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Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Poll  

1,088 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd?

    • The Grants
    • Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd
    • Sweet
    • A&W
    • Judah Smith Interlude
    • Candy Necklace (feat. Jon Batiste)
    • Jon Batiste Interlude
    • Kintsugi
    • Fingertips
    • Paris, Texas (feat. SYML)
    • Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he's deep-sea fishing
    • Let The Light In (feat. Father John Misty)
    • Margaret (feat. Bleachers)
    • Fishtail
    • Peppers (feat. Tommy Genesis)
    • Taco Truck x VB

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7 hours ago, Hejira87 said:

I am not saying her issues are a lie.Her motive to come back is a lie. 
Come on, have some SENSE. So many people begging for her to come back and now she actually came back but she is saying, come to patreon and everyone pay 5 dollars? 
......I mean good for her, but everyone who is gonna think her reactions to Beyonce, Lana etc. will be AUTHENTIC first reactions are fooling themselves. 


its not like shes forcing u to pay her to watch her reactions lol


besides that, shes a full grown adult, i know she has a life to live, time to heal & real green grass outside of her online zone to literally touch,she's not some jobless twitter stans whose keeping up with pop culture or music scenes all day long, and if she said shes been keeing herself away from new music thats not hard to believe lol, there are people have real life to live bestie, they dont need to keep up 24/7, i know tons of people whos still listening to 1989, teenage dream, halo, summertime sadness atp without knowing these artists have been dropping new material constantly.


sure she could go outside for a cup of coffee in random ass mall and still hears Renaissance / Midnights here and there but she might heard it as background music and what she meant was she never focused on listening to any of new music in full, so... its still convincing.



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34 minutes ago, Louise said:

How can someone new to Lanaboards keep dissing a favorite Lana reactor?

That said, Ajay should listen to OB first . . .

Just discovered another Lana fan I adored this reaction of OB:

Meyechel Angelo


I watched all his Lana reactions a few months ago, I love his Paradise one! He was RULLY feelin Yayo 😂 I was high af too it was such a vibe 

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8 hours ago, Hejira87 said:


Yes, that is what they all say right now. It's called marketing. 
Reactors are literally sitting in a chair listening to music, do they really deserve to be payed? Some of them ask for over a 100 dollars per video. It's a scam. 

Yes because being an entertainer is also a job. Having an audience = being payed. If you’re a viewer or her - do you expect her to entertain you for free? Because you said so? And if you’re not a viewer of her - why do you even care?

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candy necklace is really one of her most unique ballads to date… it really sounds like a classic gothic romance / horror film soundtrack. it gives rebecca, the innocents, the haunting, black sunday vibes. 


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On 3/23/2023 at 9:55 PM, Ultraviolencez said:

8.3 & best new music from pitchfork is not bad at all imo

Pretentious journalism majors! People do not know how to feel. They do not know how to listen!

I badgered a certain artist to please take fans on a journey of his musical taste in classical music, which are his influences, and I'll be moving on to this next . . . Composed with Devonté Hynes . . . It's like, his camp got the memo! https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001jy35 It is music class, to learn how to listen with someon you trust, not someone who jumped on a bandwagon and is following the herd, saying how great this is.

Re the review from Fantano, this is the one fans can point to, as the authentic review from a head-banging metal or punk snob! That is what I thought. But he is articulate. So I listened to his feedback on Ocean Blvd album before I saw the score, and the first two minutes, when he said:

"I'll say this. Lana may not be one of  my favorite artists. Period."

It's like, we know. You're a head-thumping metal head snob. Do you HAVE to put the disclaimer here? And he went on:

"But she  has been one of the most frequently  reviewed on this channel. Cause there's only a few artists I can say like I've covered for the eigth time in album reviews alone."

So what? You gave awful reviews!

"And, at least for me, in Lana's catalog there's been some highs, but a lot of lows up until this point, too."

That isn't the opinion of most on Lanaboards. I prefer live, and enjoy lots of performances from the early eras. Many here view BTD, UV, and Honeymoon peak Lana, and her style changes are regression. Fantano goes on to say:

"But, the progression has mostly  been all uphill as I think Lana's chops  and sensibilities as a singer and a  songwriter have gotten better over the  years. Her sense of adventure as an artist has increased, too."

Do you think that is more about giving Lana a chance as time progresses? So he's discovering what fans have known all along?

"Not only that, but I think she's done a great  job of coming into her own, becoming more self-aware, portraying herself in a more flattering, compelling, and  authentic light. And, actually  embodying the classic Americana  aesthetics that at one point in her career came across way more tacky.  Creatively, I really think she hit a  peak with the record, NFR, as many  people do. I think the following  Chemtrails Over the Country Club was mostly pleasurable as well, but something did feel slightly off with  her last full length lp Blue Banisters. While there was some likeable content and songwriting on that one, the  peformances and song structures were  pretty blemished and drawn out. I know historically, Lana hasn't been the  strongest singer or anything like that, but up until this point it seemed like she was making a genuine effort to just  kind of keep her vocals and  instrumentation more on point and interesting."

The first couple of minutes were like this, what came across to me patronizing, condescending, and trying to soften the blow of what was to follow, leading to a poor grade for Ocean Blvd.

At about the two minute mark, his review went from condescending to Lana's talent, to effusive praise so nonstop it is like a steam roller of praise you had to get out of the way.

It makes me emotional. I see what Anthony planned. HIs review is a song or poem itself!

To preface by saying, "Lana may not be one of  my favorite artists. Period." It annoyed me so much, like, we already know that. But he was going deep. His mindset after listeningn to Ocean Blvd moved him so emotionally, he started out by almost dissing Lana, to prepare you that what was coming was a fierce, true, heartfelt and unemotional praise!

Some highlights I appreciate in the steam roller of positive feedback which followed:


Which is why I say Ocean Blvd is  actually a very nice bounce back,  because I think she has hit another high on this one.

Sweet has one of the prettiest melodic  runs on the entire record. Endearing ballad about building a life with another person.

Fingertips: Not the strongest direction songwise of all the tracks here, but it's still a compelling whirlwind of emotions.

Moody ballads with striking melodies continue

Fantano said Margaret haunting refrains in the track, When you know you know, are gorgeous and hard hitting. Tore me apart emotionally.

After Margaret, deluxe edition. Like Ocean Boulevard is over and has just a few odds and ends to dish out.

The first 13 cuts on this thing are  amazing, they're fantastic, in my opinion, nearly flawless, Lana's best  work, yet. Her finest crop of songs.  Good production. Good instrumentation. The lyrical content at the core of  these tracks is personal. It is detailed. It is thoughtful. It is moving. It's also pretty low on cliches as far as the Lana average. Plus, these tracks didn't really need a whole lot  of dolling up instrumentally, because  how catchy and emotionally potent they are comes across regardless of how many strings are piled on top of them. I'll  also add, this record really is the best application of features on any  Lana record so far, too. The John  Batiste contributions are especially fire. I'll reiterate, the ending moments are a little odd and not entirely necessary, but I'm not mad they're here, either. They do kind of add to the mythos of this record in a way, and Lana's progression as an artist over the years. I don't want to belabor my thoughts on this album any further. I think it's great. I genuinely think Lana did a wonderful  job on this one. She knocked it out of the park. I'm feeling a light to decent  "9" on this thing.


This is the review by a musician who listens to music, who doesn't mince words on what he likes and expresses himself eloquently. I don't want to say who lives for music. What is the expression? Who needs it like a drug.

Woah I wrote another long-winded post! Fantano's carefully worded and well-spoken review made me emotional, like a Lana song, understated and subtle and hard-hitting at the same time!


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There is absolutely no value in what Ajall or other music reactors do. There really isn't any value added to your life when you watch random nobodies react to music. Them liking the songs you do does not legitimize them. But have fun wasting your time listening to her substanceless reactions and paying to listen to her scream and say biiiiiiiitch!!! every 3 seconds.

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5 minutes ago, Creyk said:

There is absolutely no value in what Ajall or other music reactors do. There really isn't any value added to your life when you watch random nobodies react to music. Them liking the songs you do does not legitimize them. But have fun wasting your time listening to her substanceless reactions and paying to listen to her scream and say biiiiiiiitch!!! every 3 seconds.



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16 minutes ago, Creyk said:

There is absolutely no value in what Ajall or other music reactors do. There really isn't any value added to your life when you watch random nobodies react to music. Them liking the songs you do does not legitimize them. But have fun wasting your time listening to her substanceless reactions and paying to listen to her scream and say biiiiiiiitch!!! every 3 seconds.


it's just entertainment like it's not deep at all

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17 minutes ago, Creyk said:

There is absolutely no value in what Ajall or other music reactors do. There really isn't any value added to your life when you watch random nobodies react to music. Them liking the songs you do does not legitimize them. But have fun wasting your time listening to her substanceless reactions and paying to listen to her scream and say biiiiiiiitch!!! every 3 seconds.

there's at least entertainment value

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8 minutes ago, shadesofyayo said:



why is there a 4:45 version that's explicit? demo? :awkney:

For whatever reason, every track on TUOB in this database shows up as having version that is explicit and 4:45. Just looks like a weird mistake


.・゜゜・ ⋆·˚ ༘ * GIVE PEACE A CHANCE  ˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ ・゜゜・.

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46 minutes ago, Creyk said:

There is absolutely no value in what Ajall or other music reactors do. There really isn't any value added to your life when you watch random nobodies react to music. Them liking the songs you do does not legitimize them. But have fun wasting your time listening to her substanceless reactions and paying to listen to her scream and say biiiiiiiitch!!! every 3 seconds.


Did someone hurt you?

On 2/24/2023 at 1:34 AM, Americanboy said:

Hairy assholes are better than smooth ones

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3 hours ago, Louise said:

How can someone new to Lanaboards keep dissing a favorite Lana reactor?

That said, Ajay should listen to OB first . . .

Just discovered another Lana fan I adored this reaction of OB:

Meyechel Angelo


Wait that’s crazy I knew him irl from a year or two ago! We chatted about music and lana actually. Chill dude for sure

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1 minute ago, hotshot2am said:


is In My Feelings :agree:

surely it’s not top tier, but at least in my feelings is a lana song, and not jack antonoff song sung by lana :teehee:

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Just now, BartenderDeco said:

grandfather is the most lana del rey song ever:bebe:

i meant margaret as jack antonoff song, grandfather is lana del rey song even though i hate it

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