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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. I'm sure this phrasing wasn't deliberately meant to imply any assumptions the author made about what was going on here or anything... Also puts the name TaP Management in a new light, doesn't it? My take on this: Lana's team sucks. (Not the first time I've said so.) The reply that the lyric is "ah he's" seems like someone hastily and lazily consulted the lyric book (notorious for its errors) without checking with Lana and thought they had a slam dunk rapid response. In reality, they've compounded the situation. I could believe that the lyric is "Javi's", or "hubby's", but never "ah he's". She just doesn't say that. Period. Live or on record. Offering alternative lyrics that aren't credible just fuels speculation that the lyric really is "Harvey's" and refers to Weinstein and they're just trying to cover it up. (In fairness to her team, the "ah he's" lyric error does have a paper trail going pretty far back. Along with the unreleased tracks that leaked, Rick Nowels also uploaded the released Paradise songs he worked on and their lyrics, including "Cola", in December 2012 and it says "ah he's".) Weinstein's comments praising Lana fit his now openly known pattern of predatory behavior to a T. And gossip columnists were wise to it even at the time. You'd have to be naïve to think he didn't try this with Lana. The only question is, how was it received? I hate to say it, but frankly, in light of what we now know about Harvey, and given her past comments about sleeping with men in the industry, the lyrics to FMWUTTT, the recurring theme in her work of entanglements with older, moneyed men, and the botched alternate lyrics claim, the lyrics to "Cola" do read very differently now. I also hate to say it, @@SitarHero, but Weinstein probably gets an entry (no pun intended of course) in your precious Lanalysis thread whether you want him to or not. On the other hand, in those papparazzi photos of Lana meeting with Harvey, notice who is with her. Not some random photographer, but her sister Chuck. It bodes well for her not being victimized, at least on that particular occasion. But I'm not sure what to make of the fact that Chuck was there at all. It perhaps suggests that she felt a need to have Chuck there, based on either direct past experience or hearing about him from others. (Maybe she listened to Courtney Love.) Something else to think about: Remember that Oscar sabotage campaign against Y&B that almost seemed to be riffing off stuff I wrote on here about its provenance? Given Weinstein's history of aggressive Oscar campaigning and dirty tricks, it's not insane to think Weinstein might have been behind this as retaliation for her rebuffing his advances at some point and/or to eliminate competition for U2's "Ordinary Love" from the Weinstein distributed Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom. (A good film I saw at TIFF btw. Of course the insufferable "Let It Go" from Frozen won. Also, I know someone deeply sourced in both the U2 and Lana worlds. I really should run this past them.) Or hell, perhaps as part of some kind of complex long term scheme to make her more desparate for another bite at the apple, culminating in her singing the title track for The Weinstein Company's film Big Eyes, which still failed to garner a nomination. All of which would still be consistent with her interview comments that she slept with guys in the industry, but it didn't help her "which is annoying". I also kinda wonder if Jaime King, who was in the Miramax/Weinstein Company produced Sin City films had anything to do with Lana's meetup with Harvey, or if Harvey had anything to do with their falling out. Probably just coincidence though. Either way, this picture is gross: Oh, and let's not leave out the Gaga stans: This seems like an exercise in wishful thinking. No, as I explained above, it really doesn't. Besides, Harvey was powerful, but not omnipotent. And as I also explained above, I think he could have been behind the sabotage campaign. It's classic Harvey. Tried looking for this and couldn't find what you're referring to. But let me know if you do.
  2. https://teamhellions.com/2012/06/26/record-review-sirens-by-may-jailer/
  3. Excellent! But still not sure this will be enough to handle a "Why Trump Is Stupid" thread.
  4. IDK guys. @Elle said the forum is low on space already.
  5. ...if you ignore all the massacres of non-white people in the 1800s... Get out of here with your Bush did 9-11 Sandy Hook truther bullshit. Besides, you know Trump is gonna finger a Muslim refugee or a Mexican when he lights his Reichstag fire
  6. I'd bet cake she'll perform "Chelsea Hotel No. 2". But perhaps she'll borrow from the last time she played a Leonard Cohen tribute and do "Dance Me to the End of Love".
  7. "Burning Desire" & "Summertime Sadness" beg to differ.
  8. Given her difficulty with facts, Lana must not think she's very sexy. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/statuses/user/2970-bekim/?status_id=131864 Lana in "Video Games" as the submissive girlfriend fetching ale for the sadist pulling all our strings
  9. Anybody else get a sort of date rapey vibe from these lines, in a sort of "Baby, It's Cold Outside" kind of way?
  10. #butthurt Lana literally does not care if she loses you as a fan. Wait... you're offended by GBA? I mean, sure, the main melody in the chorus is a little lazy, and the verse lyrics are weirdly submissive for a purported "feminist anthem"... but you're triggered by it?
  11. Dude, we've talked about this.
  12. evilentity

    Charli XCX

    Didn't Questlove produce the "Groove Is In the Heart" cover (which really needs to leak in full)?
  13. On old screencaps of her MySpace page, a podcast called I Got My Reasons posted an invitation on July 23, 2008 for her to do an interview. I have no idea if she ever did one on any subsequent shows, or if any of her music was played, but I'm pretty sure this is the podcast if anyone wants to dig: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/igotmyreasons Looks like the URLs for the individual shows are constructed with the upload date.
  14. Fellow old-timers, remind me... when do we believe HDB was first posted online in either audio or video form?
  15. This... is a pretty innocuous reference.
  16. evilentity


    A friend of mine can't go to Lollapalooza tomorrow. Anyone interested in buying his bracelet?
  17. Tyler, the Creator or Meek Mills won if you don't count the 3 million illegals that bought LDR's record... http://www.thefader.com/2017/08/01/billboard-hot-singles-albums-charts-delayed-tyler-the-creator-lana-del-rey-meek-mill
  18. These lyrics are eminently quotable. Some good mod smackdown shit right here: #tbt to this classic forum moment #oldschool
  19. evilentity


    I always had a thing for Topanga too. Calling out @Trash Magic for his faked moon landing conspiracy theorism. Thanks for the shoutout, Lana, but as I said in Part 1 of my covers-themed podcast, I'll never change my evil ways.
  20. Ha! She says this as if his location was why they couldn't work together in person on it. But in an interview Rick Nowels recently gave, he said Sean Lennon recorded his contributions "in his studio in upstate New York." I mean, it's just too bad Lizzy Grant wouldn't know anyone or have anyplace to stay in upstate New York............ Well, that's 'cause it is a trap. One she set for herself. Not sure what you expect when you write a schizophrenic song with a deliberately overt feminist anthem chorus punctuating verses with lyrics expressing retrograde gender dynamics like "only you can save me tonight".
  21. You sell yourself so short on AKA, Lana. And if you love HM & UV so much you should perform more tracks off them. But relative dust appropriately paid here to BTD and Paradise. #FightMe Ugh, I want to hear decidedly political LDR.
  22. He's not really a public figure so I don't think it's really appropriate to post stuff like that on the forum, but FWIW in recent pictures (if I've indeed got the right guy) he looks kind of like Jason Sudeikis if he had the physique of his uncle George Wendt. As I speculated in Part 1 of my covers themed podcast, I'm 99% certain one of them would have been "Heartbreak Hotel" since she was known to cover it with her backing band in her pre-fame days. In the chat when I livestreamed that podcast, I speculated that another candidate might have been "Edge of Reality" since she once included it in a playlist of her favorite tracks. I might hazard different guesses today.
  23. Yeah, but people were freaking out at her on Twitter too.
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