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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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She probably thought people would be like YAS QUEEN, but like???


She could have said


"You have to be a piece of shit to be a cop"

"You have to be fucked in the head to be a cop"

"You have to be a bad person to be a cop"

"You have to be racist to be a cop" 

"You have to be [insert anything other than mental illness] to be a cop"


Why people are not thinking about the effects of their words these days...

Maybe her and Lana can talk about this together and make a pact with each other to think before they post 

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marina didnt lie... you have to be literally mentally ill to be okay with not only assaulting innocent people (whether it is to "protect" the government, or just because you're a white supremacist), but also cosigning your buddies who rape women, beat their wives, and get up every day hoping they get to have a power trip and shoot someone. no sane person would ever choose this profession. sociopathy and lack of empathy are mental illnesses and every cop have them. it's not like she's trying to insult people with mental illnesses, but this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. 



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Okay well I love Marina with all my heart, but that mental illness tweet hurt...


I get where she is coming from - that to behave in a way like these awful cops did with George Floyd and countless others, you cannot be right in the head. However, not being right in the head does not equate to mental illness. And making a sweeping generalisation about all cops not being right in the head, in my opinion, is not fair. Yes, many many cops are racist and power hungry, but there will also be cops who are not like that and do the job they do because they want to help and protect the public.


Love u Marina but pls clarify what you meant by that (i.e. say you used the wrong wording)


On a more positive note, I am glad to see how much she is using her platform to promote justice for George and BLM.

giphy.gif ldrclashsmall3.png


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marina didnt lie... you have to be literally mentally ill to be okay with not only assaulting innocent people (whether it is to "protect" the government, or just because you're a white supremacist), but also cosigning your buddies who rape women, beat their wives, and get up every day hoping they get to have a power trip and shoot someone. no sane person would ever choose this profession. sociopathy and lack of empathy are mental illnesses and every cop have them. it's not like she's trying to insult people with mental illnesses, but this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. 




No this is a harmful generalisation towards people who suffer with mental illnesses. I have mental illnesses, yet I'm not racist and I'm sure the same could be said for others here too. Marina should have said "you have to be a sociopath to be a cop". Her choice of words is poor and the fact that she hasn't even deleted the tweet or changed her words is appalling imo

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idk i'm not really seeing the attack on mental illness.. it definitely is a poor choice of wording though

this to me seems a case like lanas where her words are being taken out of context (at the mariners apartment complex)

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honestly, a big fuck you to all those who don't understand how hurtful this is to people with mental illness. being mentally ill is not a choice. being a cop is. cops are choosing to abuse their power and abuse people. what a gross comparison. i've dealt with cops before in situations where i was mentally unstable and it's scary. most aren't trained to deal with us. i had a thing where if i felt scared i wasn't allowed to move or else i would die. it wasn't true, but that's what my mind and body made me believe. if i had frozen up and refused to move or speak, which has happened countless times before, the situation may have not ended well. 


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Lol she really was that girl in highschool who sassily said "YEAH!" after everything the *cool* chic said to seem relevant herself. She really overdid it there because she was trying hard to fetch likes.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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Because that tweet has gotten more likes than any tweet she has made about her own music


Is she really that shallow only caring about likes and retweet's? Personally I don’t think she knows how to respond so has ran off and deleted twitter from her phone, like she always does when she can’t handle something.

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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Life is Strange and True say hi.


And You...

i hate the Windows Phone ringtone at the beginning of True but the chorus hits hard tbh 


I didn't want to go on this lil rant in the Instagram Updates thread since it would have been off topic but

Someone had mentioned how Marina tweeted in April (I don't have a twitter anymore so I didn't see it) how fast fashion is bad and people should change their clothes buying habits, and the user on here (I dont remember who it was, this isn't me being shady) said it came off as her being superior and such

yes your opinion is valid and i totally see why you'd say that but it is a serious topic that the everyday person doesn't think about


I worked at a uniform store for 5 years, my mom has worked retail since '07... companies love to throw away clothes like nothing. it's repulsive. I've had to dumpster dive after the store would close so I wouldn't get caught lmao . the stuff I have given to my family and donations is crazy

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