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  1. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Instagram Updates   
    I was dragging her the last several days, but I feel like there's a bit of nit-picking going on in here now? Unless I missed something new on her story, she has done her part in protesting (silently before others urged her to post) and took down the looting video minutes after she was asked to. 
  2. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by Unknown in Instagram Updates   
    maybe queen will shift her focus from the US back to Europe like she did in 2012-14 because of all the negative american media attention 
  3. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by velvetxcrowbar in Instagram Updates   
    thank goddd she FINALLY listened to us and deleted without making a fuss about it
  4. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by velvetxcrowbar in Instagram Updates   
    omgggg i feel so bad for her why can't she do anything right 
  5. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Instagram Updates   
    yeah but it was so rude of her to do that. she could've respectfully sent her a private message like an adult instead of publically shaming her like that when clearly it was an accident, that behaviour was just loud and obnoxious and directed even MORE attention to the post
  6. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Instagram Updates   
    Also Tinashe, i love her but she needs to shut the fuck up and mind her damn business. That public response to her video was entirely uncalled for. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" pfft girl what is your problem.
  7. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by Barry in Instagram Updates   
    Page 200 reached in July 2018
    Page 400 reached in May 2020
    Page 600 reached in May 2020

  8. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Instagram Updates   
    remember social media has only been a major thing for the past say 10 years. just because you dont retweet a picture or write something online DOES NOT mean you do not care. that mentality is so annoying. however social media is obviously great for a number of reasons/spreading awareness which is why we wanted her to post something of course in the first place but the fact that she is taking physical action is a lot more than some of the assholes who are dragging her have probably done. and we cant assume the celebrities that haven't posted anything do not care either because for all we know they could've donated thousands towards charities but were honorable enough to not share it.
    moral of the story, lets not be so quick to judge everybody and stop being so reliant on social media for activism.
    just my two cents
  9. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Instagram Updates   
    seeing this much text gave me war flashbacks from lana's typewriter insta posts oh god
  10. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    people on twitter really making an #IStandWithLana tag good fucking bye
  11. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Instagram Updates   
    Wow she really can't win. The looting video was a mistake and she quickly took it down. It's pretty clear her intentions weren't bad, she was showing things she was witnessing from the protests and didn't think of the potential danger. I've seen similar videos all over social media from people who likely just aren't thinking. The point is, she quickly heard that it was problematic and removed it. People really don't have enough important things to worry about right now, that they also want to take the time to bully Lana?
  12. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by ANGELINA JOLIE in Instagram Updates   
    honestly tho I hope she deletes her social media or at least moves back to her honeymoon account or something, this whole social media culture is messy and exhausting af, I feel for her.
    Everybody just interprets what they want into her posts, it doesn't matter what she does, there is always someone complaining. And this pretentious "she should use her platform to spread awareness", "she should post donation links so ppl know what to do" or "her silence really says a lot" is ridiculous. What is this obsession and dependency with celebrities people have these days, since when does your social media feed reflect every part and corner of your political and social opinion. Everyone in- and outside the States knows what is going on, we don't need Lana to "spread more awareness" on this topic, it's all over the fucking international news. People all over the world are protesting, holding memorials and weirdly enough they got wind of it without the help of Lana.
    Yes, it would shed a better light on her public image if she posted donation links etc. but what would it really change? If you as a private person really care enough to get involved, you shouldn't depend on a celebrities' instagram or twitter feed in the first place, the first logical reaction would be to simply google how and where to help/show support/donate. Donation links are shared all over the internet and y'all mad at her because she's not as visibly involved as you want her to be? Besides the fact one should always double check sources/donation links, since celebs are humans and also make mistakes/fall victim to scams. A bit of self-involvement is always required, Lana isn't here to serve everything you need to know on a silver plate.
    If someone really is dependent on celebrities social media accounts to get informed about news and recent world events, the problem isn't a celebrity (Lana) not posting about it but one's unhealthy obsession with celebrities (and maybe the way of one own's media consumption). Lana is an artist, not a politician, social rights activist or human rights lawyer. It's not fair to judge and demand from her the same public engagement as someone who's doing it for a living or simply voluntarily chooses to be more vocal about it, it is not her job to educate people. And it's not her job to post every single thought she has, this social media obsession is getting out of control. It was already bad with facebook but Instagram and Twitter are making it worse, one is getting judged by their content on a frickin' APP. It's as if private thoughts, opinions and actions do not exist outside that social media bubble.
    Stan or unstan her, support her or not but it's ridiculous to pretend this is not some form of ego satisfaction, wanting your fave celebrities to share your same values and opinions and not wanting to get disappointed by seeing the human behind that "celebrity" image. It's not about her and her political stand or more "awareness" (she isn't the biggest celeb out there, i doubt her massive impact), it's about how we perceive her and wish her to be, because in the end, we are all obsessed but none of us really knows her outside of the image she created for herself, with the content she shares. Leave her be.
  13. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Instagram Updates   
    yeah she literally hasn't said daddy since florida kilos, give it up
  14. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by velvetxcrowbar in Instagram Updates   
    so awkward that everyone in her family has spoken up about BLM except lana   also chuck posting that "if you're neutral you side with the oppressor" story feels like a jab at lana idk
  15. Groupie Lover liked a post in a topic by velvetxcrowbar in Instagram Updates   
    groupielover posted all screenshots on their story
  16. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Instagram Updates   
    Also, I REALLY wish Kehlani and Tinashe would've just messaged her or something. Obviously Lana didn't have bad intentions, but by tweeting that, it brought a lot of unnecessary hate towards her. And when I say unnecessary, I'm not saying no one should be angry about the video, but people are saying nasty, unrelated things. 
    Not to mention that tweeting it out like that is just bringing attention to the video with the looter's faces... 
  17. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Instagram Updates   
    Glad she deleted the video without saying a word. It shows that she realizes her mistake and is willing to listen to criticism. Although I can't believe that people are dismissing the fact that she's out there protesting. They're still finding ways to call her anti-black while she's at at BLM protest. Oh well. I hope she posts a donation link and keeps it pushing.
  18. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by Be Free in Instagram Updates   
    Lana Del News
  19. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by Cacciatore in Instagram Updates   
    Anyways I'm glad she listened to what people had to say and edited the posts without throwing a tantrum. Hope she learns from everything that happened this month and just moves on. And I hope people move on too.
  20. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by BoardingSchool in Instagram Updates   
    The new Insta story, with the photo of her friends and then photos of the protests and a BLM sign, are so much better. 
  21. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by velvetcrowbcr in Instagram Updates   
    they wanna look heroic, i think them tweeting about it just brings more attention to lana’s post so like..what was the point lmao
  22. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    God I hope you guys never make any mistakes on the internet. She posted it, was told that she should not do it and then took it down. Can y'all get off your high horse?
  23. velvetxcrowbar liked a post in a topic by expandableclitoris in Instagram Updates   
    isnt obvious? they just want attention.... its sad
  24. Marius liked a post in a topic by velvetxcrowbar in Instagram Updates   
    thank goddd she FINALLY listened to us and deleted without making a fuss about it
  25. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by velvetxcrowbar in Instagram Updates   
    thank goddd she FINALLY listened to us and deleted without making a fuss about it
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