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  1. prettywhenimhigh liked a post in a topic by honeymooooon in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    wheres that print of the guys on instagram that said “last day of votting suprised me”?
  2. honeymooooon liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Thanks and cheers to Elle and the moderators for all their good work last night. 
  3. honeymooooon liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Billboard Women in Music 2023 is still the most iconic award show ever on LanaBoards. When she finally received her award and the broadcast stopped
  4. honeymooooon liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Lana (5), Olivia Rodrigo (6) and Jon Batiste (6) were the most nominated artists without a single win at the Grammys 2024.
  5. honeymooooon liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I'm really disappointed because, just like most of you guys, I was so confident she was taking home at least one award. I know it's a competition and I don't want Lana to be a victim but this is all so unfair. Everyone was getting their awards, and nothing for Lana? Who was second best selling woman in the world, even more than the people she lost against? Who had one of the most monumental, critically applauded albums of the 2020s? Who didn't stop making the news for her magnetic performances at some of the most important festivals in the world? Who had the most talked-about album of the entire year? 
    Midnights was the Best Pop Vocal Album, why give it the AOTY too? What Was I Made For won Best Song Written for Visual Media, the category it totally deserved as it was, well, the best song written for visual media of the bunch? How does that song reflect 2023 as Song of the Year, and not A&W with its actually thought-provoking lyrics?
    Boygenius for Best Alternative Music Album; I know The Record was acclaimed too, but in what world Ocean Blvd wasn't the alternative album of the year? The one that's actaully left-field, deeply conceptual, with multiple sounds, instruments, dynamics and lyrics that actually represent the alternative side of music; topics that aren't talked about, that are feared by most, and not as explored as they should. Why give This Is Why Best Alternative Song, when its parent album won Best Rock Album? Couldn't they, really, give anything to Lana?
    If this is a popularity contest, yes they all deserved... Miley, SZA and everyone else; but 2023 was undoubtedly Lana's popularity peak, and it only seems to rise. How, seriously how wasn't she awarded for that? What does she have to do to have this level of mainstream recognition? She doesn't need it, of course, as she's a critic darling, a festival darling, a GP darling... everyone loves her. She hasn't reached the tip of the "music industry" iceberg, but does she really need to? Prime TV, the Grammys, the Oscars... maybe her fate really is to be a trailblazer, watch all of her disciples come and go, grab the gold and the applause, but she will remain strong and influential, discussed and forever relevant.
    I love you Lana, and I love you Ocean Blvd; others are thankful for seeing their favorite artists reach #1 and undeservedly break Grammy records; I personally am thankful for experiencing the music, for being part of this global movement that is Lana Del Rey, driven by her pure talent and timeless songwriting.
    By the way, she looked breathtaking.

  6. honeymooooon liked a post in a topic by gothphetamine in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I have to say I do really like the fact that Taylor brought her up on stage and shouted her out and it’s really nice that she’s always paying homage to her and respecting her. You can tell she genuinely adores Lana. Also the hair fixing moment and them holding hands was just 
  7. honeymooooon liked a post in a topic by Elle in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Skfnsk a tiktok edit just popped up on my FYP of clips of Lana with Taylor during her win set to the “always an angel, never a god” part of boygenius’ Not Strong Enough and it destroyed me a little skkk because it’s so true! The whole night, she was the angel. Looking beautiful, giving hugs to Taylor for her wins, standing amongst a seated crowd to clap for Billie during her win, even joining Taylor up on stage as she lost against her while smiling solemnly in the shadows. But she wasn’t the god. She didn’t get that dedicated, shining moment of praise from the industry that she deserved. Yet, she still showed support for everyone else and still kept a smile on her face. & it’s been that way her whole career. She paved the way for so many artists who have now reached major success, always showing her love and support for them, while she rarely ever gets the credit for it herself. Always an angel, never a god.. (also the fact the edit was set to that boygenius song made it hurt even more since they won one of her noms skkk)
    I am also one of the people in the bunch who are still running on 3 hours of sleep, so it’s time for me to turn in before I get more delusional loool. Tomorrow’s a new day xx
  8. honeymooooon liked a post in a topic by Poor Stacy in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    You are fucking 100% spot on.
    Lana doesn't "play the game". That's why a lot of us thought it was odd that she actively campaigned for Ocean Blvd (at the urging of others it seems?), inspired by the goodwill she'd been receiving, just to ultimately be slapped in the face by the powers that be.
    Her punishment, right? Well, no, because she benefits both ways. She doesn't have to ever do SHIT for the Grammys again, and she'll still be incredibly successful, innovative, subversive, and self-maintained... all of that without being some cookie cutter industry shrill trying to impress the industry bigwigs. Isn't she the #2 most streamed female artist on Spotify currently? She's quite literally the 2nd most prolific and successful female artist out there right now. And she did it without being watered down, or playing it safe. 
    If she wants to say "fuck it" and go even more gloves off now, well... We ride at dawn! She's a genius. And she'll be fine without a stupid trophy given to her by Boomers who never understood her (or tried to) anyway. Fuck 'em. She's a true rebel, and rebels are rarely rewarded easily by those who have played it safe their entire lives.
  9. honeymooooon liked a post in a topic by The Sun Also Rises in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I woke up and .... 
    I don't think I can even bring myself to watch the main show now in retrospect knowing that she doesn't win anything. 
    Anyway, I'm feeling really really awful and I need to rant, so, here's my own QFTC
    I think the "music industry" is scared of Lana, because she's one of the biggest pop stars in the world right now and she doesn't owe them anything. Her success has been through her own hard work over decades of persistence. As much as journalists tried to push the industry plant theories during BTD, deep down they all know that she's there, standing among them, because she sang to crowds of just ten people in bars, she wrote and wrote and wrote and pushed and pushed and pushed and when finally she hit the radios, people listened. And people loved her. 

    The fact that Lana is the force she is without having a single Grammy, without getting huge radio play, without pandering to the critics, the zeitgeist, the egos that need stroking .. that's what they're all afraid of. Intimidated by. 

    I think she's one of the only huge artists of our time who took the "traditional" struggle route (touring tiny jazz bars and local pubs) and went "viral" (on tumblr). She incapsulates both the old and the new way of gaining success. 

    Plus, her music, her looks — they're endless homages to icons of the past. There's countless references to literature, movies, singers, poetry, cultural icons, fashion. And yet despite building so much on our collective nostalgia, Lana is authentically herself. Despite what magazines try to push, no Lana fan wonders who she is under her references. Nobody thinks it feels empty. It's such a feat to be able to effortlessly reference the past while influencing the future generations. It's been said time and time again how Lana is the reason that Billie, Olivia, even Taylor make the music they do today. For someone who is blinded by their own fear and hatred about Lana's struggles in the past, her "bad influence," her "inauthenticity," having an artist who is simultaneously able to exist in the past, present and future is the epitome of power ... power they didn't bestow and power they didn't want her to have  
    She has built a legacy (and DYKTTATUOB was the cementation of that legacy, whether it won or not) that will surpass 99% of the people in the music industry currently ... 
    And it's been said time and time again but things that appeal (mostly) to women are derided. Any kind of media. I totally get what Lana was saying in QFTC although it wasn't worded well (and this probably won't be either). Nothing has changed, not really. I know Lana said in the Billboard awards that she's glad people feel they can't express themselves now as it didn't feel that way in 2008, but I don't think anyone, Billie Taylor and Olivia included, is singing about the experience of being a woman like Lana is: Just look at A&W ... we still have some way to go before people (mostly MEN) accept that it's just as worthwhile to sing about the experience of SA, alcoholism, suicide ideation, abusive relationships, and family trauma as it is to sing about being powerful and strong as a woman (and you can be those things while singing about those topics that everyone just wants to ignore). It takes courage to sing about these things when so often nobody in your own personal life wants to listen! But singing to millions of people? The vulnerability? Beautiful. There are millions of women (and men) who see the power in that. 

    On the same topic, I absolutely hate that some stupid articles before the Grammy's didn't even mention Lana's name once despite her being nominated in 2 major categories, yet mentioned Jack in relation to Lana's work. As much as I am happy for Jack for his win it feels much the same way that he won in part thanks to her artistry while she is barely mentioned in the media coverage, on the carpet ... anywhere. Except by Jack and Taylor themselves (). This might be controversial but it reeks of sexism to me. I just HATE how she is treated almost as if her name is dirty so they just avoid saying mentioning her as if she doesn't even exist. URGH I AM IN SUCH A BAD MOOD 
  10. honeymooooon liked a post in a topic by DEMONDELREY in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I don’t know if it’s because I had like 3 hours of sleep or what but I’m still gutted over this. I know it’s just an award show, but I really had such a good feeling about it since the nominations were announced. It just sucks 
  11. honeymooooon liked a post in a topic by Embach in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    To clarify, I don't hate Boygenius and Paramore. But I hate the people who voted for them 
  12. Weirdkowski liked a post in a topic by honeymooooon in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    im more MORE anoyed by billies talk with the “no i dont deserve this, give it to the others” why cant she just accept it and stfu sometimes
    happy for taylor tho winning 4 aotys is amazing!!! 
    and they way she talked about lana so true 
    happy for victoria monét too, very well deserved
  13. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by honeymooooon in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    im more MORE anoyed by billies talk with the “no i dont deserve this, give it to the others” why cant she just accept it and stfu sometimes
    happy for taylor tho winning 4 aotys is amazing!!! 
    and they way she talked about lana so true 
    happy for victoria monét too, very well deserved
  14. taco truck liked a post in a topic by honeymooooon in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    im more MORE anoyed by billies talk with the “no i dont deserve this, give it to the others” why cant she just accept it and stfu sometimes
    happy for taylor tho winning 4 aotys is amazing!!! 
    and they way she talked about lana so true 
    happy for victoria monét too, very well deserved
  15. honeymooooon liked a post in a topic by honeyslow in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    honestly I am a bit surprised at how bad-faith people are being about Taylor,  I guess anything she does is prone to getting construed into a thousand different things, but I fail to see in what universe Taylor wanting to highlight Lana on that stage and literally saying in so many words that the Grammys have been snubbing her is supposed to be a bad thing or disrespectful
    obviously it would be better if Lana won and was appreciated on her own merits and this wasn’t happening in the first place, but considering that that’s not the case, I really think this was a genuine - if maybe not entirely well thought out - gesture
  16. DeluluBlvd liked a post in a topic by honeymooooon in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    im more MORE anoyed by billies talk with the “no i dont deserve this, give it to the others” why cant she just accept it and stfu sometimes
    happy for taylor tho winning 4 aotys is amazing!!! 
    and they way she talked about lana so true 
    happy for victoria monét too, very well deserved
  17. Pink Flamingo liked a post in a topic by honeymooooon in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    im more MORE anoyed by billies talk with the “no i dont deserve this, give it to the others” why cant she just accept it and stfu sometimes
    happy for taylor tho winning 4 aotys is amazing!!! 
    and they way she talked about lana so true 
    happy for victoria monét too, very well deserved
  18. honeymooooon liked a post in a topic by Yameena Khatri in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Someone here said they had a bad weekend and hoping this would cheer them up. Girl I pray for you 
  19. honeymooooon liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    we all sign up to be seat fillers next time she's nominated and then when they give her award/s to other less deserving people, we jump on the tables, yell stuff, and then burn the auditorium
    OR we just redbubble a t-shirt that says "Fuck the Recording Academy" on the front and "#justiceforlana" on the back
  20. honeymooooon liked a post in a topic by LustForcocc in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I really hope she doesn’t take this as a reflection of what the general public think and knows how wide spread her frustration is  
  21. honeymooooon liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoVintageGirl in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    She looks sad and disappointed tbh 
    Hate seeing her being humiliated like that 
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