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I honestly hope so too. I know she uses shots like that more for singles, but I hope it comes thru.. 


The Terrence Loves You cover was BEAUTIFUL  

I agree, the Terrence Loves You cover art was one of my absolute faves. I adore it, and she looks so glamorous with the fringe.




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If she wants a baby THAT badly she doesn't need to be in a relationship with a man. There's sperm banks everywhere and goodness knows she can afford IVF.


Lol as if it was that easy. If she really craves a family, that's more than just getting pregnant and having a baby.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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If she wants a baby THAT badly she doesn't need to be in a relationship with a man. There's sperm banks everywhere and goodness knows she can afford IVF. 

I feel like that might not be an option she wants to take, which is understandable. Most women who really want to have kids also want to have a romantic relationship with the dad. 


So it's not a question of whether she can afford it but rather if she wants to give up hoping to have a stable relationship that will also result in having a child with the man she loves. It's just not that simple.

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Dear Lord, please let me age beautifully like Lana del Rey....she looks so BEAUTIFUL... hopefully she acknowledges how beautiful she is with her freckles & without fillers.


And did we know if Lana has visited Lake Placid in the last few years?  And live her parents still there? Just curious though

Please, no more selfie covers, hope is a keyboard smash was enough. :deadbanana:

That's a mood haha


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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If she wants a baby THAT badly she doesn't need to be in a relationship with a man. There's sperm banks everywhere and goodness knows she can afford IVF. 


Yes, but she seems very traditional (and to have an aversion to being single, as well). I doubt very much she'd want a baby without having a relationship with the father.  


I wonder what was so wrong with Chase; I mean the dude follows a page called "lovely alpacas" so surely he can't be that bad ... 



ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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First thought when I saw that shitload of pictures from her on Insta: Bitch realized her phone was on plane mode and therefore could not post anything for the last two weeks, and this is her revenge.


On another note: That black and white selfie is flawless.

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I almost had a heart attack when I saw the photo with Sean, but I think those were a bunch of photos from different times in the past that she included because they have her new mom/friend in them...there are way too many people on that boat for social distancing anyway.  :creep: So I don't think it means they're back together. 


I love the May Jailer 2020 selfie.  :flutter:


I don't think she's ever been that vocal about her feelings about motherhood before. Maybe it's just that her friends are having bebes, plus Mother's Day can bring up a lot of feelings. I imagine her inner monologue right now being something like, "I feel ready to settle down...I'm disappointed Sean didn't work out...who knows if I'll ever meet Mr. Right...but there's other ways to be a mom or feel maternal...and at least I'm not a bad mom...speaking of, Patty and I do not get along!"  :awk:  

‘Fucking God bless us all and let’s hope we make it through this.’
~LDR, Flaunt


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I find it fascinating how this topic has become the equivalent of "The View", discussing politic opinions, parenting skills, self worth and more... Only Lana-centered.
Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back after a short break ! :thumb3:


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To be honest, she's free to feel however she wants. It's actually really saddening to read what she wrote, you kind of feel the need to comfort her. The problem I think is in how she deals with it publicly, for two reasons: first, her mother is not famous nor does she own an active social media account, that we know of, in order for her to defend herself or give her side of things if she wanted to (as she is being made to look bad in front of millions of people). It's quite possible that she doesn't check social media and might not even be able to see these posts unless someone else shows it to her or tell her about it.

Second, "Pat" might really be a bad mother, but there's also the possibility that they just have a rocky relationship and simply not get along because their personalities clash. In which case it would be very unfair that Lana is leaving the door open for the world to speculate the worse. Then again, those speculations could be true but there's no way to know for certain.

And this is extremely personal but it must be a difficult situation for her father to be in. He didn't like those two Instagram posts. Could be a coincidence though.


Other than that, the first tweet wasn't that bad to me and it's very sweet people with difficult relationships find comfort in it.

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This might be a stretch but - perhaps Lana could be infertile? It would explain her apparent longing to become a mother, or maybe she's seeing all her friends having babies and she hasn't found that yet.. Or maybe a combination of both.


I also don't think what she posted is "unforgivable" as someone said. She's allowed to not like her mom, and we don't know what happened behind the scenes. A lot of stans dig and dig for personal information on Lana and when she gives us some those same stans don't want it, or have to critique it. I know it was probably comforting to some people who look up to Lana who don't have good relationships with their mothers to see that she doesn't have a great relationship with hers either.

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reading all your posts has truly led me to be more insightful about lana's feelings.

i truly feel bad for her. not in an offensive way (?) but she seems very emotional over the idea of a perfect family. she clearly wants to have a child and have that "perfect" family (something we can assume at this point she did not have herself growing up) she almost seems to be anxious if you can say? but i wish i could just tell her its okay... shes only 35! my mother had me at 41 :hooker: ! obviously i dont know her true feelings as i am only speculating but i assume to some extent we all agree this is a very relevant topic in her life right now. considering she also lately loves to dm and talk to those insta moms who live the "picture perfect" family lives, (from what we can see) happy newly wed's with children relaxing in hawaii! 

we tend to forget celebrities are as human as us, they experience the same feelings, some even worse... who knows what state lana is in right now. whatever it may be i will always be sending her positive energy. 

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It's not easy finding the right partner. Especially these days when a lot of people either feel they can't afford or just straight out don't want to settle down. Listening to some of her 2009-2011 unreleased songs, she came off as a hopeless romantic and lowkey struck me as the type of girl who eventually wanted to find her happily-ever-after and start a little family. 


She wasn't always going to be the trailer park pin-up girl, the 60s inspired diva, and the sad girl/bad girl forever. Can't expect a 34 year old to be in the same place as their 26 year old self. I like seeing when she posts pictures hanging out with friends around LA. She was surrounded by bad influences and troubles during her 20s so I'm glad it seems she's clean and in healthier environment these days. 


My parents were the type of people you read about on forums like r/raisedbynarcissists. Yeah, they fed and clothed me and the basics. But they weren't at all the type of people you could trust or run to when you were feeling down unless you wanted to be ridiculed and feel worse in the end. The norm is for parents to be loving and caring. So most people don't understand what it's like to not get along with parents, or even more when some people dislike their own parents.


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my first language is not english, can you tell me what she meant?


It isn't a complete thought. It seems she was about to sing "Momma's always going to be right here" (if she finished the line like the others) but got choked up or for some other reason just stopped. Maybe it was too emotional a thought, either because her Momma wasn't always there, or if she meant herself as a "Momma", that thought made her choke up. 


Or, y'know, she just messed up the lyrics; can't count that out.  :thumb3:

‘Fucking God bless us all and let’s hope we make it through this.’
~LDR, Flaunt


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