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  1. Marius liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    can we just stick to sharing our thoughts in the instagram thread...it’s too confusing going back and forth and having new threads pop up for the letters. really not trying to be rude, i just think it’s better to keep things cohesive.
  2. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    can we just stick to sharing our thoughts in the instagram thread...it’s too confusing going back and forth and having new threads pop up for the letters. really not trying to be rude, i just think it’s better to keep things cohesive.
  3. Mer liked a post in a topic by sweetie in Instagram Updates   
  4. Mer liked a post in a topic by Idol Of Roses in Instagram Updates   
    I wondered if the James Bond thing was anything to do with her always wanting to do a Bond theme, and then Billie came in and was offered to do a song for No Time To Die (but she just chose a Connery Bond pic for the aesthetics)
  5. Mer liked a post in a topic by softcore babyface in Instagram Updates   
    I wish Lana had the balls to go live and speak her mind
  6. Mer liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    I hope she goes live; that'd be super fun about now
  7. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    this is how easy it is to fake a DM
    I made this in 2 minutes
  8. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    the fact that that fan won't show the gc makes me thing he/she said something more than just "how's your mental health" to lana. probably something more accusatory...
  9. Mer liked a post in a topic by OverYourHead in Instagram Updates   
    Now y’all are just arguing for the sake of it
  10. Mer liked a post in a topic by VeniceBambi in Instagram Updates   
    However, 5 Points Records owner David Nichtern - who first signed Del Rey back in 2007 - has defended the star and insisted there is a lot of "misinformation" that surrounds her story.
    Talking about accusations that Del Rey's father paid for her career, Nichtern told MTV: "Nobody even fact-checked. For example, her father never had anything to do financially with supporting her creativity.
    "I don't know if he was lending her money to live off of, but at least when she was with us, not a penny. I don't know if he's rich or not; I met him and he seemed like a pretty ordinary guy."
    "But that whole thing that she was backed by her millionaire dad is a bunch of crap, basically. Certain facts about the record she did with us are completely misshapen."
  11. Mer liked a post in a topic by naturalbornloser in Instagram Updates   
    why are you all arguing if she comes from a wealthy family or not lmfao what´s the point or relevance in that anyway
  12. Mer liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in Instagram Updates   
    Do you think global warming is a good thing? I like Lana Del Rey, I think she is an interesting artist
  13. Mer liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Instagram Updates   
    People just need to leave her alone. She literally did nothing wrong but people are just quick to attack anyone these days for the smallest things.
  14. Mer liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    Yeah, I'm absolutely not going to be disrespected by you. I sent an apology to a user who had just joined and not even been around for a full hour because I did not want them to get the wrong impression of the site. If you are having an issue with what another user said to you, you can hash it out in the DMs and message me there if you think I need to intervene. We also have a report feature. I saw something I didn't like regarding how the site should be viewed as "learning from the bestest" with "hating Lana as a specialty" from another user, so as an admin and owner who disagrees with that mindset, I spoke up.
    Also, I did not delete any of your posts and have no idea what posts you're even referring to. If your posts were in fact deleted, I wasn't the one who removed them. If I ever edit another user's post, I always leave a mod & edit note informing the user that I did.
    Don't try to purposely insult me either for something that I did not even involve you at all with. Y'know, I've only been back to LanaBoards for the first time in over a month as I was in need of a serious break from the internet and all that it harbours, and I think if anything you just made it clear that I'm not ready to deal with all you guys and your drama again quite just yet lol. Probably not the best time for me to have popped back in anyway, but I knew a lot was going on and I wanted to stay updated with it. I knew my return now was only temporary due to the news, but frankly I just don't want to deal with this sort of attitude right now as it's not good for me at this moment, so I'm not going to. Behave yourself, kids.
    The rules are PM'd to every user upon joining and are also pinned under the Help & Support section if you would really like to review them.
    I appreciate the apology. I just didn't like a user's first impression of the site to be the reply you had posted, encouraging hate and stating to "learn from the bestest" in that regard. Just always be cautious of what you encourage to other users, and remember that first impressions matter! x
  15. Mer liked a post in a topic by love deluxe in Instagram Updates   
    queen shit
  16. khomj liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    mini rant: 
    she's just standing up for herself and speaking her mind. why does someone have to be "in a dark place" to be unabashed. are we so conditioned to censoring ourselves, only the incapacitated can speak their minds? 
  17. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    mini rant: 
    she's just standing up for herself and speaking her mind. why does someone have to be "in a dark place" to be unabashed. are we so conditioned to censoring ourselves, only the incapacitated can speak their minds? 
  18. technicolor liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    mini rant: 
    she's just standing up for herself and speaking her mind. why does someone have to be "in a dark place" to be unabashed. are we so conditioned to censoring ourselves, only the incapacitated can speak their minds? 
  19. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    she's an artist. she's allowed to have opinions. shes not running for public office, she has 0 reason to be "diplomatic" 
  20. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    this is how easy it is to fake a DM
    I made this in 2 minutes
  21. gogo yubari liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    also hopefully we can separate fans from friends. fans dont have someones best interest in mind, friends do. lets not blur those lines
  22. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    tbh the most shocking thing today is that lana is in a groupchat w those ppl 
  23. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    mini rant: 
    she's just standing up for herself and speaking her mind. why does someone have to be "in a dark place" to be unabashed. are we so conditioned to censoring ourselves, only the incapacitated can speak their minds? 
  24. SlowGinFizzzz liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    also hopefully we can separate fans from friends. fans dont have someones best interest in mind, friends do. lets not blur those lines
  25. electra liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    if we're talking about the same video, notice the messages don't have a flag icon between the video and "i" icon. def fake. 
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