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Thunder Revenant

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About Thunder Revenant

  • Rank
    F*cking Mr. Brightside
  • Birthday October 11

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    Medusa's Path
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  1. Feels more like an albun than COCC or OB to me (no shade intended.)
  2. A lot of todays fandom culture seems to be about confusing liking someones art and liking them as a person. Meanwhile others confuse using snappy emojis and edgy one-liners with making a point in a discussion
  3. Oh god please, this is such a desperate take. If you are marrying someone who supports the Trump agenda and makes videos in which he repeats hateful MAGA speaking points your ideals are obviously not really opposing them. It's not about agreeing to disagree about pineapple on pizza at this point.
  4. She's a rich woman who owns multiple houses, of course she's safe
  5. After marrying a MAGA hat that would be the least believable thing she could do
  6. Either its totally random or she is teasing the track finally found its home on TRPWS. Why would she teae considering & scrapping it once more?
  7. He is a hateful trumper. She does not care enough about the hate he holds (and spreads) or the people affected by it not to marry him. That's not a drama, it's a fact. She will not pick any of you because you try to sugarcoat it. She will also not divorce him cause the rest of us does not like him. Fact is her whe L4L act just lost a ton of credibility.
  8. I get that it's an artistic choice in some cases and I think it works in some instances (like Peppers) but in others (Fishtails, Grandfather, Kintsugi) it's just annoying as hell. Also, I feel like in sone cases it's not even an artistic choice but Laura Siska doing a terrible job (Let The Light In is so quiet for no apparent reason). Then there is that remaster of Thunder that feels like a downgrade from the demo on many levels, including the mastering
  9. This lady always has someone or something to blame for her shortcomings, hasnt she? It's the label or the sound tech or the festival or the tooth fairy. Pathetic.
  10. I feel like this could be a LMLYLAW/ HM situation where it's the first song we get but not really the lead
  11. Not that "you don't get the vision" stuff again. We had that with LMLYLAW. Just because there is a vision behind it does not mean its good
  12. Ew ... This is not the serve you thought it is.
  13. I'm ok if the lovesongs for her Trumpster redneck are on a country record. Looking forward to the orchestral divorce masterpiece.
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