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  1. fishtails liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    there’s so much beauty in having to wait - LDR 
    it’s quite nice / exciting not knowing what is coming, and just bathing in these 3 beautiful songs. 
  2. Get Drunk liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    there’s so much beauty in having to wait - LDR 
    it’s quite nice / exciting not knowing what is coming, and just bathing in these 3 beautiful songs. 
  3. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    there’s so much beauty in having to wait - LDR 
    it’s quite nice / exciting not knowing what is coming, and just bathing in these 3 beautiful songs. 
  4. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I think a preorder with a new single in early July is realistic. With a end of August or September release. 
  5. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    i dont even think there's an album like i think she's still working on it lmao
  6. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Venice Peach in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    No hate to miss chunk but HM and LFL had flawless photshoots by Neil and ended up having the worst covers . Chuck's early shoots with Lana were so good tho (the Lizzy Grant days, the music videos' bts, the one in the beach with the leather jacket...). She's not bad at all but I'm a Neil stan sorry 
  7. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by BluebirdXO in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    So... Rob posted:
    "In a rare moment of fashion negligence...I was asked to wear a plain blue shirt. I had an out of body experience which lasted about an hour. I know that somewhere out there...a Hawaiian shirt is crying"
    What if Lana is shooting BB cover and Rob is in it? I could totally see a cover similar to COCC, but with everyone wearing blue
  8. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Omg sorry if someone already posted this I just absolutely love her reactions and lyric analysis. 
  9. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by anwdelrey in Instagram Updates   
    I wonder if she got her fillers dissolved. Something looks different. 
  10. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by bel air rose in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    manifesting professional album cover, tracklist, and preorder with behind the iron gates book bundle in 30 mins 
  11. drugmunny liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Instagram Updates   
    has anyone noticed Jens sisters tik tok? her name is ‘mackenziestith’ & she talked abt how she herself got a chin liposuction instead of a ‘kybella’ & she said  one of her friends did kybella & it changed the shape of her face to be rounder ? & kept ranting about not doing kybella cuz it makes the face rounder.  obviously it’s probably not lana she’s referring to bc lana is more friends with Jen, mackenzies sister, but lanas face recently has looked thinner since she did the livestream for COTCC. idk it isn’t anyone’s business & she looks stunning regardless so i’m just being nosy not critiquing LDR. 
  12. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Wdym? Blue Banisters IS out now
  13. fishtails liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana is looking so happy & healthy tonight celebrating her friend Jen's birthday! her nails and lips look so cute. Jens sister posted a quick vid on insta (she also looks so much thinner in the face? not judging either, at all, just observation, like she looks almost like NFR era with the hair color too ❤️) sry this prolly Needs to be instagram thread oopsies  
  14. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    dude she's totally checkin the site out i mean we mention velma and the scoobus gang and what does she do? she retro's her sunnies and serves daphne and fredward's child. she's here, hello ms. Lana hello hello
  15. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Prettywhenyoudye in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    she looks soooo good omg????
  16. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I think Chunk must be due really soon because Rob seems to be staying in LA
    At least it'll be really cute seeing Auntie Lana with the baby. Maybe the baby will inspire ha to release something to mark the birth
  17. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Lana and Rob at Craig's in West Hollywood, CA - June 10th, 2021   
    she looks so fucking good wtf
    those glasses are EVERYTHING
  18. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in Lana and Rob at Craig's in West Hollywood, CA - June 10th, 2021   
    Paparazzi will literally sit outside of Craig’s for 24 hours waiting for someone to show up, I doubt she called them 
    But ya if you are a celeb you don’t go there if you don’t want to be seen so  same difference
  19. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I actually really like Jack Antonoff and from what I’ve seen of his interactions with other people and his interviews, etc. he’s a really nice guy and he really cares about music and what it stands for.
    I will say, though, I do think that NFR really changed this trajectory he has been on since then; you could argue that a lot of the major albums that he has worked on since NFR’s release (excluding his own Bleachers projects) contain echoes of what people think “Lana Del Rey” has evolved to sound like. I think they’re all great albums but I do think that there seems to be a sort of continuity between a lot of his production on other people’s records lately - and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s his signature style and his “tag” I guess.
    But I am glad that Lana seems to be branching out a bit and is continuing to forge her own path. She is simultaneously an artist with a signature style and a musical chameleon. Whether or not you would care to admit it, she has an influence that I think a lot of people pretend isn’t there - but it’s there. Even if certain alternative artists don’t know it, their output is shaped and albeit, only possible because of her impact on the scene. 
  20. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by The Stargirl Pinky in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I thoroughly enjoy the records we got from Jack/Lana (aka Jalana? LaJack? ) in the past several years.
    However, I get this aura of Brooklyn Douchebag from Jack Antonoff and I ain’t here for it 
  21. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by Miss Doing Nothing in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Yes! She finished RCS and she thought: “well I did Paradise edition. I want to release it all at once. With. the addition.” The story was missing some more information and let the two albums talk to each other. She found a new way without a white dress to get it under control
  22. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by yayoop in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    honestly this^^
    I feel like the background isn't the cover but even if it is hopefully we'll still get an UO AltCover (at least we better  ) 
    also if it is actually the cover then I don't mind it, it's grown on me 
    When you compare it to other album covers (Born to Die specifically) it feels really defiant?
    Like she's finally gotten in the car and she's at this point where she doesn't need to have this highly stylised image of herself anymore, and even tho it's normal for artists to put out multiple covers she's just doing it how she wants to
    Even the music is different, at least what we've heard. It's more stripped back and poetic as opposed to very cinematic and boppy? I can't think of another word I'm sorry
    Even Norman's cover was kinda forced on her, she said the alt cover (another selfie photo, which I love) was originally meant to be the general cover and I guess with CoCC she went with a music video bts photo?? (And we at least still got an alt cover from an actual shoot)
    She's actually so weird now that I think about it..
    Anyways if she's gonna go with any selfies I really want it to be that other BlueBanisters selfie she posted and then archived because that was so pretty
    Idk if I'm making any sense right now tbh (I don't do drugs feat. ArianaGrande ) 
  23. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by mlittle11 in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    i think that pic is probably just the TB single pic with a b&w filter on it so it fits better as a background to the site. idk why she would reveal the album cover by making it the background behind the singles... but honestly who knows that this point 
  24. whitelungswhitepalms liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    OKAY idk why but I ACTUALLY LIKE THIS SO MUCH???? she looks HOT AF and SEXY and BADASS like she won't not f*ck someone the f*ck up? I prefer it black and white like this 
  25. Three White Butterflies liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Lana is looking so happy & healthy tonight celebrating her friend Jen's birthday! her nails and lips look so cute. Jens sister posted a quick vid on insta (she also looks so much thinner in the face? not judging either, at all, just observation, like she looks almost like NFR era with the hair color too ❤️) sry this prolly Needs to be instagram thread oopsies  
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