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Fart Deco

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About Fart Deco

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    Let me hold you like a fart

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    Not Telling
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    Men in Music Business Conference
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  1. The only thing she’ll debut at Stagecoach will be her pregnancy.
  2. Y’all remember Shanice from the COCC pre-release? We should summon her for some tea…
  3. So, about Anna Cofone’s ig story discussed few pages ago, under her latest post Lana replied to Anna’s comment, mentiong a call about N.O… the plot thickens
  4. I feel like something is going on behind the scenes… I may be reaching but I feel like the sudden album announcement on instagram (which, if I’m correct, both her label and her managers did’t back up) her disappearance from the media - wedding and election outcome aside - are some sort of retaliation against the label for not letting her doing things on her terms… i wonder if, after all this time and after three more intimate project, they’re still pressuring her into releasing more upbeat music TL;DR: something fishy is going on
  5. May 21 lmao we know damn well the title and concept gonna change three more time at least edit: and the release date too.
  6. The sound of the last snippet posted by lady gagie on Instagram (moondust gets everywhere) is all I wanted from Lana’s next album
  7. She should drop the Fenway intro song just to create some buzz
  8. It reminds me of Burning by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs a bit and I love it
  9. I tried to buy the hoodie but as soon as I tried to pay I received a mischievous phishing like sms from my bank and my card got declined
  10. She should revamp Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) and drop it as a single with a southern gothic aesthetic… like it goes really well with the photos she posted on instagram the other day
  11. Yas give me that southern gothic mama
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