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Azealia Banks

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Did someone seriously pull the race card on people claiming Azealia should be locked up in a mental facility? 💀💀💀


Gurl…this bitch has bit a bouncer in the boob, threatened to cut someone with a smashed wine glass at a dinner party and stabbed her own sister with a knife.


This has absolutely nothing to do with race but simply with the physically violent behavior she has exhibited in addition to the stuff she writes online that showcases her mental state. Aside from that, she supports racists (Donald Trump), Nazis (Kanye West) and white people more than a lot of black people. Overall, she roots for anyone who is as equally insane as her.

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5 hours ago, Crazy Husband Stealer said:

Did someone seriously pull the race card on people claiming Azealia should be locked up in a mental facility? 💀💀💀


Gurl…this bitch has bit a bouncer in the boob, threatened to cut someone with a smashed wine glass at a dinner party and stabbed her own sister with a knife.


This has absolutely nothing to do with race but simply with the physically violent behavior she has exhibited in addition to the stuff she writes online that showcases her mental state. Aside from that, she supports racists (Donald Trump), Nazis (Kanye West) and white people more than a lot of black people. Overall, she roots for anyone who is as equally insane as her.

Not to mention the stuff about grimes baby having their skull sm**hed in :toofunny: she legitimately thinks her hexes are killing people so the defences here are funny.

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I haven't followed her news for a while but I see that she has started selling soap? Some tea ? natural products?


I like what she does, she puts her heart into it, but I have doubts about the arrival of the products. Does anyone know when she started her business and how it operates now? There isn't a lot of advertising around and I find the brand quite mysterious.


It's a scam, isn't it?


If not to talk about Azealia I still can't accept how this woman is a total mess. A wasted talent. Huge potential thrown away. She had made rap a more avant-garde genre than ever, and such an album. Such songs. She could dominate this world. I don't know what will become of her, if she is going to continue the music, I feel like she will never be stable because she will never get proper treatment. Do not expect anything more from her on an artistic level.

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A bit of drama around here but yeah the witchcraft all that, stay away from those people who practice that, even if you don't believe in it, please. People who do it want evil and always evil. You rot your life. Crazy stuff can happen after that (I know people I suspect are messing with it and I'm researching that right now)

All these things about the occult are not to be taken lightly, misfortune can really happen, I have no respect for those who practice it to harm innocent people.

Azealia is a person with too much hatred that can't manage to channel itself.

As long as we don't drag this girl by force before a doctor with the obligation of care and forced internment for a few months, this girl will always be evil.

And I feel sorry for her because deep down she's supposed to, and understands the world around her, but she's sick. One day she's really going to hurt someone and hurt herself.

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Y'all. Is it really this deep?


She's a very artistically talented person who is just frustrated as fuck over how she's been received and treated in the industry and media, and on a longer narrative arc - how she's been treated in her life thus far. She gasses her energy off in whatever (healthy or unhealthy) way she feels legitimizes her feelings. She's someone who's learned how to get attention and validation through negative/bad behavior; part of that was her upbringing and early life - it was unstable and not the best from what she's revealed in interviews. In situations like hers, she learned she's gotta scream to be seen, which is what we all get to witness.

I'm not saying it's right or excuses her behaviors either, but at the same time, it feels a little hyperbolic to go in with the "she's evil, she's sick" bit. Just a skosh.

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What’s funny to me is that i can comment something so detached & simply factual, like “she is not a criminal” and people JUMP to put words in my mouth, act morally superior, name call, and generally spew the same nasty vibe they claim to be above. :eartha:

Me typing the fact that Azealia is not a criminal =/= me agreeing with or supporting anything she says 


but please continue making assumptions + placing implications on me for your ego trips :byeh8rs: 


what do yall think will come first, Fantasea 2 or Masochism? 


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1 hour ago, Enchanted Mansion said:


It's a scam, isn't it?



nope, i bought her Fuck Me All Night perfume w a few pieces of miss Camaraderie, it's real & she packaged her box w her hands and it has lovely notes w confetti and stuff, really cute.

@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

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52 minutes ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

what do yall think will come first, Fantasea 2 or Masochism? 

If she learned how to channel her emotions into her art fully and used that as her emotional communication medium, instead of just rage-popping on IG live, we'd be on Fantasea 17 Roman Reloaded: Part 3 by now.

Masochism would require Sky to like, idk, do literally anything. Earth has a higher chance of suddenly rotating backward.

In short: Fantasea 2 probably more realistic unless she really just likes making coin off bussy soap. :noparty:

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I can summarise:neither will be coming out.


Azealia will deliver either a soundcloud scrap here and there on the internet or rant about the people unsuccessfully trying to salvage the remnants of her career and delay her music. Perhaps both. 

sky will just moan about her label for eternity and book a few actor cameos and some minor modelling shoots( no runways though). 

in short sky will win through by a hair via potential Netflix films 

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On 09/06/2023 at 17:07, SalvaWHORE said:


non, j'ai acheté son parfum Fuck Me All Night avec quelques morceaux de miss Camaraderie, c'est vrai et elle a emballé sa boîte avec ses mains et elle a de jolies notes avec des confettis et des trucs, vraiment mignons.


I'm glad you got it :wub: because I wanted to buy one of her perfumes or her teas
The design is really cute and well done yeah, the fact that it's done in few copies makes it all more rewarding

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azealia needs to be locked up! in a studio :hottie:


seriously somebody lock her up in the studio she needs to do something else other than internet ranting and soap making get working on those songs mama!

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18 hours ago, FkaIl said:

Girl pick a side :deadbanana:

She already has, you just can't see it because she's operating in a euclidian universe while us flops are still constrained in non-euclidian space.

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