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4 hours ago, Alison by Slowdive said:

i feel like surely the answer is not that lana has to move her home base away from LA/her friends/family/musical colleagues/favourite studios etc./houses she prob rly loves/brentwood market </3 i just don't see that as being a real option and in practice would feel punitive and isolating. i just hope there's more to do in terms of intensified personal and cyber security. ben and ed better be on the phone w the world's #1 cyber security company RN

I see your point but it’s LA, it’s not really a grassroots city where people settle down and it’s full of crime and poverty-she’s not going to get a bodyguard because she doesn’t THAT want fame-the easiest way out of this is to be someone like Marina who doesn’t get papped.

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when blue banisters came out i started wondering where we should draw the line with leaks. i always indulged in leaks from previous eras bc i assumed they would never be released but then some were. & now with lana's new posts we are left with a new question, is the limit when someone's safety is at risk? i think morally we should draw a line before we know something will be released & before someone is put in danger. in general i am now thinking all leaks, no matter how they are obtained or what their future will be are morally wrong. obviously listening to leaks is not as bad as being responsible for them leaking but it is still wrong imo. if an artist gives their blessing, it is a different story but that should go by a song by song basis. but also if an artist says it is ok but it was obtained in a less than savoury way is it still ok? obviously we all draw the line at different points & no one is going to stop a fan from indulging in leaks if thwy choose to but i think we are at the point where we no longer need to sugar coat it & we can admit it is always wrong. the more we try to excuse certain leaks, the more incentive people have to ruin future releases or risk lana's safety & i do not think we should wait until those lines are crossed to decide something is wrong. & this is directed at myself just as much as everyone else since this is something i have been pondering for awhile.


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32 minutes ago, bluechemtrails said:

At this point, we need a list of which leaks have been approved for listening and which have an uncertain status.

are you insane? like are you actually insane?


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37 minutes ago, i talk to jesus said:

when blue banisters came out i started wondering where we should draw the line with leaks. i always indulged in leaks from previous eras bc i assumed they would never be released but then some were. & now with lana's new posts we are left with a new question, is the limit when someone's safety is at risk? i think morally we should draw a line before we know something will be released & before someone is put in danger. in general i am now thinking all leaks, no matter how they are obtained or what their future will be are morally wrong. obviously listening to leaks is not as bad as being responsible for them leaking but it is still wrong imo. if an artist gives their blessing, it is a different story but that should go by a song by song basis. but also if an artist says it is ok but it was obtained in a less than savoury way is it still ok? obviously we all draw the line at different points & no one is going to stop a fan from indulging in leaks if thwy choose to but i think we are at the point where we no longer need to sugar coat it & we can admit it is always wrong. the more we try to excuse certain leaks, the more incentive people have to ruin future releases or risk lana's safety & i do not think we should wait until those lines are crossed to decide something is wrong. & this is directed at myself just as much as everyone else since this is something i have been pondering for awhile.

the god's words

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Horrible, especially all the personal pics and videos. I do hope nothing comes out of this...


I do wonder though when this occured, because a couple of months ago could be any time this year and afaik Ben has been teasing the album "coming soon" and stuff, so i guess it didn't really phase the management or label. But for her to address it now, something must have alarmed them...idk. I hope they manage to stop whoever might leak it, although that seems impossible. But at least jail the fucker if he does leak things.

It's so heartbreaking about the book and just how sad she sounded...


EDIT: Nvm, i just reread the transcript and she said "this week" people are still able to remotely access and leak her stuff, which i dont know what she's refering to apart from SOTB but i thought that leaked from Taylor's side

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not the gays trying to absolve themselves of guilt and to find a moral high ground while being completely hypocritical... no one is going to give you an "approved listening list" are y'all crazy they are ALL stolen and hacked and scammed material... stop with the mind gymnastics and decide for yourself at your own discretion if you wanna listen to something or not. what if she comes out and asks you to not listen to stolen songs from her producers/team? that crazy for you is on the next album it was stolen from her in 2020 or some shit (hypothetically since i know some of you will take it seriously...)? we gon sit and pretend like y'all didn't make 500 pages for that song and didn't beg day and night for it to be leaked? :air2: have your own ethics and values please, if lana being rightfully upset and asking us to respect her privacy and not listen to songs cause you to go unstable and come out questioning "uhh which stolen and hacked material is OK for me to listen to!" then maybe you shouldn't be listening to any of them in the first place... 

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Lana stepped away from the spotlight to just be creative and live free like she’s wanted to for years and this shit keeps happening to her. It’s so awful, I feel so sad for her, I hope she can find peace and comfort after such a gross invasion of privacy


edit: img I just really thought about it, like I use my notes on my phone as a personal diary, imagine if someone else had them and could share them at anytime. How stressful and vulnerable that would make you feel, I’m literally anxious rn, I’m signing up for a VPN

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6 hours ago, Elle said:

Here's a full transcription of the video I mentioned earlier, for anyone who wanted to go back and reference what she said - 


"So, I wanted to talk to you guys about something for a minute. A few months ago, I parked my car on Melrose Place and I stepped away for a minute, and the one time I left my backpack inside my car, someone broke all of the windows and took it, and inside of it was my computer, and my three camcorders, and my hard drives. & I had to remotely wipe the computer that had my 200-page book for Simon & Schuster, which I didn’t have backed up on a cloud because we do not have any, you know, cloud systems that we access, and despite that people are still able this week to remotely access my phone and leak our songs and personal photos. & I just want to mention that despite all of this happening, I am confident in the record to come and despite so many safety factors in so many different levels, I really want to persist and make the best art I can, and even if I have to start over with my book, which I do. You know, obviously, I won’t ever leave anything in the car again even if it’s just for a moment, but we’ve had the same issues at the house and it is a constant thing. & Although I’m so grateful to be able to share all of the good stuff, I just also want to share that it has been a challenge. & I think it’s important to say that it is a bit of a roadblock in terms of the creative process and keeping things safe and valuable and keeping me safe as well with all of the action that’s been going on around me, my home, everywhere I go. & So I don’t even think a plea for a respect of some privacy would even do anything, but I do want to be honest about the fact that I do have concerns about what’s going to be out there and the two years’ worth of videos that we have from the family and everything we were planning on turning in to. Just a small snippet of our lives over the last couple of years and whatever else may have been on there. Not exactly sure what’s gonna happen with it, but that’s just what’s been going on, and with everything leaking lately I just want to bring it to light that it’s hard and there’s really nothing to be done because I can’t really make my devices any safer. You know, however people access them is unbeknownst to me and unavoidable unless I just completely don’t have them and no one has them in terms of the songs. So, I’m hoping that nothing else, you know, becomes available or stolen. & This is just an off-the-cuff thought that I’ve had for a long time that I don’t really like to share things that are going not to plan, but you know, it’s why I’ve been private in the first place and it doesn’t really seem to have any bearing on whether or not things actually stay private, but you know, even if what I’m left with is just my innermost thoughts, I accept that, but just want to say that it is a challenge. And, um, so… Please don’t listen to the music if you hear it because it’s not coming out yet, and in terms of the book, I loved the book that I lost with all of my heart and put a lot of passion into it, and in terms of the camcorders we shall see what happens with that. So, that is an update that I would obviously normally not give, but I’m worried about it. So, you know, now that it’s like the third time that this has happened, I just wanted to address it. So, that’s that and onward and upward and, um, we’ll see. Thanks."

This is so sad, the poor thing, this is genuinely heartbreaking she sounds so sad gah this would be so awful to have to deal with.

it’s like being held at ransom but with your art/soul

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1 hour ago, bluechemtrails said:

At this point, we need a list of which leaks have been approved for listening and which have an uncertain status.

they’re all obtained practically the same way :lel:

also if im being totally honest if leak “links” were banned on this site.. i think the consequences would be substantial 


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11 hours ago, lernerderrey said:

People saying they are above and now against leaks should deleted everything that they have that's leaked. Maybe kahne outtakes could emerge from this. Probably not tho.

I'm ngl we need David Kahne outtakes so bad… although I also doubt they'd come from this, since the songs are over 10 years old

I do it just to amuse me 

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29 minutes ago, 111 said:

not the gays trying to absolve themselves of guilt and to find a moral high ground while being completely hypocritical... no one is going to give you an "approved listening list" are y'all crazy they are ALL stolen and hacked and scammed material... stop with the mind gymnastics and decide for yourself at your own discretion if you wanna listen to something or not. what if she comes out and asks you to not listen to stolen songs from her producers/team? that crazy for you is on the next album it was stolen from her in 2020 or some shit (hypothetically since i know some of you will take it seriously...)? we gon sit and pretend like y'all didn't make 500 pages for that song and didn't beg day and night for it to be leaked? :air2: have your own ethics and values please, if lana being rightfully upset and asking us to respect her privacy and not listen to songs cause you to go unstable and come out questioning "uhh which stolen and hacked material is OK for me to listen to!" then maybe you shouldn't be listening to any of them in the first place... 


I’d cry & exile myself for a week if I woke up to this response, but there is so much truth in it lol


Almost all of us engage in some form of privacy invasion every time we hop on this site, but it’s all about the range to which we extend our ethics onto the material :crai:


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59 minutes ago, 111 said:

not the gays trying to absolve themselves of guilt and to find a moral high ground while being completely hypocritical... no one is going to give you an "approved listening list" are y'all crazy they are ALL stolen and hacked and scammed material... stop with the mind gymnastics and decide for yourself at your own discretion if you wanna listen to something or not. what if she comes out and asks you to not listen to stolen songs from her producers/team? that crazy for you is on the next album it was stolen from her in 2020 or some shit (hypothetically since i know some of you will take it seriously...)? we gon sit and pretend like y'all didn't make 500 pages for that song and didn't beg day and night for it to be leaked? :air2: have your own ethics and values please, if lana being rightfully upset and asking us to respect her privacy and not listen to songs cause you to go unstable and come out questioning "uhh which stolen and hacked material is OK for me to listen to!" then maybe you shouldn't be listening to any of them in the first place... 

I think there are a lot of songs that are still "okay" to listen to, like older leaks (especially of unfinished songs) from 2012 that are no longer her style. For example she sang "Serial Killer" on her tour, so I think it's not wrong to listen. There's a risk that all the recent leaks are from the recently stolen laptop, so I don't want to hear them anymore. At least it would be good to know which songs are from which (known) theft and how long ago the leak happened.

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