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About Flowerbomb

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  1. I literally deleted that comment like 10 mins ago (autism is a bitch), why are you trying to bring it up now? I'm too tired to fight everyone in this thread Side note: I aways imagined Lana would have a summer wedding so I'm surprised they chose a September wedding
  2. OKAY I have so many thoughts: Deleted this part bc offensive apparently - Given that Lana is a Christian, is she only getting married NOW because she's pregnant?? (someone said this on Reddit and I'm lowkey convinced) - WHAT is it about this Trumpy swamp guy that tops all the other men she's been with? Over Clayton? Barrie? Chase? Sorry for the energetic typing, my mind is FRAZZLED Stream Fine China
  3. Ya'll I've been inactive for like months, what's going on. Just a real quick rundown thank you
  4. Omg a new album? I love the name of it, let's hope she keeps it RIP Rock Candy Sweet
  5. She NEEDS to cover Goodbye Horses by Q Lazzarus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zILmrAJgzSc&ab_channel=QLazzarus-Topic
  6. Ya'll remember that leaked snippet called 'Sugary Sweet'? I hope that will be on LDR10. It sounded so gorgeous
  7. 300K people marched in London in support of Palestine. Why are Hollywood celebs like 'something doesn't sit right with me'. Like? I'm sorry but the majority of people I've seen have been pro-Palestine so how tf are these celebrities getting shit mixed up and supporting Israel?
  8. I've noticed this too. It's especially bad on Fishtail which is a shame because I really like this song
  9. Rust Dress uses an UV pic, and Lana is re-releasing SYTH, an UV outtake what is Lanita doing
  10. I've been hard for this song ever since it's snippets leaked in 2016. SYTH will have her moment
  11. Does anyone know what this is for? Just a standalone single or is it part of an actual album?
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