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  1. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by Anthony in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    What instruments does this woman really play? ?
  2. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by honeybadger in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    i kind of get what you're saying, i love both songs so much but maybe part of what you feel is because LMLYLAW ends so abruptly, which makes it feel like she didn't finish expressing what she felt
    but it's not as much a problem as it is imo an artistic decision and could lead interestingly into the next track or as a theme/idea in the record of suppression/holding back/not being able to reach a certain place!!!
    even thinking about how she wants to "leave LA" but struggles, it's like reaching for a dream or for the ability to feel, experience, live more deeply, but LA limits her thoughts and her experiences and keeps her trapped
  3. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by Downtown Baby Doll in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I had a dream last night that White Dress started off quiet and dreamy like if HIADT and Honeymoon had a baby and it evolved into a psychedelic rock/end of Cruel World sound for the last part of the song  We’ll see if my mind flops or not
  4. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    just wanna say, so far,
    does anyone else feel like these songs (as beautiful as LMLYLAW/COTCC are) feel like her thoughts that should be expanded on? I feel like what she wants to sing or think in the songs is just scratching the surface of her feelings?
    like as if she isn't fully SHOUTING or SCREAMING her thoughts, it feels very bubbly & almost like she craves in these songs to express herself but it isn't fully formed. as if something is blocking her aura/mind/spirit from expressing herself ??? does this make sense? like it feels as if the songs are reaching for somewhere - some emotion - but they kind of just abruptly end. so far at least... maybe im just thinking too much. cause they are beautiful  
  5. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    the thought of my hmv vinyl arriving on release date actually makes my heart beat so fast, her best cover being in my hands in just over a month...
    also do i listen to it on spotify with my speakers at midnight first? or do i play it on my vinyl when it arrives sometime in the day,
    i dont know if i can wait that long once its out
  6. Ryusei liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    What is this energy today with white dress COCC thirst!!! We're all gonna collapse from exhaustion before the album comes out.
  7. FredRed liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in Instagram Updates   
    Ugh, why do I always jump everytime I see people posting on this thread.  I never learn. 
  8. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in Instagram Updates   
    Ugh, why do I always jump everytime I see people posting on this thread.  I never learn. 
  9. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by Lavender Sunshine in Instagram Updates   
    I can't believe we're even having this conversation 
  10. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Instagram Updates   
  11. ShadesOfFool liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in Instagram Updates   
    Ugh, why do I always jump everytime I see people posting on this thread.  I never learn. 
  12. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by Lustformoney in Instagram Updates   
  13. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Instagram Updates   
    Okay, never mind then. Still a painful video to watch.
  14. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Instagram Updates   
    not this meme video 
  15. bel air rose liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    The way we're still not gonna know what DATMIMBC means even after white dress is released . 
  16. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Tbh to me it expresses how impatient she is to leave LA - it sounds like the music itself hurries to finish, which goes so well with the lyrics. I love this song so much damn It all sounds so warm I don't know how she did that. Am I having a hot flush listening to it or does anyone else feel the same?
  17. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by Dyl in Haley McCallum-Bonar to release a rework of “Eat for Free” featuring Lana Del Rey   
    The fact that I just remembered even after chemtrails, we have both the cover album AND behind the iron gates to look forward to
  18. xxmissdaytonaxx liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    The way we're still not gonna know what DATMIMBC means even after white dress is released . 
  19. Ryusei liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    The way we're still not gonna know what DATMIMBC means even after white dress is released . 
  20. Lustformoney liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    The way we're still not gonna know what DATMIMBC means even after white dress is released . 
  21. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    You have such a beautiful mind, do you know that. You really do! 
  22. bluelikeyou liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    What is this energy today with white dress COCC thirst!!! We're all gonna collapse from exhaustion before the album comes out.
  23. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    What is this energy today with white dress COCC thirst!!! We're all gonna collapse from exhaustion before the album comes out.
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