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  1. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Jeanne Dielman in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Ocean Blvd is too personal, too diverse, too complex to win those conservative members over. It's one of the strangest and most idiosyncratic albums as it somehow manages to blend different genres into something wholly singular. Of course they'd pick the beige mediocrity of "the record" over it. They're so transparent and their dislike towards Lana is astonishingly obvious at this point. I mean, the Scammys almost always reward mediocrity over greatness so the results aren't particularly surprising, but what makes me truly mad is that they gave Best Alternative Performance to Paramore. A&W is the most acclaimed song of 2023, topping nearly every single important critics' list in the US. It's an undeniable achievement. It's the only song in that category that was literally nominated for SOTY! This is absolutely preposterous. She'll never be taken seriously by these flops. She's not "popular enough" to win the major categories; she's not "alternative" enough to win the smaller ones; hell, she'll probably submit "Lasso" in the country categories next year - assuming she does release that album -, and they will snub her AGAIN even if it's the most acclaimed album of the year, because she won't be considered "country" enough. She'll never win, and she shouldn't give any fucks anymore. They truly don't deserve her. 
  2. Cult Leader liked a post in a topic by deleted123 in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    I think it's actually ribbons in knots
  3. Stoned Mary in the Garden liked a post in a topic by deleted123 in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    I think it's actually ribbons in knots
  4. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by plastiscguy in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Drew is very hit or miss... more miss than hit, tho
    HOWEVER, the person that should indeed be fired is whoever mixes her vocals... They're way too muffled, and way louder than they should be... (like Arcadia for example) 
    Besides, if you listen to the instrumentals, you can find so many interesting moments if you pay attention, but the way the final songs are mixed is so... 
    I know most of y'all don't care about stems, but I personally get upset when a song has many layers and you cannot notice them because of the poorly job the person who mixes and masters the songs do
  5. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Lies Lana Has Told Us Thread   
    Lana reading this thread:
  6. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    i hope that i'm not stressing people out. it seems as if i like to talk about things people don't always seem to be comfortable talking about. the "underbelly" of humanity, i suppose you could say. its interesting, but can get a bit draining i realize. so please don't take what i'm saying too seriously -- these are merely my own observations and attempts at understanding her peculiar behavior, and why she lies and acts out in the way(s) she does. and its nice to generate discussion on lana in a more theoretical sense i guess =p 
    i think we should revive @@Moniker's thread about whether or not she'd be as loved if she weren't so beautiful. because i also wonder -- would she be as crazy if she weren't so beautiful? so histrionic (re: lip licking)? so vain and narcissistic (re: lyrics)? so paranoid and pessimistic (~anti me)? i kind of feel like the root of her insecurities / neuroses / eccentricities stem from the seemingly vast disconnect between her outer appearance and her inner world -- and the resulting disconnect between the way people perceive her and the way she actually is. i think this interviewer puts it best: 
    "she is capable of shifting swiftly from a kind of coltish innocence (*2) to vampish knowingness (*1). It’s a quality that is hard to pin down ... a kind of doubleness, a sense of duality and merging contradictions. She is a person into whom you can read a lot."
    (1) -- at 2:20 ... after the guy 'woops' at her, notice that knowing little "ha" she does. it didn't require any thought, and it barely phased her. it was rapid, like a reflex. she knows what she does to people -- men in particular 

    (2) on the other hand ... if you listen (to the interview below) from the beginning you sense that their interaction is full of sexual tension. not surprising since she's cooing more so than speaking. he's pretty forward at one point, asking if she ever takes people back to her room after shows or something (1:50) and lana like, yelps in surprise lmao. but then a few minutes later... he's like, oh, well i love the visuals and the palm trees on stage; so much so that i spent an entire song watching the screen instead of you (5:45). she's like ... oh, yea, yea, ok, blah, sonically, blah ... its good that they're there cause ... it... they... uh... [sad voice] you can look at them instead [/sad voice] 
    so on the one hand she's a true fucking vixen, on the other she's like a fragile ceramic doll. she needs to be loved, admired, adored. at the very least, she wants your eyes to be on her, it seems. how do you reconcile those two characters (jessica rabbit vs. dolores haze) into one person? i mean, i honestly believe that those are both parts of her true personality, and not some character that she puts on. but like i said before -- how must people in her everyday life perceive her? how do you trust that person when you can't understand or process their fundamental energy? if you notice, some of her lyrics are narcissistic praises of her own beauty right before she tosses some acid in 
    a large portion of her lyrics are heavily rooted in her beauty and how others perceive her beauty. it kind of shows how powerful / sickly pervasive that aspect must be in her life. on the one hand, its why some people are so drawn to her. on the other, its why some people are so repelled by her. its not like she has some obnoxious personality -- she's usually pulled back and rather reserved in her demeanor. so its like, how do you deal with that kind of hate? having a genuine ~anti me perspective? no wonder she seems bipolar -- adoring and grateful with fans when she's being admired vs. arrogant, elitist, and pessimistic when she's being criticized. on the one hand, she has to wonder: do people -love- me for my talent or my beauty? will they still love me...? or, do people -hate- me because of my beauty, in spite of my talents? (this has definitely been the case, especially in the beginning of her career)... she must wonder -- if they don't acknowledge my singing or songwriting, is it because they can't look past my face? or is because i don't even have talent? this might sound reductive, or shallow even, but i think there's a bit of truth along these lines. because like i said before, people seem to be ruled by their emotions and their emotions are rarely fueled or supplemented by logic. and nothing can surpass your brain and hit you in the stomach (or nads) faster than a beautiful person. and sadly, beauty tends to garner a disproportionate amount of interest (both positive and negative), and that happens to be a culturally / temporally transcendent fact
    all i'm saying is, it must be stressful to draw such vitriol from people for no reason other than how you look. it must be painful and irritating to have your talents refuted for reasons other than an actual lack of talent. i feel like she has to downplay her focus on looks because people will automatically deem her to be superficial. there are lots of things she has to be careful about doing or saying -- because like the interviewer says; she's the type of person you can read a lot into. people are going to be quicker with their snap judgements. and if you're uninformed or unfamiliar with her or any of her work, you're likely to hold a very wrong opinion
    TL;DR -- beauty spurs a wide range of emotions in people. can it play a negative role in a person's development? distort perceptions of themselves and the world around them? fragment your personality? am i stressing people out?
  7. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in 'Ride' - Music Video Released   
    She puts controversial items in all her videos, she likes when it's extreme and deranged somehow.
    In :
    - Born to Die: the car crash/dead body scene
    - Blue Jeans: fingers in the mouth scene
    - National Anthem: the whole thing
    - Summertime Sadness: suicidal tendency
    - Ride: street walking, young girl/old men, headdress..
    These are things that make her feel "electric", that make the video striking to the viewers, that leave a mark on us. Her videos are little parts of her, sometimes her message/images/lyrics are too personal for the outsiders to get it completely and cause controversy. She doesn't seem to care, she says what she wants to say, the way she feels it. That's what artists do, they're not always politically correct even though they should be careful.
    That actually brings to philosophical questions: should artists be able to express themselves freely without boundaries? Where/what is the limit to art? Should art be censored because of its subject?...
  8. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in 'Ride' - Music Video Released   
    Watching this video again after Lana said how Yayo was written about her friend Rob and her revealing his identity in this tweet:

    something in the video instantly stood out to me.

    He had a 13 tattoo

    In the video, Lana is dancing with a biker with a 13 patch on him. She touches the patch and cries. It looks like she is singing directly to the patch, whilst singing the lines "Don't leave me now, don't say goodbye". I believe it is a direct tribute to her friend Rob. It makes so much sense, especially with the motorcycle themes in the video and Yayo lyrics
    It could also even have influenced 13 Beaches?
  9. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by cherrytropico in Visuals You Get From Lana Songs   
    “you’re cold as ice baby, but when you’re nice baby, you’re so amazing in every way”

    ”there are roses in between my thighs, fire that surrounds you”

    “white lines, pretty baby, tattoos. don't know what they mean, they're special just for you”

    mermaid motel

    high by the beach 

    lust for life demo 


    st tropez

    every man gets his wish

    raise me up 

  10. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Visuals You Get From Lana Songs   
    i consider myself to have synesthesia and i just have a strong imagination to begin with, so i get a lot of visuals from lana's music  
    oh say can you see - warm, sunny, summer day with vibrant green grass and a beautiful, bright blue sky, despite the fact that the lyrics obviously depict nighttime, however, OSCYS's demo is distinctly reminiscent of nighttime to me, specifically, a silent, summer night
    pin up galore - i always picture something rural and desert-like whenever i listen to pin up galore
    trash magic (demo 1) - pink/mauve sunset
    trash magic (demo 2) - dark blue, darker purples, it feels oceanic to me
    wayamaya - a beach, light and breezy, with hints of pastel colors, specifically pastel pink
    heavy hitter - new york city, amusement parks, a fuchsia sunset
    live forever - i get a color from that one, almost like a root beer sort of brown? 
    strangelove - a desert road at nighttime
    bentley - most certainly a nighttime song but when i really pay attention to the lyrics i can picture the bright blue sky, and somebody being at the shore, sort of dream-like, elusive, ominous
    coca cola - light and happy, white sunshine at a coney island-like amusement park
    dance for money - green and gold, almost static-y in a way
    elvis - another song that seems like a root-beer kind of brown, i've noticed that nearly every song that feels brown is specifically like a root-beer sort of color (born to die would be another one of them)
    methamphetamines - hard to describe, but somehow oceanic, like being on the beach on a day where the sky's blue yet it still appears dark and dreary outside, such a dreamy and elusive song in general
    neon palmmm - silhouettes of palm trees, a vast assortment of colors, like a rainbow, sort of like a VHS recording?
    i talk to jesus - a weird muted shade of blue-green, yet also gray, hints of different colors like red, purple, blue, also static-y
    if i die young - pink/mauve, very dream-like
    lust for life (demo 1) - a muted blue/gray color, spacey and otherwordly, like glaciers floating in the sky
    pink champagne - like being outside during a summer afternoon, smokey, hazy air, pale yellow sunlight peeking through trees as the sun slowly begins to set, almost like the afternoon
    transitioning into twilight on the fourth of july, or a day of a barbeque, something you'll remember and one day feel yearning and nostalgic for
    dark paradise - weirdly enough, it's more light, and makes me think of a beach?
    radio - also root-beer brown lol
    ultraviolence - a warm, darker purple with hints of some sort of gold/bronze color
    old money - seafoam green, interestingly
    florida kilos - vibrant green, almost neon
    freak - similar to wayamaya, light and breezy, with hints of pastel pink
    bartender - green grass, blue sky, hills, rabbits hopping about, eerily quiet
    yosemite - a cozy cabin belonging to two people in love deep into a forest filled with evergreen trees, cloudy sky
    a&w - dark, murky red, dark green, and more static-y during the second half
  11. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by pin up galore in Visuals You Get From Lana Songs   
    Cruel World's chorus is sooo suburban tornado imagery

    Norman Fucking Rockwell's outro always makes me think of Alice drowning in her own tears 

    I picture Cherry being Lana going slutty mental in a motel  

    and ending with her setting it ablaze while she's inside 

  12. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Visuals You Get From Lana Songs   
    What are some visuals that pop up in your head to certain Lana songs or lyrics?
    Here’s some of mine to start!
  13. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Stoned Mary in the Garden in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I did!!! That’s his fav song right now. Hmm 
    RIGHT. chemtrails, Candy necklace, fiily/the greatest, freak… so many iconic moments omg 
  14. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by rocknrollgroupie in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Lmaooo pls☠️
    Tell him it’s not too late to contact Lana 
  15. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I wish she would do a video for A&W so bad, and bring back her ICONIC theatre premieres like she did for Tropico, Freak, and Ride !!!! Like those days were so iconic and A&W definitely deserves ! 
  16. deleted123 liked a post in a topic by love deluxe in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    “i used to think my preaching was mostly about you… and you’re not gonna like this, but i’m gonna tell you the truth. i’ve discovered- my preaching is mostly about me…”

  17. Soso liked a post in a topic by deleted123 in Cringe at r/lanadelrey thread at reddit   
    I don't know why people make conspiracies about her "secret child" when the more plausible answer is that she's probably talking about an imagined future child 
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