and disappear from socials and then comeback when everything's ready rather than making false promises.


there's something off that we don't know of.

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I wonder if the falses promises were trying to pressure the label. Sounds stupid but it seems pretty commom for people to just go around "If the label says no then I'll leak the whole thing" etc.


And then you think that people like Lady Gaga herself already leaked songs just to put pressure on label so.

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I don't know why anyone still stans this drug addict. She is a liar, she was lucky to have the chance to work with such great producers when she was younger. None of her singles charted then, she is a huge flop. stop waiting for her to release music there are plenty of other artists that don't lie to there fans. If you saw her snapchat story she is writing like page long responses to fans questions and someone asked her if she was manic depressive.

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She just posted on ig that it's coming March hahahhahahahhahahhahha

I'm about to report her instagram for spam


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The worst scenario I can imagine is a "HAIM-ESQUE" situation where the follow up took too long to come and then people were not... into it... at all (I love Something To Tell You but I understand that people disliked it after so long).

They still have signed booklets for cheap for sale.... that was so sad. 

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