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  1. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by renaissance in Lorde   
    This literally sounds identical to ...At The Holiday Party by St Vincent lmao Jack deserves jail
  2. theviolence liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Lorde   
    I actually found it quite pleasant! It's a nice song, has nothing groundbreaking to it nor does it have any kind of replay value, also I will have forgotten it by a few minutes ---- but I didn't have a bad time listening to it though
  3. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Lorde   
    I actually found it quite pleasant! It's a nice song, has nothing groundbreaking to it nor does it have any kind of replay value, also I will have forgotten it by a few minutes ---- but I didn't have a bad time listening to it though
  4. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by shady in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    This is so true and probably one of the worst trends in pop culture. It creates this eco chamber where out of touch celebs say the same thing and pet themselves on the back for being so brave and moral. I would prefer the majority of celebs being "airheads" with only a few who genuinely care about politics than this. The ratings of the Oscars and Grammys shows how the public reacts to bullshit but they can't seem to get it. This has gone so far that celebs have become propaganda tools. How moral is a celeb who knowingly has young fans like Ariana and Billie and encourages them to vote for a democrat president and have a certain ideology? They're all for equality but don't bother to tour everywhere else that isn't the US, UK, west Europe, Japan and AUS.
    As for Lana, she isn't far from them. She's trying to jump on the bandwagon but fails to catch the train. Dumping Kanye over being a republican? Kanye is batshit crazy but it's pretty disturbing if you decide that people who vote for a different party don't deserve to be friends with you. She reacted so poorly when people joked that she was a republican instead of laughing it off like in that furry livestream. She can still be a democrat but expressing it in a different way would suit her more. She doesn't seem radical at all giving by her her QFTC statement but I understand the pressure from her environment. 
  5. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I think people are kind of starting to get the idea that Lana owes us constant interaction and social media presence, which isn't true at all. There are multiple celebrities who aren't even on social media at all and still do well/have a good relationship with their fans. If she wants to be less active on Instagram and Twitter for this era, that's totally fine with me, especially with everything that's gone on in the past year or so. Just seeing her comment section on the triple single post she made (and has since deleted) kind of made me understand why she would not be active if she's doing it intentionally. I could go on and on about the parasocial relationship thing and how it relates to Lana/her fans, but for now, I'm just going to say that I hope she's doing well mentally and taking care of herself. I've also been spending a lot more time with the singles since summer started for me and I'm loving them even more than I did before. Text Book has grown on me a lot. 
  6. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    are y'all really pretending Purge The Poison and Man's World are anywhere close to anything Lana has ever put out
    Lanzis worst songs are still better than these 2 sorry ass singles and those are facts
    Marina better come thru with the rest of the album and it better be in the same vein as the title track
  7. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by rosesofsaigon in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Born to Die while a legendary pop album of the early 2010s, it sounds dated.
  8. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I couldn't care less if people don't like Lana's newer music (sucks to be them ) but it definitely is exhausting when the criticism isn't constructive or engaging but just rude. We don't really need to repeatedly hear people say "flop this, Nikki Roach that, this person sucks, that person is lazy, etc etc." Trashing the work isn't the same as discussing it.
  9. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Fingertips in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Me to all of you, who after hearing those three tracks, think we're still getting "pop bangers!!!!!"
    Please. please just put Born to Die and Lust for Life on repeat and leave the rest of us alone who don't need her to be a pop star

  10. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by necessary sacrifice in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Why should she have to change to prove herself to the critics? Isn’t that just selling out and conforming? That’s like the opposite of revenge. I’ve always liked how Lana doesn’t try to be something she’s not for a quick hit. That in itself is the best revenge.
  11. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by sweetie in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Okay well I'm happy for you that you have these dreams. It's nice to be optimistic.  I hope you won't be disappointed when our stiff and shy singer who sings about childhood abuse in slow & depressing 5 minute ballads doesn't serve that fierce & catchy pop banger designed to please the critics.
  12. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by sweetie in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I don't think she's bothered about "destroying Taylor, Ariana, etc." at this point in her career? 
    It seems like she just wants to tell her story authentically. 
    This bombastic pop song @ an award show just seems way out of character for her. 
    And it would be the worst way to get 'revenge', imo. If anything, it would confirm the critics 
  13. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by 5Rick in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I don't remember who was talking about good quality headphones, but I seriously spent over 300 euros for HQ headphones last week and since then EVERY Lana song is like an INTENSE orgasm... TRUST ME, invest in good headphones (possibily with cancelling sound option) and you will not regret it. Save some money sparing with some vinyls of this biatch (i'm actually a poser because in the end I always buy every single f version of her albums) and focus also on the equipment 
  14. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Mer in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Free Online Hearing Tests
    List of Good Quality Headphones
    Some resources for everyone who doesn't hear the nuance and complexity of the new songs' production value. 
  15. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    very unpopular opinion but i really couldn't care less about the album cover if the music's good  personally i don't think it's a great cover... but if that's the album cover i'll accept it, it could be worse... which i know is saying a lot because it's a picsart edit 
  16. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by honey dew in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I can't stand when people claim objective truths about something as fundamentally subjective as music girl even though I've probably done it in the heat of the moment but I'm getting defensive bc these songs all affected me frankly on another level than what Lana's music has before but you won't hear me lamenting that there's no fire on Honeymoon because what does that even truly mean? WW is maybe her most firey song for me because it's so powerful and soul-baring. I found the instrumentals to be deeply emotional like the droning synths in BB trap me in this intensely depressive state it's hard to listen to. That's because as an individual I'm susceptible to being affected by the kind of sound in BB for whatever reason. On the flip side Yosemite didn't affect me at all. I rebuke the idea that a song necessarily needs to have "sonic variation" or this or that to be emotional like that is just pretentious it's all just aestheticism and subjectivity and what resonates with you based on your life experience. Also for want of a less crude description you CAN take a poem and employ repetition on a few lines and say it's a song because that's essentially what most of our best singer-songwriters have been doing for decades
  17. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i still love chemtrails  
  18. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    theyve been out for 29 hours are you guys on crack
  19. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by lanasbottom in Triple single release: Blue Banisters, Text Book, & Wildflower Wildfire - OUT NOW   
    here comes the cocc slander until next era when suddenly everyone will love how misunderstood and underrated cocc was and fake loving it from the beginning. will this cycle end some day it’s been a decade...?
  20. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by COCC in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Guys. What if there will be no promo. What if she has finally completely divorced from mainstream and built her own league where she doesnt need promo, music videos or photo shootings. 100% songwriting and nothing else.
    i‘m so proud of her, TB almost made me cry 
  21. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in Triple single release: Blue Banisters, Text Book, & Wildflower Wildfire - OUT NOW   
    I don’t think it’s fair for us to judge Pat tbf, we do not know the circumstances or how her upbringing affected what she thought was right for Lana- just enjoy the songs I guess.
  22. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Triple single release: Blue Banisters, Text Book, & Wildflower Wildfire - OUT NOW   
    Honestly I wasn’t expecting them to be this much ballads so I was a little bit disappointed at first but now that I know what I’m getting into I love them for what they are. She hasn’t told a story this much since forever and I’m here for it. I love the production expect for the drums in ww (it seems like I’m the only one who thinks like this but they kinda scratch my ears?) 
  23. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Bonita in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Chemtrails had it's time to shine even if it was unfortunately short - a majority hate it for their own reasons but I'm glad Lana managed to put it out instead of shelving it because despite it's flaws, it's still a great body of work with a great concept and narrative to boot.
    As Lana said herself "Chemtrails" is like a standstill and I think everyone could agree - it's such a perfect album in between her discography that signifies what's come before it and what's to come after it, and the notion of which is very exciting.   
    After all Chemtrails graced us with God Dress and many great additions to her discography - but a change has come and we're so here for it 
  24. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by sjatib in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    So "capitalism made us poor, but spiritually". Damn, Marina...
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