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  1. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by Velours in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I Love You But I Love Me More sounds like an anthem already
  2. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by Dyl in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    My mood for this entire release 
  3. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by Get Drunk in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I'm so obsessed with this lately omg this is how a remix should sound 
  4. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    the fact that lana's working on ldr8, ldr9, a country album with nikki lane, possible country covers album, possible folk covers album, and a poetry book  we really don't know what this title is for 
  5. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Prince Philip: Post-Release thread   
  6. Casamigos liked a post in a topic by caughtuboy in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I know a lot of this is prob her label's fault but she's kind of losing me at this point. She actually had me pretty hyped for this album but waiting this long between singles has made me lose interest. I've loved all the snippets, but it doesn't mean much if I can't hear any of the full songs 5 months after the lead single 
  7. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by Elle in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    Hi all,
    I wanted to fill you in on what's been going on with some advertisements lately and gather some opinions.
    About a week ago or so, Google Adsense implemented an automatic experiment with vignette ads (full-screen ads) that occur in-between page loads.
    It only affects 50% of our users for now, but it has shown that my Adsense revenue has already greatly increased. Some days, I'm making up to 5x more than I usually do.
    The end of this experiment is approaching, and it will give me the opportunity to permanently implement this ad placement, or remove it.
    I wanted to gather your opinions on possibly permanently implementing this full-screen ads before I make a decision.
    To give you a bit more information on these ads:
    These ads will only occur in-between page loads. The ads will not randomly "pop up" as you are reading threads and such, and they will only occasionally occur when you click to browse another page of the site, and by simply pressing the "X" button on the ad, the ad will close and the next page will continue to load as normal. These ads will be the same forms of content as any other ads you would normally see on the site. So don't worry, you won't be seeing any sketchy ads for MILFS and such, but rather the same content you would see in the banner ads but in vignette form as well. They are the same Google Ads.  
    Things to keep in mind:
    While the site is free for you all to use, it is not free to host and manage. Each month, I pay several recurring fees to keep the site up and running for you all. I rely solely on Adsense at the moment to pay for these fees. As these vignette ads have greatly increased my ad revenue, this would help ease some of the stress of guaranteeing I generate enough revenue each month to fully cover the costs Any extra roll-over revenue these ads may produce will be greatly helpful to help finally pay off the loan I borrowed 4+ years ago to purchase LanaBoards in the first place, and can also help pay off the tab I have running from months that Adsense didn't fully cover the fees and I had to pay out of pocket. If I ever find I am generating more revenue than the site needs, I can absolutely remove these ads. (However, I still have lots to pay off for the site alongside monthly recurring fees, so this could be awhile.) I plan to implement an Ad-Free "subscription" package for LanaBoards that would be a monthly $2 cost for anyone who would like to be free from ads on all devices. Users can also choose to donate with a lump sum upfront rather that split into monthly payments  
    So, given all this, I want your thoughts. Above anything, your enjoyment of the site is always my top priority. While this extra revenue would be very helpful for the site, I wouldn't implement these ads permanently if this is going to greatly detract from your enjoyment of your site.
    If you find yourself wanting to access the site less or are tempted to use an ad-blocker program, please let me know.
    I want to make sure no one feels greatly deterred from using the site with these vignette page-load ads, and using ad-blockers would defeat the purpose of me implementing these ads to help generate more revenue for funding the site, and could instead result in the site generating less revenue than normal.
    Please be honest with me here, I really need your opinions.
    I've put up a poll for this thread where you all can let me know if you're willing to tolerate these ads, or if they are unbearable and would greatly damper your enjoyment of the site.
    Also please feel free to leave any further thoughts to explain your opinions below.
    Thank you for your consideration guys, and I'm sending all my love to you as always xx
  8. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    it's always "lana needs to get out of LA it's ruining her" now everyone's telling her to get out of texas 

  9. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by Lustformoney in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    the best we can do is to have no expectations the bar is on the floor. She cant make anything more stripped back than cocc. Im gonna assume we r getting Cocc v2 just for the sake of my mental health
  10. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    this is the thing that’s sending me. 
    we have: 
    -country duet album w nikki
    -rock candy sweet
    -American classics and standards album
    -country/folk covers album 
    -behind the iron gates 
    it’s like are any of these the same thing? Are they all seperate? We will truly not know until time moves on and we get or don’t get these things, and it’s the not knowing whether or not any of these things will actually ever even see the light of day that makes it the most exhausting lol 
  11. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    We could only Hope that she is pulling songs from 2017-2018 to fill this album 
    it would be infinitely better than another hour of musings about the perils of fame 
  12. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    i never know how to feel about jack - part of me honestly thinks the problem isn't his skills as a producer (i love a lot of his work both with lana and other artists!), but moreso the fact that he doesn't wanna say no to lana, that he doesn't wanna push her too hard and that he's happy just going along with whatever she says.
    if we look at UV, for example: we all know that lana and dan had a little drama during the making of that album because he kept pushing her and trying to do more, but the result was magic! UV is a rich, fiery album filled with layers and atmosphere. im not saying that any of lana's other albums aren't - i'm just pointing out that sometimes a little bit of artistic fighting can yield some really amazing results! 
    jack strikes me as a bit of a "yes man" and not much of a detail-oriented perfectionist. lana herself definitely isn't a perfectionist. so when lana isn't too concerned about tying up little errors in production or striving for more atmosphere/layers/etc, jack probably won't want to push her and will be happy with whatever lana is happy with.
    i also don't necessarily think this issue is tied to just lana and jack - i think that sometimes when artists work together but they're also really close friends, they don't wanna upset one another in case they ruin the friendship! it's probably harder to remain professional, objective and a little emotionally detached.
  13. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by KeybladeMeister in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    NGL, I'm tired of getting these crumbs of information. 
    We need an album preorder/announcement and a second single. It's coming up to 5 months since Man's World was released.

  14. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by Newhampshire92 in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    thanks, I appreciate that a lot!
  15. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    the rollout for this album is reminding me a lot of a lana release - overdrawn. it's certainly not my favorite way to go about it, but i'm kind of used to it. i find myself constantly in this limbo with marina of either being super excited for the album or it completely slipping my mind all together. no matter how long we have to wait for it, i'm really hoping this album is worth that wait
  16. crematorium liked a post in a topic by caughtuboy in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I know a lot of this is prob her label's fault but she's kind of losing me at this point. She actually had me pretty hyped for this album but waiting this long between singles has made me lose interest. I've loved all the snippets, but it doesn't mean much if I can't hear any of the full songs 5 months after the lead single 
  17. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by caughtuboy in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I know a lot of this is prob her label's fault but she's kind of losing me at this point. She actually had me pretty hyped for this album but waiting this long between singles has made me lose interest. I've loved all the snippets, but it doesn't mean much if I can't hear any of the full songs 5 months after the lead single 
  18. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by Glitter Boy in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    This seems to be a trend. I remember Charli's "After the Afterparty", Iggy Azalea's "Work", "Team" and "Savior"...  
    It's definitely better to begin promoting when the album is finished (or really about to be finished). Not just like "hey I just finished two songs from my album and here is one as a lead single" and then months and months of recording and the single loses hype. I don't know, that's what I picture the situation in my mind.
  19. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I listened to MW literally the first week it came out and got bored. Im just pretending it hasn’t come out yet. Cant wait Queen!
  20. lover liked a post in a topic by caughtuboy in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I know a lot of this is prob her label's fault but she's kind of losing me at this point. She actually had me pretty hyped for this album but waiting this long between singles has made me lose interest. I've loved all the snippets, but it doesn't mean much if I can't hear any of the full songs 5 months after the lead single 
  21. LunaeManifestum liked a post in a topic by caughtuboy in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I know a lot of this is prob her label's fault but she's kind of losing me at this point. She actually had me pretty hyped for this album but waiting this long between singles has made me lose interest. I've loved all the snippets, but it doesn't mean much if I can't hear any of the full songs 5 months after the lead single 
  22. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by caughtuboy in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I know a lot of this is prob her label's fault but she's kind of losing me at this point. She actually had me pretty hyped for this album but waiting this long between singles has made me lose interest. I've loved all the snippets, but it doesn't mean much if I can't hear any of the full songs 5 months after the lead single 
  23. caughtuboy liked a post in a topic by paradiso in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    she shoulda saved the man's world release until the album was actually finished...giving me mac/vb being released 11 months before nfr teas
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