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genghis khan

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  1. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Instagram Updates   
    this costco post has got to be some kind of satire too advanced for me to understand 
  2. Doll Harlow liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Instagram Updates   
    this costco post has got to be some kind of satire too advanced for me to understand 
  3. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Instagram Updates   
    this costco post has got to be some kind of satire too advanced for me to understand 
  4. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Instagram Updates   
    this costco post has got to be some kind of satire too advanced for me to understand 
  5. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Instagram Updates   
    this costco post has got to be some kind of satire too advanced for me to understand 
  6. ShadesOfFool liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Instagram Updates   
    this costco post has got to be some kind of satire too advanced for me to understand 
  7. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Instagram Updates   
    this costco post has got to be some kind of satire too advanced for me to understand 
  8. genghis khan liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Unfollowing Lana's boring Instagram was one of the most invigorating things I ever did, I absolutely recommend it so you don't have to be actively aware of antics. 
  9. Vanilla Icy liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    oh good im glad we're on the same page here about tiktok stans
  10. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I've seen several people on tikok claim that Lana said Lolita is a cultural commentary on her personal experience being sexualized at a young age but i'm just assuming this is a new made up lana fact. in the same boat as her having a best friend who committed suicide 
    I mean, i don't doubt that the song is probably about that. But everyones acting like it's something she's explicitly stated 
  11. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I've always been passionate about art but i grew up in an environment where the only real careers are business, science, law etc, so artists were just considered a joke and something to be mocked. Because of that I have a sort of self awareness with how cringey professing your artistic genius is, but since Lana seems to have artists in the family i'm guessing thats why she has a lot of cringe lines and doesn't realize it
  12. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I've always been passionate about art but i grew up in an environment where the only real careers are business, science, law etc, so artists were just considered a joke and something to be mocked. Because of that I have a sort of self awareness with how cringey professing your artistic genius is, but since Lana seems to have artists in the family i'm guessing thats why she has a lot of cringe lines and doesn't realize it
  13. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Azealia Banks   
    I really love her a lot. I might delete this cause i don't talk about my actual feelings a lot, but theres something about her that made me instantly connect with her, and I always feel like I see myself in her. I see myself in all the pain she's opened up about, i see myself in the way she lashes out at others because of her own suffering, I see myself in her position feeling like the entire world is against her. And when everyone opposes her for the stupidest reasons and say the cruelest stuff about her I end up taking it personally. I'm just in awe of her strength and perseverance and i've always seen her as a figure of hope 
  14. partymonster liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I've always been passionate about art but i grew up in an environment where the only real careers are business, science, law etc, so artists were just considered a joke and something to be mocked. Because of that I have a sort of self awareness with how cringey professing your artistic genius is, but since Lana seems to have artists in the family i'm guessing thats why she has a lot of cringe lines and doesn't realize it
  15. Chemtrail liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Instagram Updates   
    MasQueRaid is the anti christ and is seeking to rec havoc and stir fear into the hearts of the masses 
  16. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I've always been passionate about art but i grew up in an environment where the only real careers are business, science, law etc, so artists were just considered a joke and something to be mocked. Because of that I have a sort of self awareness with how cringey professing your artistic genius is, but since Lana seems to have artists in the family i'm guessing thats why she has a lot of cringe lines and doesn't realize it
  17. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I've always been passionate about art but i grew up in an environment where the only real careers are business, science, law etc, so artists were just considered a joke and something to be mocked. Because of that I have a sort of self awareness with how cringey professing your artistic genius is, but since Lana seems to have artists in the family i'm guessing thats why she has a lot of cringe lines and doesn't realize it
  18. genghis khan liked a post in a topic by Elle in Azealia Banks   
    Here's her updated story transcribed. Her words sound very slurred, not sure if just tired or if she's under the influence, but it's making me even more concerned for her, especially with what she's saying. I've been in that place, still working to get completely out of it, and it's a terrifying place to be in. No matter what you think of her, I hope you all are sending your positive energy out to her. She really needs it.
    "I just had a friend come do a welfare check on me. I’m fine. I promise you I’m fine. Like I’m not scared, but my decision is made. The decision’s made, you know?
    I’m just going to try to push through these next couple months. This isn’t what I dreamt, you know? 
    ****** acting funny with the stans, I’m just gonna (?) the fuckin’ shit, and it’s just gonna come out as a mixtape with two tracks, whatever. Yung Rapunxel, I’ll just put it together. I’ll finally give you Fantasea II, and then I’m going start looking for voluntary euthanasia options… ‘cause.. you know?
    I don’t have any more defense. I don’t. I don’t have any more defense. I don’t deserve to be down here being ridiculued, having my ideas stolen, all that other shit. I’d actually rather die than like, you know, some bitch that people continue to make fun of. This is not about other people, it’s just about my body and what I need to do to rest my soul so I can come back stronger.
    Like please, please, please don’t get in my DMs. Don’t send me messages. I know, that’s fine, I know, you love me, that’s great, but don’t send me messages about how you care when I’m trouble, when I’ve been like screaming and shouting that I’ve been in trouble for a long time and asking for help for a long time. You know? Don’t just respond to me when I’m ready to go. I’m really just ready to go. I’m ready to go.
    But I do feel an obligation to myself, the world, and my fans to finish that last trilogy of projects before I go. They may sound fucked up, they may not be mixed or mastered properly, you know?
    But I got to get out of here. I got to get out of here."
  19. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Azealia Banks   
    i never have nor will i ever make excuses for the ways she's been toxic. just cause it doesn't stifle the connection i feel i have for her doesn't mean i think its ok

    Anyways, she updated her story
  20. viktoria liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Azealia Banks   
    I really love her a lot. I might delete this cause i don't talk about my actual feelings a lot, but theres something about her that made me instantly connect with her, and I always feel like I see myself in her. I see myself in all the pain she's opened up about, i see myself in the way she lashes out at others because of her own suffering, I see myself in her position feeling like the entire world is against her. And when everyone opposes her for the stupidest reasons and say the cruelest stuff about her I end up taking it personally. I'm just in awe of her strength and perseverance and i've always seen her as a figure of hope 
  21. genghis khan liked a post in a topic by Mash Tragic in Azealia Banks   
  22. bluefiona liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I've always been passionate about art but i grew up in an environment where the only real careers are business, science, law etc, so artists were just considered a joke and something to be mocked. Because of that I have a sort of self awareness with how cringey professing your artistic genius is, but since Lana seems to have artists in the family i'm guessing thats why she has a lot of cringe lines and doesn't realize it
  23. genghis khan liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Azealia Banks   
    What so many of y’all refuse to understand is that sometimes the people who are hurting the most cannot help but lash out at everyone around them.... it’s clear she’s been hurting for a long time & it’s why I’ve always had nothing but love for her... I’m honestly in tears typing this thinking of how alone she must feel. I wish I could hug her and tell her she’s not alone.
  24. genghis khan liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Underwhelmed with the poetry audio book. I thought the music would be similar to Burnt Norton or something in the vain of An American Prayer. Also, every time she reads the part "I am a poet!" I cringe. 
  25. Ebola liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Instagram Updates   
    MasQueRaid is the anti christ and is seeking to rec havoc and stir fear into the hearts of the masses 
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