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Carmen Del Rey

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  1. suicideblonde liked a post in a topic by Carmen Del Rey in Ranking Lana's Outros   
    Honeymoon for sure
    High By the Beach
    TNBAR  We play the eagles down in maliiiibu and I waaaant it
  2. Aphrodite liked a post in a topic by Carmen Del Rey in Instagram Updates   
    And you call yourself literate because you're making assumptions out of what I said?
    Someone said where's the sparkle in her eyes. I think it was @Anthony. People are flipping out and crying over that ONE comment, ONE opinion, one observation.
    I'm a grown adult, I would never say someone is on drugs because they're not wearing makeup.
    Anyway I completely agree the light in her eyes HAS dimmed and that is my pesonal opinion.
    No where in my post did I say she's actively using drugs. It says "Drugs if you ask me" - answering where the light went. 
    I'm a strong believer in she was on drugs at one point or another, and recently. And she's admitted to it.
  3. BluebirdXO liked a post in a topic by Carmen Del Rey in Instagram Updates   
    And you call yourself literate because you're making assumptions out of what I said?
    Someone said where's the sparkle in her eyes. I think it was @Anthony. People are flipping out and crying over that ONE comment, ONE opinion, one observation.
    I'm a grown adult, I would never say someone is on drugs because they're not wearing makeup.
    Anyway I completely agree the light in her eyes HAS dimmed and that is my pesonal opinion.
    No where in my post did I say she's actively using drugs. It says "Drugs if you ask me" - answering where the light went. 
    I'm a strong believer in she was on drugs at one point or another, and recently. And she's admitted to it.
  4. Carmen Del Rey liked a post in a topic by Anthony in Instagram Updates   
    Well, you quoted a phrase from me in your comment, so I thought it best to clarify a few things. I don't know if you read my second comment, but in it I mentioned that I have that "impression" when I see some photos and videos of her after the qftc. I also said that it was probably just my perception, and no one else's, and that I would probably be wrong. In fact, I think I miss seeing her smile more, and not with that angry or sad expression of someone who has had, since May, to justify herself or try to make herself understood by things that are not always her fault. ? At no time did I say that she was sick, drugged or going through something. Who's making this big?
  5. roseofacircus liked a post in a topic by Carmen Del Rey in Instagram Updates   
    Each era is getting worse with this.
    I wonder how absent and elusive she will be for the next era tbh...
  6. 99centlips liked a post in a topic by Carmen Del Rey in Instagram Updates   
    Drugs if you ask me. But I won't say anymore on my thoughts on this bc it's not on topic
  7. BluebirdXO liked a post in a topic by Carmen Del Rey in Instagram Updates   
    Drugs if you ask me. But I won't say anymore on my thoughts on this bc it's not on topic
  8. White Hot Forever liked a post in a topic by Carmen Del Rey in Instagram Updates   
    The hidden content is kind of terrifying
  9. Carmen Del Rey liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    Lana wore a mesh mask and attended multiple private parties during the pandemic. She hosted a fan-meeting for her poetry book and regularly takes off her mask when she does selfies with random fans. She drives around like a stupid 16yo. Let's better not address her qualities in terms of responsibility.
  10. Carmen Del Rey liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    I find anything below 60 degrees chilly tbh. Tbh I wear coats when it’s in the high 50s. 
  11. Carmen Del Rey liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in Instagram Updates   
    I think it’s just a bad pic
  12. Carmen Del Rey liked a post in a topic by details in Instagram Updates   
    wait this makes sense chile..
  13. Carmen Del Rey liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in Instagram Updates   
    I think she is a corona positive. She is using a mask in the photo of the party of Charlie and she looks sick in this photo+Charlie is using a mask against corona near her... Like, why he would that??
    And of course she will never talk about that because the blacklash would be GIANT for obvious reasons
    Maybe she delayed White Dress because she is having a bad time..
  14. Carmen Del Rey liked a post in a topic by Anthony in Instagram Updates   
    Maybe it's just me, but this picture gave me a strange feeling. Charlie was always weird - in a funny way, sometimes. But Lana... Where's the sparkle in the eyes that this woman used to have? ?
  15. Carmen Del Rey liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in Instagram Updates   
    I don’t want to contribute to the “what’s wrong with Charlie” talk since we don’t know a thing about him and his personal life but I do have to agree he looks..rough. In his last video he posted ‘6AM business calls’ whoever was talking to him seemed very concerned about the 27 club and told Charlie to “be careful”
    I hope whatever (if there even is) is going on gets okay for him!!
  16. Carmen Del Rey liked a post in a topic by HeadBitch in Instagram Updates   
    "No, Charlie! I promised to myself I would give them nothing this era "
  17. Carmen Del Rey liked a post in a topic by Rust Dress in Instagram Updates   
    lana and charlie atm
  18. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by Carmen Del Rey in Instagram Updates   
    I was going to compare him to her as well! Chuck is obviously artistic as well, but she definitely seems the shyest to me.
  19. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Carmen Del Rey in Instagram Updates   
    I know... he won't reply to any of my comments asking to marry him, who tf des that?!
    LOL I'm jk but for real I agree with you, he is definitely going thru a weird stage right now. I mean weirder than normal... because he's always been a little odd.
  20. Carmen Del Rey liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in Instagram Updates   
    i see a lot of the same eccentric personality in him and lana, he’s just more extroverted than she is. they’re art kids after all 
  21. clementines liked a post in a topic by Carmen Del Rey in Instagram Updates   
    I know... he won't reply to any of my comments asking to marry him, who tf des that?!
    LOL I'm jk but for real I agree with you, he is definitely going thru a weird stage right now. I mean weirder than normal... because he's always been a little odd.
  22. Carmen Del Rey liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    Say crack again?
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