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Make me your Dream Life

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About Make me your Dream Life

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    taurus era

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  1. Stuck on Zombieboy, love this Edward Scissorhands adjacent looking diva
  2. The Right Person Will Stay 1. Portrait 2. The Right Person Will Stay 3. Avalanches 4. Henry, Come On 5. Julia 6. Dragonfly Bouquet 7. Dawning 8. Offshore (Del Norte County) 9. Waiting by the Garden's Gate 10. Stargazer 11. Ours 12. Rivermouth 13. Something to Call My Own
  3. Sometimes the audience or how the audience reacts is more telling of the art than the actual art etc. Something I’ll always learn from Wicked is the commentary of the environment/ audience, and that sometimes it does so much more to enjoy the medium by hearing it out before writing it off and missing out on important meanings etc. like doing that just wastes the art
  4. No I cant see straight but the feel is right ya zombieboy!
  5. Love how the world of pop has her. Born entertainer, and love how she puts her heart into things on the forefront excited for the new album
  6. it's just a vague, long ass promise so I don't think it's fair to complain but will we get appetizers at least
  7. I love her celebrity and ofc her work, but she mentioned September last year. I'm alright w the wait, but also, just in general. I think it's seemed like forever since earlier this year and maybe for some others too.
  8. I kinda wonder if she'll have horror organs on the record. imagine the spooky soundscape and then bam! but knowing her it'd probably just come and go in like bells and waves in n out softly if she were
  9. I can't even pretend to be interested in all the surmising. I mean if someone can just ask tessa when the album's gonna be released, then. but if not, well it's been like this for hundreds of pages now so
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