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  1. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Instagram Updates   
  2. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Alison by Slowdive in Instagram Updates   
    literally. she endured a lot and stayed on social media for quite some time despite the barrage of hate 
  3. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Salvatore91 in Instagram Updates   
    I’m fairly certain this has been her plan all along.  Remember during COCC she talked about knowing where she needed to go as an artist, but that it was going to be very hard to do?  That, along with the line “not from the land of the palms so I know I can’t stay here / I’m not native,” leads me to believe that she’s going to leave LA and commit to a quiet simple life somewhere in the middle of North America and just focus on her art.  I’m sure Joan Baez has been a real mentor to her during this process.  
  4. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Bird World in Instagram Updates   
    God knows she tried 
  5. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Instagram Updates   
    remember when ed/ben said she’s been thinking of something she might “pull off” for years & then shared a fan theory on their story…. was this part of the huge thing ? disappearing ? ? 
    i need to get off my phone but it just makes me sad for some reason (which is so dumb it’s just social media) i just wonder how we will find out about future music 
  6. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Let the Light In in Instagram Updates   
    Hope she can come back after she finally takes her revenge
    "Anyone can start again
    Not through love but through revenge
    Through the fire, we're born again
    Peace by vengeance brings the end"
  7. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by StillOnMyMind in Instagram Updates   
    When my friends deactivate their accounts I can’t see anything in their profiles, but I still can see her bio, profile photo and link of BB. Weird.
  8. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Instagram Updates   
    her finsta is alive and breathing  

  9. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Instagram Updates   
    For me personally, Lana's music is more than enough to keep me connected to her, but I wholeheartedly understand why her deleting her socials is hard for some of us. She's been very active with us and shared so much with us, so it can be difficult to adjust to that going away. 
  10. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in Instagram Updates   
    You know this is probably the best decision she's ever made especially from a mental health point of view. 
    All that hate, all that body shaming. The constant pressure all the time gets to you no matter how strong you are. She did the right thing and whilst her absence is upsetting, I'd rather Lana be happy than go through anymore of the bullshit that entails with being on social media sites. 
  11. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Poor Stacy in Instagram Updates   
    The amount of emotional whiplash we go through as Lana fans………  Sending a hug to you all bc it isn’t always a walk in the park.
  12. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by American Bottom in Instagram Updates   
    THIS. I strongly believe that childhood isn't the only crucial stage to development. Whatever you're interested in between ages 12-14 is also HIGHLY important to who you become as an adult. So for me, at that age as I was dealing with a troublesome home-life and coming to terms with my sexuality and also dealing with my first breakup...all I had was Lana. 
    And sure, maybe it's not fair of us to ask that of her. To be the crutch when we're in too much pain to walk. But this shit hurts man. It's worrying. The possibility of not having that connection between her and the fan base. 
    Idk just my thoughts. 
  13. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Instagram Updates   
    ....In other news, Juicy J supports her decision?? Very random but that's nice, I guess
  14. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Instagram Updates   
    I will speak for myself on this but..
    Lana's presence and art has literally saved my life. I cant even begin to explain to you the pain and darkness i've gone through and how having her music and seeing her made it so much more bearable. I know it seems silly, but for people who don't have a lot emotionally, she is the thing we look forward to to keep us going. The extremely sudden absence leaves an empty spot for me. It was the one thing i had to feel connected to her. It may be different for you, but please at least understand and allow people to react the way they need to. This forum is pretty much the only thing we have to be able to connect with each other about someone we all love so deeply. 
  15. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by American Bottom in Instagram Updates   
    Every building in the US should lower the American flag halfway today in honor 

  16. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    I like being dramatic. It's fun.
  17. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Instagram Updates   
    Kinda hoping she just forgets to deactivate honeymoon. It deserves to be immortalized as a social experiment/art piece.
  18. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in Instagram Updates   
    Ok her last post is iconic AF
  19. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Instagram Updates   
    we didn't know that we had it all.. but nobody warns you before the fall ?
  20. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Alison by Slowdive in Instagram Updates   
    idk how some of u AREN'T moved by this. do u realise how much of a privilege it actually is to have access to someone like lana's instagram, a little peak behind the curtain? we were so lucky 
  21. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Instagram Updates   
    this is a great example of "no matter what she does, somebody will always criticize her"
  22. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Instagram Updates   
    This is exactly it — just being an audience to her personal posts  was a very small way of feeling connected to her as a person. We don’t know her of course, but this felt like her wanting us to know her beyond just the music. It was something we probably never actively thought about, Lana’s online presence was just there and she became a part of our lives in a more accessible, cellular way. It’s a very bittersweet feeling. 
  23. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by bel air rose in Instagram Updates   
    maybe u shouldn’t be on lanaboards then 
  24. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Instagram Updates   
    It’s funny how something so trivial has actually left me feeling pretty downbeat. She has been a constant in all of our lives and even if half of her posts were happy birthday messages to friends… just her presence is a uniting force and with her opting out of sharing herself with us outside of the music—which is totally her choice and respectable— come the realisation that your own perceptions of people are just that… you never really know them and everything is ephemeral  it just kind of forces you to reflect on your own place in the world.
    or maybe I’m just projecting 
  25. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Instagram Updates   
    people should be allowed to "grieve" this, social media is a big part of how we connect & communicate with others, including our favorite artists & idols  also it's very unexpected & it really feels like she's saying goodbye
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