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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by alidusi in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    i think, visually, it's beautiful (excluding a lot of the gods and monsters part, some of that was a little too much for me). most of it is undeniably very pretty. how great the rest of it is is arguable. i can see how a lot of people wouldn't enjoy it. tropico does not fit everyone's taste -- then again, neither does lana's music. i liked the poetry she recited, although i didn't know the authors and stuff while watching it but i just looked up the poems and i plan on watching tropico again later now that i have more insight. i think it was a beautiful and meaningful film although there are some things i would have done differently, such as some of the g&m scenes and i wish there had been more dialogue. but overall i definitely think lana achieved her goal.
  2. bellamafia liked a post in a topic by alidusi in TOSTB   
    this is the most ridiculous thing and there's a reason nobody else here is on your side.. we all know you don't like tostb for other reasons but that doesn't mean you should twist this around and make it out to be some monstrous thing when it's actually fucking harmless. he's a fan of lana making this for other fans of lana WITHIN THIS COMMUNITY for us to enjoy and it's fucking funny. he's not making her look like shit. he's certainly not bashing her. literally every single person i've ever known in my entire life makes little jokes about their favorite artists (if you really can't understand that somehow then idk what to tell you) but in the end we all fucking love lana with all our hearts and no fanmade comedy album that references her here and there is going to change our love for her OR tostb's love for her. he's making this to share w the fanbase and it's filled with little jokes that we as lana fans would get, and that we as normal people would be able to laugh at. he is in absolutely no way "bashing" her AT ALL and it blows my mind that you really don't have enough common sense to notice the huge difference between playfulness and bashing. 
  3. sweetie liked a post in a topic by alidusi in TOSTB   
    this is the most ridiculous thing and there's a reason nobody else here is on your side.. we all know you don't like tostb for other reasons but that doesn't mean you should twist this around and make it out to be some monstrous thing when it's actually fucking harmless. he's a fan of lana making this for other fans of lana WITHIN THIS COMMUNITY for us to enjoy and it's fucking funny. he's not making her look like shit. he's certainly not bashing her. literally every single person i've ever known in my entire life makes little jokes about their favorite artists (if you really can't understand that somehow then idk what to tell you) but in the end we all fucking love lana with all our hearts and no fanmade comedy album that references her here and there is going to change our love for her OR tostb's love for her. he's making this to share w the fanbase and it's filled with little jokes that we as lana fans would get, and that we as normal people would be able to laugh at. he is in absolutely no way "bashing" her AT ALL and it blows my mind that you really don't have enough common sense to notice the huge difference between playfulness and bashing. 
  4. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by alidusi in TOSTB   
    this is the most ridiculous thing and there's a reason nobody else here is on your side.. we all know you don't like tostb for other reasons but that doesn't mean you should twist this around and make it out to be some monstrous thing when it's actually fucking harmless. he's a fan of lana making this for other fans of lana WITHIN THIS COMMUNITY for us to enjoy and it's fucking funny. he's not making her look like shit. he's certainly not bashing her. literally every single person i've ever known in my entire life makes little jokes about their favorite artists (if you really can't understand that somehow then idk what to tell you) but in the end we all fucking love lana with all our hearts and no fanmade comedy album that references her here and there is going to change our love for her OR tostb's love for her. he's making this to share w the fanbase and it's filled with little jokes that we as lana fans would get, and that we as normal people would be able to laugh at. he is in absolutely no way "bashing" her AT ALL and it blows my mind that you really don't have enough common sense to notice the huge difference between playfulness and bashing. 
  5. #glimmeringdarling liked a post in a topic by alidusi in Photographer suing "Tropico" production company for $1M over alleged razor blade attack by security   
    i can understand if the guy is pissed off but a million dollars that's RIDICULOUS 
  6. pinkbubbles liked a post in a topic by alidusi in New US Tour!   
    i'm pissed off the original tickets were 70 dollars and they sold out so quickly and i'm looking for resale and there's over 50 on all these websites and i can't find anything under $300
  7. SydStopka liked a post in a topic by alidusi in New US Tour!   
    i'm pissed off the original tickets were 70 dollars and they sold out so quickly and i'm looking for resale and there's over 50 on all these websites and i can't find anything under $300
  8. Libra liked a post in a topic by alidusi in New US Tour!   
    if you go on ticketmaster and hover over price range for your concert it'll show the estimate based on how much concerts usually cost in your area
  9. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by alidusi in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    i think, visually, it's beautiful (excluding a lot of the gods and monsters part, some of that was a little too much for me). most of it is undeniably very pretty. how great the rest of it is is arguable. i can see how a lot of people wouldn't enjoy it. tropico does not fit everyone's taste -- then again, neither does lana's music. i liked the poetry she recited, although i didn't know the authors and stuff while watching it but i just looked up the poems and i plan on watching tropico again later now that i have more insight. i think it was a beautiful and meaningful film although there are some things i would have done differently, such as some of the g&m scenes and i wish there had been more dialogue. but overall i definitely think lana achieved her goal.
  10. alidusi liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Finally someone saying this

    Like WTF you guys?
    If you don't like her lower register how do you listen to most of her discography, like BTD or Lolita.
    I like the way she uses her voice
  11. Goddess liked a post in a topic by alidusi in 2014 Lana Del Rey Tour Dates   
    the closest one to me is phoenix but i still won't be able to go sigh she'll never come to florida
  12. alidusi liked a post in a topic by StealingTheMoonlight in 2014 Lana Del Rey Tour Dates   
    Me too.. #SouthernEastCoastProbs
  13. alidusi liked a post in a topic by Waywent in Flappy Bird   
  14. Elle liked a post in a topic by alidusi in Lanaboards Karaoke Contest: Season Two! Round 3 Voting!   
    lol i noticed that too
  15. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by alidusi in Summertime Sadness (CG Remix) covered by Kidz Bop   
  16. BENTLEY liked a post in a topic by alidusi in TROPICO ANALYSIS   
    i think, visually, it's beautiful (excluding a lot of the gods and monsters part, some of that was a little too much for me). most of it is undeniably very pretty. how great the rest of it is is arguable. i can see how a lot of people wouldn't enjoy it. tropico does not fit everyone's taste -- then again, neither does lana's music. i liked the poetry she recited, although i didn't know the authors and stuff while watching it but i just looked up the poems and i plan on watching tropico again later now that i have more insight. i think it was a beautiful and meaningful film although there are some things i would have done differently, such as some of the g&m scenes and i wish there had been more dialogue. but overall i definitely think lana achieved her goal.
  17. alidusi liked a post in a topic by TMCBryan in Lanaboards Karaoke Contest: Season Two! Round 3 Voting!   
    Round 3 playlist. Voting ends March 18th.
    It's back by popular demand!
    All Lanaboards members which have not been permanently banned are eligible, except for GSH for winning the last contest. To enter this competition, simply send an mp3 of you singing your song choice to TMCBryan. All songs are eligible, whether they be Lana, Gaga, Britney, System of a Down, or even an original song. It can be done acapella or with a backing track. When sending the mp3, please let me know the song title and artist. Note: The best place to upload your mp3 is either picosong.com, audiour.com or soundcloud.com and making it downloadable. Your submission will be kept anonymous (except for the final round submission), and please keep it so. If you do not wish to participate anymore after a round you may disclose your submission. No vocal modification whatsoever. This includes Auto-tune, "Chipmunking" your voice, and all similar modifications. Minor effects such as echos are permitted. Layering vocals and splicing/dicing vocals is permitted. Deadlines and Voting
    The deadline for submission will be one week after the round's thread is posted, except for the first round, where the deadline for submitting for round 1 is January 20th at 11:59:59 PM EST. The day after the submission deadline a thread with the submissions and a poll will be posted. I ask all voters to take time to listen to each submission and vote for which they like the best. There will be 72 hours to vote each round....and now looking at the topic poll feature I realize there's no feature to automatically close voting, so it will take at least 72 hours...as soon as I can arrive. Winners/Final Five
    The winner of each round will be the one who gets the most votes. (Obviously) Once you win a round, you are not eligible to enter again until the final round. For the final round, there will be a common theme, but I won't reveal it yet. (And it won't be the same as last time) The winner of the Final Five round will be the winner of it all! The prize will be once again be gloating rights.  
    Let's open up for business, good luck all!
    Previous Rounds:
    Entries For Round One
    Entry One
    Entry Two
    Entry Three
    Entry Four (ConeyIslandQueen262 - Winner!)
    Entry Five
    Entry Six
    Entry Seven
    Round Two Entries Playlist (KC-04: BlueJeans = winner!)
  18. prettydrugs liked a post in a topic by alidusi in SONG OF THE WEEK (#2)   
    Overall rating: ★★★★★

    First impression: absolutely flawless 

    Impression now: hasn't changed, if anything i like it more

    iTunes plays: i'm not even gonna check because i know it's extremely low idk why but i always listen on my phone

    Songs I play along with it: does this mean like what songs i think of? i always associate this with blue jeans 

    What I like about it: everything i love the lyrics, the beat. you can feel her emotions and it's just perfect i love everything about it 

    What I dislike about it: literally nothing

    Memories I associate with this song: the first time i heard it. i had just started getting into lana and someone had said something about it and i hadn't heard it so i went on youtube and listened and fell in love 

    Colors/images that come to mind: during the chorus i think of reds and during the "because i'm crazy" verses i think of deep blues and purples. it depends on which part of the song. during some parts i picture the actual scene happening.

    Favorite lyrics: don't make me choose 

    Interpretation: she's in love with a criminal but she can't help it. it's not even a conflict, she wouldn't change it for anything. she's ok with him being the way he is. she even feels it goes both ways -- that she's a mess too but he'll still love her unconditionally. she feels like as long as they have each other they can do anything


    i love this song sooo much i think it's my favorite on btd but i suck at choosing favorites. this song is flawless and definitely some of her best work

  19. alidusi liked a post in a topic by Trinity in SONG OF THE WEEK (#1)   
    @ I think it's been a week, time for a new song 
  20. alidusi liked a post in a topic by trashtrashtrash in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    daddy leaked!!
  21. alidusi liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Create an Unreleased Lana Album/Playlist   
    I'll spoiler this but if you have any interest in how my entire Lana Del Rey unreleased collection (apart from instrumentals and album demos, trust that they're just as cute though) looks, here we are:
    Ideas for shortening volume 2 are welcome but perhaps futile because we will only get more leaks.
  22. alidusi liked a post in a topic by TIARNZUS in Most Iconic   
  23. alidusi liked a post in a topic by lola in Tropico named 2nd biggest flop of 2013 by VH1   
  24. alidusi liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Tropico named 2nd biggest flop of 2013 by VH1   
    No, I honestly don't think saying Poolside is better than Tropico is necessarily mocking her or trying to be funny. I think it's a perfectly valid opinion that could be sincerely held. I also don't see any contradiction in wanting her to tour more and engaging in honest criticism or evaluating other artists more favorably. For the record, I don't think anything awful is OK to say about her or anyone else (I recently criticized some pretty ugly comments made about Lorde's appearance) although I think there is a place for irreverent humor. However, I don't think anything awful has even been suggested here. Please move away from the mindset where saying anything critical about her is "spiteful". 
    Despite my reservations about being voted "Best Stan" by this community, I think I'm gonna start abusing that status by making an appeal to my authority every time a Lana-worshipper criticizes their brethren for being insufficiently devout: "Hey, I can be very critical at times, and look at me, I'm the Best Lana Stan!"
  25. alidusi liked a post in a topic by Miguel3Zero in Tropico named 2nd biggest flop of 2013 by VH1   
    No, not everything that she does is "flawless". But tell me honestly if putting Poolside over Tropico is not mocking her. I like humour and I think it has a place here also. But can't you see the contradictory in wanting her to tour and at the same time ridicule her or putting other artists way above her. I don't want to pick a fight with you and I very much respect the incredible work you have made about her. But please move away from the SNL era when anything awful was ok to say about her. Where I live she has been respected from the start.Remember she's also only a human being, not a robot or mannequin.
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