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  1. Embach liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Favourite Lana Lyrics   
    Anyone can start again
    Not through love but through revenge
    Through the fire, we're born again
    Peace by vengeance brings the end
  2. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Promo Single: "SHADES OF COOL" (May 26)   
    I started crying while listening to it. I can't anymore. Lana, stop. You're breaking my heart, bitch. Ugh. 
    What will happen when UV is released completely? I don't know if my heart can handle it. 
  3. cashcomesquick liked a post in a topic by honey dew in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Why is America so deeply allied with Israel whats going on there
  4. cashcomesquick liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Don’t listen to the Zionists. I’ve followed the illegal occupation of Israel for a decade. Not when it was all over the media and every social media platform. What is happening to Palestinians is unbearable, it makes me sick and I lose sleep. I have followed people who would posts updates that are now dead. Regardless of Israel’s belief to self defense, the number of civilian deaths outweighs the death of “terrorists”
    the constant bombing and slaughtering of civilians only radicalizes Hamas more. And will radicalize younger generations in Palestine for years to come. I will always stand with the oppressed. Do not get confused by propaganda. 
  5. cashcomesquick liked a post in a topic by Nahime in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Israel is and has always been the OCCUPIER for the last 75 years
    Being the occupier implies that they are in an OFFENSIVE posture. You can’t tell they are defending themselves when they are the colonisers.
    saying the occupier defend itself is as absurd as saying a rapist is defending himself from his victim.
    Palestinians have been : killed, raped, humiliated and held captive for 75 years.

    Plus, it is well documented that Netanyahu funded Hamas. It is a part of his evil strategy.
  6. cashcomesquick liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    This recent escalation is a great reminder of how lucky I and others are to live in a Western country. 
    USA needs to stop sending money to Israel (and every other country) and start using it to address the problems existing here. 
    Do people think social media posts will really change the outcome of this conflict or is just the usual virtue signaling? If you care about the disenfranchised so much go out to your OWN community and donate your time.
  7. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in BBC Radio 1 Annie Mac COCC Premiere Jan 11th 2021   
    Y’all butthurt coz she spilled all that tea about the US ? She perfectly described the core problem US citizens have
  8. gothphetamine liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    You found your conclusion to this: "Musically I think she's perfect".
    That's all that really matters.
  9. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I love the transition from Burnt Norton to Religion.
    “Down the passage which we did not take
    Towards the door we never opened
    Into the rose garden“
    As soon as BN ends, Religion starts playing with its opening chords. These chords feel like a door being opened.
  10. Raise Me Up liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Dream Lana Collaboration Thread   
    Lizzy Grant, May Jailer and Lana Del Ray. No one else is worth of working with such an talented and blessed icon
  11. Elina liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Girl That Got Away   
    This song is too sweet to handle
  12. ionut liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Please, don't start the "unreleased title xy would be perfect on the album" mess
  13. lanaismamom liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Fine China   
    Wow, she did that. How can someone be so talented
  14. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    West Coast is definitely one of the best tracks.
  15. lanaismamom liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Flying to the moon listening to Heroin. Masterpiece
  16. cashcomesquick liked a post in a topic by Arzi in If Lana became huge...   
    Watch the new album statement be another lie
  17. cashcomesquick liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in If Lana became huge...   
    For the type of artist she is, she's pretty big.
    And she is doing another album for those wondering. She said it herself.
  18. cashcomesquick liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Lana arriving to Churchome in Beverly Hills, CA - April 27th, 2022   
    maybe i was thinking of hillsong. idk most churches are creepy and do things we don't know about
  19. cashcomesquick liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Grammy submissions 2022   
    Adele’s new album sweeping would be more deserved then when 25 sweeped imo. That winning over Lemonade was weird. 
    Lana won’t win anything. 
    She’ll get one of those special Grammys when she’s 60, those random “generation” awards or “legacy” awards to make up for years of disrespect x
  20. cashcomesquick liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Grammy submissions 2022   
    The plus side to this is that I don't have to watch the Grammys this year 
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