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  1. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by Fingertips in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Not All Who Wander are Lost is so gorgeous. I hope we get more tracks in the same vein down the line. 
    One of lana's more under-appreciated works for sure
  2. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by shady in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    In Serbia they play Blue Jeans, Summertime Sadness or Video Games every singe day on the most popular radio station and I LOVE IT. I wish they played something from LFL, West Coast, Radio, Diet Mountain Dew, Doing Time or something that isn't her earliest release. It's kinda annoying that the public acts like it's her only good era. 
  3. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
  4. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by plastiscguy in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    I can't wait to blast Blue Banisters in lossless Hi-Fi FLAC Dolby Atmos 3D 5.1 Surround Sound Charli XCX Vinyl-Rip quality!
  5. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by moonbeam monsoon in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    QFTC-  inspired by the upcoming 10th anniversary of Born to Die and the amazing fan-made book project, I’ve been playing the album and feeling my philosophical self. Can anyone imagine the culture if LANA DEL REY never rose to fame and remained an obscure performance artist? I shudder at the thought. I think I’d be truly dead by spontaneous combustion in a 2010s world of Gagas, Kardashians, and vapid influencers alone. 
    Some good performers make bops and some great musicians make a couple of powerful albums if they’re lucky, but Lana has given us a whole unassailable catalog of songs that serve many functions, not least as biting and brilliant cultural critiques. Lana isn’t a bop machine, nor even simply a rocket to the moon, but for a regular Joe like me she’s a whole ticket to the cosmos. Transformative and transcendent. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever love another human like I love and am grateful for Elizabeth Grant’s open and often bleeding heart.
    I know this is the BB pre-release thread and I’m getting there. What I’ve heard of the album is so truly magnificent that I barely have words. I cannot stop playing Living Legend-Cherry Blossom-Nectar of the Gods. Dealer and Thunder feel like an evolution of my favorite sounds from Lust for Life (a monumental work I’ll defend to my dying breath). Text Book and Blue Banisters scared me when they first released but sound incredible in the larger context. Wildflower Wildfire is a Heroin-level track in my humble opinion. And Arcadia. Oh, Arcadia. Listening like I listened to Video Games means playing the video on YT and seeing the truth of Hollywood in the eyes of Paz de la Huerta. Only this time the truth is fully in Lana, fully possessing her authorial power, and it isn’t just Hollywood but the mercurial and painful Arcadia we’re all living in. I love her I truly love her. And I’m so completely thankful.
  6. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by Sportscruiser in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    My ex just texted me he got into a Vogue internship which interview I got for him when we were dating. We had a little bonding moment between the two of us, which was heartbreaking for me because even though I know we’re both madly in love with each other, we want different things… or maybe we’re in different timings. It’s like we used to be in the same wave for a period in time but now the sea has driven us apart and we’re at different points in the ocean; still able to feel our connection permeating between us but not close enough for an embrace.
    He misses me and he told me that. I said I couldn’t possibly express what I feel through words (spoken or written) but a song perhaps could. 
    So I sent him Thunder. He saw my reply but hasn’t answered yet. I can almost feel him spinning the song on an endless loop, drinking all the emotion off of it. As I’m doing right now as well - both connected through four and a half minutes of a bittersweet journey.
    Sorry for the random post but I feel like I wanted to share this with my LB family. My heart aches but there’s something about Thunder, in the midst of all the nostalgia and resignation that keeps me going. I can’t wait to be able to listen to it in our queen’s new album. What a time to be alive.
    Just do it… just do it, don’t wait.
  7. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Instagram Updates   
    Joan Baez has released over 30 albums, Joni Mitchell 19 studio albums. 
    I promise you that Lana isn't going to stop making music. It's in her DNA. She will always write and sing as long as she is able to. It's been apart of her since she was a child and I can't imagine her just stopping. She may take breaks here and then but there will always be more *something* from her. 
  8. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    i'm so excited for this album! lana's exit from social media hasn't changed how i feel about the album. i'm really sad about her exit for personal reasons and also because i'm really worried about her, it's so weird caring about someone so much who you've never met. I genuinely hope she's okay. 
    I'm really looking forward to hearing her unreleased songs being officially released and how they sound now and what she did to them. I'm also really looking forward to hearing the songs we haven't heard before. This album is gunna make me cry so much. 
    Lana is just our little caterpillar going into her chrysalis phase. She'll be gone for a little while and will come back better than ever. 
  9. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    Chemtrails is so underrated and misunderstood, truly a sublime masterpiece. It's both gentle and dark and tells a beautiful story of her ultimate rejection of fame, which makes perfect sense given where we are today with this album's rollout and what she said Blue Banisters means to her. The story she's been telling since day one is so incredible and intricate and I really feel so lucky to be witnessing it in real time. In the future, at the end of the her career, people will be able to look at everything as a whole and see how amazing it all is, but we are the lucky ones who get to see her life's story unravel as it goes, and understand all the little moments of where she's at in the moment that Lana infuses into each chapter.
  10. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    COCC will make more sense soon... Its not a final album... she is moving 
  11. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by FallingCherry in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    At first when I learned that there would be six unreleased songs on the album, I was a bit confused as for why she’d choose to include them over newer songs, but since it was confirmed that CB, Thunder and Living Legend  were gonna be on the album, I couldn’t be more excited for the album. Hearing them remastered and in HQ is gonna have me pass out!! The only unreleased I don’t really care for is Nectar, tbh I really hope she reworked it. But I totally understand why it’s a fan favourite
  12. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    As much as I want her to have one last big era where she fly rockets the charts this seems like the road she is going to take and it’s the best for her. Honestly her life is very iconic and she’s one of the most interesting people I’ve seen. Crazy to thing that she come out very struggling only to release the most influential album of the decade to get back into her shell to continue her art, not her career.
  13. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Instagram Updates   
    I will speak for myself on this but..
    Lana's presence and art has literally saved my life. I cant even begin to explain to you the pain and darkness i've gone through and how having her music and seeing her made it so much more bearable. I know it seems silly, but for people who don't have a lot emotionally, she is the thing we look forward to to keep us going. The extremely sudden absence leaves an empty spot for me. It was the one thing i had to feel connected to her. It may be different for you, but please at least understand and allow people to react the way they need to. This forum is pretty much the only thing we have to be able to connect with each other about someone we all love so deeply. 
  14. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by LanaTrailer in Instagram Updates   
    She is not deactivating her networks because she is having a bad time! Actually I think it is the opposite. Chuck's baby, the new album that is about to be released, working on another album ... I don't know where the rumor that she is sad started from? 
    I'm happy for her making such a good decision for her health.
  15. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by Bird World in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    At this point, I'd love to see an interview, where she reflects on her whole career 
  16. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by The Stargirl Pinky in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    Dibs on the Honeymoon username when they get banned 
  17. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    She's kind of on a streak of working with exes on music, so if she wanted to get into the studio with Arthur Lynn, I wouldn't complain  The Rich Whores era produced some of my favorite unreleased songs 
    (obviously we don't know what happened in their relationship so i can't even say if that's possible, just some useless dreaming)
  18. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by Alison by Slowdive in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    i think @lustforlife is fun  like who doesn't wanna theorise a surf rock ballad? 
  19. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by Furor Poeticus in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    I signed up for the class as Elizabeth Grant  and nobody blinked an eye.
    So why was I so sure that
    when I walked into the tiny shack on Bali Way someone would say:
    “You’re not a captain of a ship or a master of the sky.”?
    No, the fisherman didn’t care and so neither did I
    I felt quoting the best poem from Violet was appropriate even if a little off-topic 
  20. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by Hannus in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    we could storm the factory then, it's not that far 
  21. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    The album seems to reflect her last 10 years on the industry. She put songs that are very important in her journey. Some of them are unleseads... but every unreleseads mean something and talks about a certain moment. she is not lazy. 
  22. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    violets for roses is about a toxic relationship and heal... Also the heal theme is recurrent on the album. This album is big. alot of you gonna put this on the top of her discography
  23. ultrarescent liked a post in a topic by Sportscruiser in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    Sorry to be bothering you with questions yet again @lustforlife... I'm sure you're getting a lot of these and I apologize in advance to add even more pressure to the mix.
    But I just can't stop thinking about Black Bathing Suit. What can you tell us about it? I'll settle for anything you might wanna share!
    And btw thank you so much for the info you've been spilling. Something about the way you word it makes it feel more intimate and tender.
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