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  1. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Lana's "Mystery Illness" in 2014   
    I think it was the thread someone made speculating on whether or not Lana had BPD and writing a full blown essay on the subject 
  2. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Does Lana know about LanaBoards?   
  3. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by COCC in Does Lana know about LanaBoards?   
    Joining LB would lead to her second question for the culture 
  4. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Does Lana know about LanaBoards?   
    i hope the scat poster listens to nicki minaj's did it on 'em after attacking. that's like the perfect soundtrack to it i'd think 
  5. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by LanaTheRay in Does Lana know about LanaBoards?   
    She followed elle on both her main and honeymoon out of nowhere so shes gone far enough to find out who owns this site and prolly followed her out of interest/to keep tabs on her
  6. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by lernerderrey in Does Lana know about LanaBoards?   
    tis i, lerner der rey. plz sterp lerking mer dermos. merny thernks!!!
  7. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    (Nothing about Lana's metaphysics, as portrayed in her work, is underdeveloped. You would have to dive deep into such subjects as Neoplatonism to know that stuff. What she said about her metaphysics in 2012-13 was.)
    An aside—I stumbled on this nine-year-old thread and everyone was totally convinced that Lana was a complete moron, lol. She really was trying to play dumb on the metaphysics stuff as part of some weird persona that went completely out of her control. Even a decade later, people still think she's a nihilist as depicted in Ride, even though Tropico and any of her interviews in the following years would prove that wrong—"die young" was meant in a mystical sense. Like, everyone knows she’s hiding something, but WTF is it? It’s not that Interscope is writing everything, and she’s had ten years to prove that. She just wants to completely obfuscate that there’s more to Born to Die than a bunch of pop songs; it’s more like culture-jamming.
    (Note how Lana always says that she wants nothing to do with the "culture"—she regards herself as a foreign invader, a chameleon, who has to play to their tastes—"I know you like the bad girls"—but badly overshot the target in 2012. I recall in one old interview, she calls herself an "introvert" and then quickly walks the statement back when she realizes it would make her sound abnormal. 2012 Lana would never say the crazy shit that 2021 Lana says, even if their beliefs haven't changed.)
    Which brings us back to the "Love" video—Lana's modern manifesto, with a knowing wink. Lady Stardust teaches the kids how to become Star Children and finally venture into space. Lana takes the place of the Monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey, which "seems to represent and even trigger epic transitions in the history of human evolution." Laying all the cards on the table. (And somehow predicting Elon Musk launching his own car into space the following year.)
    What about all these children and all their children's children?
    And why am I even wonderin' that today?
    Maybe my contribution could be as small as hopin'
    That words could turn to birds
    And birds would send my thoughts your way
    I'd trade it all for a stairway to heaven
    "I believe words are sacred." The dream that they had In the one nine sixties.
  8. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    This gives some good insight into how Lana was constructing her music around the time of BTD. There’s those two currents of the mundane and transcendent running through everything—or death and love, as she said elsewhere. People just could not believe how some kid obsessed with tropical kitsch could come out of nowhere with a conviction to not record "stupid music" and create this perfect pop album on the very first try, then decide she had done all she could in the genre and proceed to create the music she actually wanted to make, baroque neo-psychedelia. The whole thing was pure fucking witchcraft.
  9. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    I know some might find that interpretation of Born to Die to be a bit out there, but look at this very revealing quote from Lana:
    There's a new revolution
    A loud evolution
    That I saw
    Back in 2012, she was still trying to play dumb at being some Marilyn Monroe type. They ask her about metaphysics, and she starts dancing around the subject like it's on fire:
    At the end of the Tropico film, you see them ascending to heaven and flying saucers appear. From what I can gather from the crumbs she's dropped, she wanted the world to attain a higher level of consciousness so they could finally go into space and make alien contact (itself a very New Age idea). "I'm more into SpaceX and Tesla, what's going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities."
    On Born to Die's meaning, the only lie is one of omission:
    I was so confused as a little child
    Born of confusion 
    And quiet collusion of which
    Mostly I've known
    On how she uses men from her past as archetypal figures in her work (2012):
    On how particular she is about choosing everything in her videos to fit into her archetypal world (2014):
    Cigarettes and Robitussin
    Will I ever get to heaven?
    I’m gentle.
    I’m funny when I’m drunk,
    But I haven’t been drunk for 14 years.
    Lana points back to 2006 as being the pivotal year.
    Hello it's the most famous woman you know on the iPad
    Calling from beyond the grave, I just wanna say
    "Hi dad"
    Rob still knows her as Lizzy; does she call him from "beyond the grave" because Lizzy died on the day she saw palm trees in black and white?
    On how nobody understands her music and she'd like to keep it that way:

    Get out of my blood, salamander!...
    And yet, everywhere I go, it seems there you are,
    And there I am.
    Before touching on Kundalini in a poem, Lana uses blatant alchemical symbolism with the salamander (called, like Jim, a fire-eater). The salamander being another fire emblem (not the Video Games); the Sulphur as all-consuming fire that is the source of true poetic insight. She would rather keep her inner life private, but the fire in her veins compels her. (Since this part of the board is indexed on Google, maybe I'm even giving away too much? Or maybe this is all just mad ravings.)
    On fighting her Shadow and monsters:
    Shaking my ass is the only thing that's
    Got this black narcissist off my back
    She couldn't care less
    And I never cared more
    In her "Money Power Glory" commentary, she mentions that it was inspired by Carl Jung and the concept of projection--but it also serves as an exorcism of her degenerate beauty queen persona (and let's face it, it was a persona).
    Monsters still under my bed
    That I could never fight off
    A gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my nights off
    What gatekeeper? To what gate? The only one I can remember is from, again, "Bel Air"--
    Gargoyles standing at the front of your gate
  10. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    "I am certainly of opinion that genius can be acquired" (Crowley)
    Listening to Lana's early work, there is a marked transformation that occurs around 2007. On Sirens ca. 2005-2006, we have "diaristic" songs about life as it is; it is rightly called juvenilia. It is interesting to chart her development with her lyrics. One of the earliest tracks to show her new development is, appropriately, "Pawn Shop Blues"—its first performance was in May, 2006:
    In the name of higher consciousness
    I let the best man I knew go
    'Cause it's nice to love and be loved
    But it's better to know all you can know
    Said it's nice to love and be loved
    But I'd rather know what God knows

    Oh-no, oh-no, oh-no, oh-no, oh-no
    I can't do this once more
    No man can keep me together
    Been broken since I was born
    So her mindset in this period is clear. She has entered a sort of seclusion to "know" God, in the Gnostic sense. 
    Then in early 2007:
    It's the voodoo Mississippi south
    Sixty-nine million stars
    Birds are comin' out of my mouth
    Spirits creepin' in my yard
    Oh, my head, it's tiltin' back
    Something's dancin' me around
    Puttin' crystals on my neck
    Liftin' my toes off the ground, ah-ah-ahh, ground, ah-ha-ah-ah
    Rai-rai-rai-raise me up
    A great change in her lyrics is already seen; the imagery is rich and figurative. The Melancholia of "Pawn Shop Blues" is followed by a sort of resurrection—"Jim raised me up". Then a theme emerges:

    I am my only God now
    Baby, I have become someone
    A monster, hey, yeah, yeah
    Baby, I've become someone
    Not of this world, hey, yeah, yeah (cf. "Maha Maha")
    I remember we came in May
    And we changed our names to Lana and Ray
    Lizzy has become Lana Ray, someone not of this world; the truest expression of who she is "on the inside." Somewhere in this time period, she writes "Yayo," which she has said depicts a pivotal moment in her life. Its first performance is June 14, 2007, appropriately before a performance of "Pawn Shop Blues". When she re-records the song for Paradise, it is the connecting link between "Gods and Monsters" and "Bel Air"—the necessary transition from hell to heaven.
    You have to take me right now
    From this dark trailer park life now...
    Hello, Heaven, you are a tunnel lined
    With yellow lights on a dark night
    Palm trees in black and white
    Was the last thing I saw before I died
    Bright light, right man
    Right mixture of cocaine and heroin

    All that's real to me is Marilyn and Jesus
    Jumpin' off'a bridges, sparklers and streamers, honey
    I wanna die (fly), I wanna die (fly), I wanna die (fly)
    A death and rebirth. A jump into the Abyss. Visions of a tropical Paradise. The alchemical mixture of elements ("energies combined"); figuratively cocaine (white) and heroin (black?). Marilyn and Jesus, archetypal forms from an eternal reality.

    You my Axl Rose husband
    Blue hydrangea
    White Pontiac Heaven
    Me, your red, white, and blue girl
    Star-spangled danger
    Now a richly-textured archetypal interior world emerges, entirely her own: the white car in heaven (seen in the "West Coast" video). Lana as the embodiment of America. The pun of "heavy metal" and alchemical metals. The men she most adores now become figures of her Animus that represent the alchemical King in the coniunctio. "At night I fell asleep with visions of myself dancing and laughing and crying with them..."

    You, my heavy metal king, king
    I said, "Daddy, I need you" (Yes)
    Greenwich, I need you
    Strangled up in ivy
    I'm the garden of Eden
    Lady Liberty
    Teal with flame I'm shinin'
    Queen, queen
    You're my one king, daddy
    I'm your little queen, red, white, and blue
    (Cf. 2009: You can be my higher power, baby
    I can be your empress USA)
    I can be your 4th of July
    Gimme that, gimme that, gimme that crystal meth, love
    Feels like sugar in me
    Lana, or the temple that is her body and heart, becomes America and the Garden of Eden as the fertile earth (an image repeated in "Arcadia") in which Paradise is revealed, figuratively impregnated by a deity or Animus figure. Says Crowley, the Empress "is fitted to represent one of the three alchemical forms of energy, Salt. Salt is the inactive principle of Nature; Salt is matter which must be energized by Sulphur to maintain the whirling equilibrium of the Universe." Crystal meth as the alchemical Elixir: "This liquor is the Amrita of the Indian philosophers, the Nepenthe and Ambrosia of the Greeks, the Alkahest and Universal Medicine of the Alchemists, the Blood of the Grail; or, rather, the nectar which is the mother of that blood" (Crowley). Refer again to "Paradise is Very Fragile":
    But you taste like the beach and a kiss.
    Candy from my eyes,
    in my veins you run citrus.
    Watercolor images of serpents on orange trees arise in my midst.
    Kundalini, you breathe me.

    Fast forward to 2009:
    I got that magical trance potion
    Gotta leave, I can't wait 'til I'm older
    Gargoyles standing at the front of your gate (= "Spirits creepin' in my yard")
    Trying to tell me to wait, but I can’t wait to see you
    So I run like I'm mad to Heaven’s door
    I don’t wanna be bad, I won’t cheat you no more
    Roses, Bel Air
    Take me there
    I’ve been waiting to meet you
    Palm trees in the light
    I can see late at night
    Darling, I’m waiting to greet you
    Come to me, baby
    Spotlight, bad baby, you’ve got a flair
    For the violentest kind of love anywhere out there
    A summation of her Work so far; the great reveal at the end of Paradise that the fallen girl in "Gods and Monsters" has already been redeemed, and asks others to follow her. Ultraviolence is foreshadowed. Violent love that offers resurrection. 
    They say I'm too young to love you
    I don't know what I need
    They think I don't understand
    The freedom land of the 70s
    At about the age of 21, almost unheard of in someone so young, something happened to Elizabeth Grant; something that she will not discuss openly even now, as it is impossible to describe in straightforward words—"an obsession for freedom that terrified me to the point that I couldn't even talk about it." This something changed the whole of her life to such an extent that she changed her name, changed her hair to suit the truth of her new interior reality ("the mood of your soul"), and transformed her songwriting into allegorical poetry. I hope this provides some insight into the true depth of her art, even in the earliest material.
    You never liked the way I said it
    If you don't get it, then forget it
    'Cause I don't have to fucking explain it
  11. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    girlie was a psychic... 
    finallyyy gone is the burden of the crowley way of being
  12. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Is Lana Into B.D.S.M.?   
    Vintage Lanaboards is something
  13. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by Frangipani in Is Lana Into B.D.S.M.?   
    The internet was a mistake
  14. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by That Venice Bitch in Lana Del Rey's Social Media History   
    It's never been confirmed, but that "person" leaked the Honeymoon music video and their Insta was posting never-before-seen Lana selfies so it can only be assumed that it was Lana on one of her trap accounts lol
  15. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by ultravyvanse in New TikTok fans: weird or just unhinged?   
    her so called fans on these sites (especially tiktok) don't even view her as a real human being instead they see her as an aesthetic and get angry when reminded shes no longer that 'skinny drugged up white girl' 
  16. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by ultravyvanse in New TikTok fans: weird or just unhinged?   
    thought id add this here 

  17. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by Ebola in Things You Can’t Believe We Have   
    before and after photos of her lip filler from her esthetician’s website 
  18. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Things You Can’t Believe We Have   
    the fact that we have as many live recordings from the Lizzy era as we do blows my mind — what are the odds that so many people would film this lil no-name indie singer in NY bars and hole-in-the-wall venues — AND that the footage didn’t get lost?? and the fact that professional footage/an interview exist from 2006??? insane 
  19. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by electra in Things You Can’t Believe We Have   
    i forget about tropico more than i would like to admit.
    it reminds me of, like, 2013 where everyone on twitter was called colapussytropicocxnt
  20. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in Opinions on a possible 2023 tour/setlist?   
    can she come to Aus and just do some random spur-of-the-moment show at a bar, down the road from me,,,, where only im invited...,,,,,

  21. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by details in Opinions on a possible 2023 tour/setlist?   
    she better go back to the singing for her baybies on the tour lyfe mindset real soon or else… 
  22. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by Sportscruiser in Opinions on a possible 2023 tour/setlist?   
    Never. I can’t believe I got so lucky to see one of her last concerts ever here in Lisbon, summer of 2019. I got to see Venice Bitch live 
  23. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by TayLanaHoe in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Merch & Media Drop   
    funny story- I ordered a copy of VBBOTG (Green pressing) on discogs and this fucking guy took 2 WEEKS to ship it… so he said he “included a surprise for my collection as an apology”… it was a Fucking copy of Adele’s 30 🤡 they literally are resorting to giving it away now lmfao 
  24. TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by DeadSeaOfMercury in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Merch & Media Drop   
    It’s weird, I thought I had remembered NFR & Cocc’s UO being listed the Sunday after announcement? 
    I keep checking…
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