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Unpopular Lana Opinions

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Coming out of the Lana closet:

- I love how Lana's voice blends with Sean's on TNC;
- Coachella is not a bad song IMO, maybe not as polished as the ones we are used to, but there is a context;
- I think LFL's production (the song) is perfect as it is, and I don't want to hear the «Blade Runner» demo;
- LFL (the album) is not as messy and as incoherent as everybody think it is, and I love all the songs on it, in the order they are;
- I think LFL (album again) will be better understood with the next one, which should be the answers to the questions raised on LFL;
- I think Carmen is the most «meh» song on BTD (not a bad one, but I can live without);
- Florida Kilos is not my favorite bonus track on UV (Is This Happiness, Flipside and Black Beauty are);
- I find HM as good as UV. 

I stand by my choices, as unpopular as they are. 

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I am personally fine with Lana omitting Cola from any future setlists. Y'all really get me sometimes with your lack of social awareness and basic empathy. She made a song inspired by a man that ended up having over 80 credible allegations of sexual abuse. The #MeToo movement was literally born from these allegations and y'all have the audacity to complain she's not singing Cola anymore? I just don't really understand a lot of your priorities. God forbid Lana does something right...

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I hope someone got their hands on Malibu before it was deleted and leaks it. I wanna hear how personal it was.


I'm curious too just because, when talking about Malibu and when I think she was talking to MTV, she's mentioned how she's felt that she hasn't shared that much of her story. I'm curious what she considers her true story and what she's never talked about. 

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Coming out of the Lana closet:


- I love how Lana's voice blends with Sean's on TNC;

- Coachella is not a bad song IMO, maybe not as polished as the ones we are used to, but there is a context;

- I think LFL's production (the song) is perfect as it is, and I don't want to hear the «Blade Runner» demo;

- LFL (the album) is not as messy and as incoherent as everybody think it is, and I love all the songs on it, in the order they are;

- I think LFL (album again) will be better understood with the next one, which should be the answers to the questions raised on LFL;

- I think Carmen is the most «meh» song on BTD (not a bad one, but I can live without);

- Florida Kilos is not my favorite bonus track on UV (Is This Happiness, Flipside and Black Beauty are);

- I find HM as good as UV. 


I stand by my choices, as unpopular as they are. 



So many good points!!!! :gclap:

Florida Kilos is overrated, really it is nowhere near Is This Happiness!

Speaking of Is This Happiness - it should have been on the standard release.


The rest of the points need no explanation lol.

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good thing what lana del rey does to her face has no affect on you whatsoever 


leak the barrie-james co-written songs + elvis (2013)

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honestly she can do what she wants, but what is the point of her getting cheek fillers? are they supposed to make her look younger or something?




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I think we should stop lambasting Lana for her surgeries, it's been beaten to death at this point. Yes, she looked better before the cheek fillers. No, she's not going to stop getting them bc we don't like them. Just accept her as she is now 

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I don't think there'd be as much interest about the surgery if she was just open and honest about it.


I also think it's fair enough for people to be concerned, when it's clearly an addiction, but whatever. At least people are concerned as opposed to admiring and mimicking.


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I don't think there'd be as much interest about the surgery if she was just open and honest about it.


I also think it's fair enough for people to be concerned, when it's clearly an addiction, but whatever. At least people are concerned as opposed to admiring and mimicking.


I don't see much concern around here, just calling her ugly and making fun of her cheeks. Which I think is wrong. We all know she's gotten surgery and it'll take someone close in her life to intervene for her to stop, not people gossiping on the internet.

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ya'll saying sean sounds like kermit clearly have never heard the muppet speak in your fuckin life


good thing what lana del rey does to her face has no affect on you whatsoever 

party favor coming thru with the good takes



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Sometimes people online act as if Lana lusts after sugardaddies to provide for her but she's never sang or said anything that indicates that. She's only used the word daddy but that doesn't mean anything.

Perhaps not explicitly, but she's made several references to such a relationship-


I don't pay for anything, my cigarettes or diamond rings...


Harvey's in the sky... (which she said was reference to a Harry Winston type character)


Cash comes quick when looks can kill


Put me in a movie, you know I can't make it on my own - reference to someone who could make or break her career, someone more powerful than her


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