Say Yes to Heaven 27,713 Posted January 2, 2017 I really feel like something will happen very soon. Lana Del Rey is waking up from her coma and she's beginning to serve us our breakfast! 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wynwood 19,968 Posted January 2, 2017 I'm waiting for Lana to change her bio on the honeymoon account. then we'll know she's ready for the new era i will be so annoyed if its 2018 and the caption still says that honeymoon is alive and breathing. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amadeus 11,335 Posted January 2, 2017 i really hope she gets her shit together and writes some choruses instead of just moaning the name of the track a few times. @rick nowels put her in her place this time and remind her of what she's capable of. Can't wait for new music tho it's been such a weird and long break since hm 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cherryblossoms 10,458 Posted January 2, 2017 she needs justin parker. end of story. It's been so long I'm really hoping to hear their recent work appear on LDR5 0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
valentinoeyes 335 Posted January 2, 2017 The rumors of 'Wild One' and 'Beautiful People' arose shortly before Honeymoon was released right? I wonder if that's when she actually began working on the record. Justin worked on both those songs so I'm actually dying to have them on this record.. even the titles have me excited if that's what they'll still be called. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reputation 6,323 Posted January 2, 2017 OK, Lana is obviously fluent in Instagram, so it doesn't seem uncanny for her to keep bio if she did not find it important. She's chaniging her bio via LDR in the means of possibility a new project whist keeping Honeymoon active. I believe there is a much bigger project at hand with Honeymoon. An album can't be alive, and the era is kinda dead. I mean, she even keeps it private like its some sort of relic. I also beieve NWG may be a discarded project for Ultra violence, but the account seemes more parodied along with being private, only allowing very close members access to the account. Going back to Twitter, she had tons of accounts that were possibly for AKA or these projects. Even so she keeps SC active, but her tracks are deleted with that one pic of her. I'm not as aware as for her music accounts, but I think her reverb account is still active along with a few meaningful songs. Nothing less, she takes online accounts and content to their fullest extent. Whatever is alive and breathing must be something big 0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coney Island King 26,349 Posted January 2, 2017 Yall need to keep your expectations low because some of you are expecting some sort of revelation come back and you and i both know that shit isnt happening lol it will be Honeymoon 2.0 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
valentinoeyes 335 Posted January 2, 2017 Yall need to keep your expectations low because some of you are expecting some sort of revelation come back and you and i both know that isnt happening lol it will be Honeymoon 2.0 And yet it's still making me nervous because there's a possibility she could've changed her mind. But I'm not sure that's the case since the demos are similar/described to how Honeymoon sounds. I still say bring it since we might potentially get a better narrative as I never had a problem with how Honeymoon sounded. And Once Upon A Dream is dark as well, but still excellent... and is also horror and orchestral 0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WaitForLife 5,255 Posted January 2, 2017 I'm fine with the leaks we got but I hope we will get something this year (maybe more UV leaks) 0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
latothemoon 11,847 Posted January 2, 2017 Lana liked this girl's video on Instagram where she said "2017 will be your year" "with you new album" 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trash Magic 28,639 Posted January 2, 2017 I just need some visual stimulation this time around 2 "It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ma30nmoore 1 Posted January 2, 2017 I honestly need new content 0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
katya 67 Posted January 2, 2017 Has everyone gotten over the fact were not getting BTD 2.0? 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leaked_version 10,499 Posted January 2, 2017 Isn't Coachella releasing their line-up for 2017 on the the 10th? If she is on there, then there is a new album on the way very soon. She shouldn't try to hype anything now, cause Ed :)han is releasing his new single on Friday and he is a huge seller and a member of the Taylor squad. She would risk that the hype for her song drowns because of him. There is also Gaga's SBHT show in 5 weeks and they are on the same label. Interscope might be releasing a new single from Joanne to take advantage of the exposure. Carly Rae who is also with Interscope will release a new single in March and she is always like a big jeopardy when it comes to singles. CMM and IRLY were hits, the rest of her songs tanked. So, idk. My guess is to wait for the line up for Coachella Oh, and she should totally avoid a clash between her and Lorde. The stanwars would be quite unbearble. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
latothemoon 11,847 Posted January 3, 2017 I just want a title so we can stop arguing if we should call it LDR4 or LDR5 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theviolence 5,877 Posted January 3, 2017 I JUST WANT A TITLE 0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SarcasticBeauty 1,575 Posted January 3, 2017 Has everyone gotten over the fact were not getting BTD 2.0? I'm not over it. I'm still bitter. Isn't Coachella releasing their line-up for 2017 on the the 10th? If she is on there, then there is a new album on the way very soon. She shouldn't try to hype anything now, cause Ed :)han is releasing his new single on Friday and he is a huge seller and a member of the Taylor squad. She would risk that the hype for her song drowns because of him. There is also Gaga's SBHT show in 5 weeks and they are on the same label. Interscope might be releasing a new single from Joanne to take advantage of the exposure. Carly Rae who is also with Interscope will release a new single in March and she is always like a big jeopardy when it comes to singles. CMM and IRLY were hits, the rest of her songs tanked. So, idk. My guess is to wait for the line up for Coachella Oh, and she should totally avoid a clash between her and Lorde. The stanwars would be quite unbearble. Lorde is trash... and I'm ready to have my gun and bible for her fans in this war. lol 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
graham4anything 2,859 Posted January 3, 2017 I would love to hear a duet Lana & Lorde. or Kate Bush. and a reciprocal duet with Weeknd and she should sing "Tammy" in tribute to Debbie Reynolds (plus its a great song well suited anyhow) (or a playful duet with a male on "Yabba Dabba Honeymoon" like Debbie did. why would Lana do Coachella again? Old news. Been there, done it. Perhaps a surprise walk on with Weeknd Which meme are those downer people suggesting??? why do the same people who (NEVER GO TO CONCERTS ANYHOW) whine that she did festivals and not solo concerts in 2016 but now whine for her to do them now? Hypocrites. I for one would be thrilled if Lana recorded a spoken word album and more stuff like Burnt Norton and Once upon a dream (hopefully in Maleficent 2 next year she will be on the soundtrack with a new song and a reprise of Once. Perhaps a narration for a book that includes photographs by Chuck, and the two can do a nationwide promo tour for that. I for one would love it if there were 12 concerts in 15 days in the middle of Sept. and I would go to all of them. (prefer not in July or August as who wants to leave the beach to drive somewhere.) but only in states that voted for Hillary. Fluck the red states, they ain't getting no tax money from me. How about some shows at the Theatre at Madison Square Garden? btw- I still have to respond to that totally wrong response to a response I made, but I need to find it and go into detail.Remind me if I forget but most certainly, I do NOT want a copy of Born to die. That would not be moving the next chapter forward, and that chapter has already been read. I am looking forward to the next chapter. 1 Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
missdelreyxo 3,786 Posted January 3, 2017 Lorde is pretty much irrelevant now i remember when she had a little spotlight she would blast celebrities and pick on female singers like she had the place, where she at now lmao. Also BTD is over!!! Lana cancelled ha she is over fatz. I don't think I'd stan for a remake of an album that already was iconic. There is no Doubt Born to Die is in the top ranks of the greatest albums of the 2010's. But all good things come to an end. If she kept doing the same vibe and theme like BTD there would be no artist development or story continuation and then like many before she would be virtually a has been. One of my favorite things Lana does is her ever changing tone of each album. She has mastered the art of concept, tone, and storytelling. With each era although some may not be my faves, she continues to tell the tale, there is a cohesive theme, there's very much a mood and emotion with each album. I want Lana to continue what she does best and develop her story. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
valentinoeyes 335 Posted January 3, 2017 Lorde is pretty much irrelevant now i remember when she had a little spotlight she would blast celebrities and pick on female singers like she had the place, where she at now lmao. Also BTD is over!!! Lana cancelled ha she is over fatz. I don't think I'd stan for a remake of an album that already was iconic. There is no Doubt Born to Die is in the top ranks of the greatest albums of the 2010's. But all good things come to an end. If she kept doing the same vibe and theme like BTD there would be no artist development or story continuation and then like many before she would be virtually a has been. One of my favorite things Lana does is her ever changing tone of each album. She has mastered the art of concept, tone, and storytelling. With each era although some may not be my faves, she continues to tell the tale, there is a cohesive theme, there's very much a mood and emotion with each album. I want Lana to continue what she does best and develop her story. I agree except about the part of Lorde being irrelevant. She's gonna release a potentially killer single with a great video and the world might possibly be at her feet again. Albums that take time rarely fail because much effort and thought has been put into it. She knows what she's doing. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites