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Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021

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21 minutes ago, FallingCherry said:

Arcadia is now in the top 5 of her most popular songs on Spotify! Something that none of the three previous singles achieved.

i wonder what the album is going to achieve streaming wise on its first week, since she doesn't have social media anymore. we know that the singles underperformed probably because she didn't acknowledge them, and she did her little promo with arcadia. she acknowledged the album and its release date, but won't say anything in its release week. it's gonna be interesting.

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Blue Banisters coming to snap our necks with it's sheer excellence on October 22nd



01 Sucker 02 Better Than Ur Last Thing
03 Allergic To Love 04 Lightning Bolts

05 I'm A Dream 06 Mow That Lawn


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8 hours ago, BlueGreenGray said:


Black Bathing Suit: Boz said that it's fun to see how excited people are for this track; he'll stay quiet because we have to look forward to something until the album's release. @lustforlife said that the track is an "invite" and will surprise us a lot. Make of it what you will. 

If You Lie Down With Me: -

Beautiful: according to lustforlife, it has surf rock influences.

Violets for Roses: according to lustforlife, it's about a toxic relationship, breaking up and healing.

Sweet Carolina: again, according to lustforlife, it's a very emotional track, a personal favourite on the album and an even better closer than hope is dangerous thing...). 



Thank you :kiss:

I hope that all of it is true. It sounds so interesting & makes me super excited for the album ..October 22nd hurry up :read:


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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These are just a couple of vaguely related thoughts I've had recently regarding BB. These are obviously just my opinions and I'm not trying to tell anyone what to think.

The interlude and the inclusion of unreleased songs like Living Legend in the tracklist has got me really excited for BB. Her progression of gradually more confessional lyrics makes for beautiful songs but it loses something along the way. Don't get me wrong, I love the 3 singles, it's just that they have very little replay value imo. When a track like BB is so lyrically driven, it feels much more like a story or a diary entry. After a few listens and you've appreciated the story, there's not much left to make you want to carry on listening.

I'm tired of seeing people praising her recent work and slating everything pre-2019 because of minor lyrical differences. Arcadia as a song isn't inherently superior to her earlier ones. Take PWYC for example. There's definitely ways I think Arcadia is better but you could also argue that PWYC has a more consistent rhyme scheme with more evocative imagery. The lyrics are just more artistic than introspective. Not necessarily any better or worse... just different.

It's definitely promising to see that BB has so much variety :party:

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5 hours ago, Super Movie said:

Blue Banisters being the album title makes a lot of sense when you listen to the song and the lyrics. They feel very representative of Lana's life/the place she's in right now. Plus, there's references to her family and friends in the song, which seems to make it special to her.


I vote "Wildflower Wildfire" as an album title.


It sounds bizzare.

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waaaaaaaay fuckin unpopular opinion but im kinda just trying to relish this pre release as a waiting period as much as i can. when the record's out, it's out. not sure if she'll pop in thru someone else's stories n such but oof. im just taking things by the day. 

hope the vinyl'll arrive soon and that the merch is cute n clever. 

there's that moment of bliss highs when it's released, and at least for me integrating the music's meanings in varying ways but damn damn damn. the cover signifies strength, and it's design, along w the track list that we got makes me feel like it'll hold for a while. blue banisters n the banisters are strong 


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I already associate this album so autumn so heavily. I tend to assign each Lana album a season, and I think she picked the perfect date for BB's vibe. Here's what I think of for each album:


Winter - Ultraviolence, Lust For Life

Spring - Honeymoon, Chemtrails

Summer - Norman, Paradise, AKA 

Autumn - Born To Die, Blue Banisters 


(although honestly you really could put every album under summer lol)


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13 minutes ago, Super Movie said:

I already associate this album so autumn so heavily. I tend to assign each Lana album a season, and I think she picked the perfect date for BB's vibe. Here's what I think of for each album:


Winter - Ultraviolence, Lust For Life

Spring - Honeymoon, Chemtrails

Summer - Norman, Paradise, AKA 

Autumn - Born To Die, Blue Banisters 


(although honestly you really could put every album under summer lol)

UV always gave me summer vibes, but not the ocean air in your hair golden sun soft on your skin kind of summer (like NFR ), but more like scorching hot sun burning off your skin in the middle of the desert while nursing a heat stroke kind of summer. it's an imagery that i subconsciously associate with uv to the point where i'm unable to enjoy it during the winter. 

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2 hours ago, Whore of Tropico said:

I vote "Wildflower Wildfire" as an album title.


It sounds bizzare.


idk if it's a stretch but 'blue banisters' makes me think of stairway to heaven, but grounded in (a sometimes dismal and painful) reality. it's almost like we're in her home and she's inviting us upstairs, deeper into her heart :true: the album title has grown on me so much precisely because of how it evokes an image of an interior of a home, which is such appropriate imagery for an album that is so personal and confessional


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2 hours ago, 111 said:

bbs will be a huge surprise for everyone y'all

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because no one has it



leak ufb and on and on


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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ok here’s another hot take: I think blue banisters is my least favorite of the four tracks we have so far. that’s not to say it’s not a beautiful track, cuz it is, but it just pales in comparison to the other three for me. should we rank the tracks we have? have we done that already?

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