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  1. rabbit liked a post in a topic by Embach in Lana to collaborate with Quavo ('Tough' and 'Fly Away')   
    This made me think again what Lana, Barrie, Lenny Kravitz + other producers cooked up in the studio in May 2013. I wonder if there was supposed to be a Lenny collab in Tropico/Ultraviolence 

  2. Embach liked a post in a topic by twinkletoes7 in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    im absolutely appalled reading this stream of thought. 
    palestine is not wrong. hamas is wrong, but you absolutely cannot fucking group palestine as a whole into hamas. with all due respect to my lgbtq friends, when you are living in an oppressed and occupied state where death is nigh at any point, gay rights is definitely not the highest thing on the agenda, and that should be a testament as to how unsafe palestine has been for palestinians for YEARS.
    i think it is a very westernised view to think “But how would i be treated there?” when in reality if you were there, you being gay would not be at the forefront of your mind, being unlawfully arrested and abused at an israeli prison, or killed for no other reason than you are in palestine, would be.
  3. Embach liked a post in a topic by Disney Slut in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    To anwser your questions

    1) People are angry at the UN, ICC and NATO, fuck them all, they're all a bunch of spineless puppet figures who only exist to benefit the US and it's allies and if they genuinely were useful this would've been over months ago or maybe even never started in the first place. Idk where anybody said that the NATO or whatever were right or why you assumed that but no, as a matter of fact, if you read more about this you'd learn that people have been calling for the ICC for months to put a stop to this and sanction Israel but basically nothing happened. Not to mention the fact that the US and other NATO countries keep sending billions and billions in arms to Israel to continue its genocide.

    2) anti-zionism =/ anti-semitism, anyone who's calling to gas the jews is part of the problem and should be arrested.
    But it's also important to note that the majority of pro palestinian protests were organized by jewish people (most notably jewish voice for peace) and a ton of jews participated in them and said that they felt perfectly safe. As a matter of fact, i honestly don't understand why you linked the specific article that you did, when that article itself admits and says that there is no evidence that "gas the jews" was said and that it was probably misheard.
    But yeah, from the thousands of protests were there some people who said some anti-semitic things? i mean yes most likely. Does that make it ok or good? Obviously not and they should be prosecuted it for it.
    But do you know who also need to be prosecuted? the zionists who keep crashing Pro Palestine protests and encampments calling for the death and rape of Pro Palestine protestors and beating the shit out of them, the zionists who SHOT palestinian students in the US for wearing a keffiyeh, the zionist who STABBED AND KILLED a 6 year old in chicago
    And I'm not even talking about Israelis, because the shit those people are saying/doing about Palastinians is so disgusting this is nothing compared to it.

    3) I thought we moved on from the pink washing since November but oh well. You should probably read this as it has good information:
    https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/resource/pinkwashing/#:~:text=“Pinkwashing refers to when a,— Decolonizing Palestine%2C Pinkwashing
    But to briefly give my opinion, no matter how awful individuals of a society are to the LGBTQ+ community or any other minority, that doesn't justify commiting a genocide against them, that doesn't justify bombing them and that sure as hell doesn't justify them "finding out" ESPECIALLY when 47% are literal CHILDREN, not to mention:

    A) Commiting a genocide won't suddenly make that society more LGBT friendly lol, quite the opposite actually, because now, as opposed of the lgbt community focusing on making their voices heard, they have to focus on staying alive, after all bombs surely don't descriminate, and as far as i know, they haven't made bombs that specifically kill straight people yet.
    A society can only progress and assure the rights of it's minorites if everybody else has basic rights and aren't fighting for their lives in the first place.

    B) Israel isn't this "safe haven" for queer people in the first place, and especially not palestinian queers. Do you think no gay person was killed in Israel by an israeli for being gay?
    Not to mention threatning palestinian queers if they don't spy for them as well as harassing and brutalising them
    https://www.thenation.com/article/world/gaza-queering-the-map/#:~:text=In fact%2C Israeli security forces,of transphobic and homophobic scapegoating.

    C) Homophobia doesn't just exist in Palestine, what about all the red states in the US? do we bomb those too for passing homophobic legistlations? do those people too deserve death and torture?

    Anyways, I genuinely hope all this comes from pure ignorance, which in that case, please open a book, read a couple articles, watch some documentaries, listen to some palestinians and quit watching and repeating all the propaganda the BBC, CNN, fox news and the biden administration keeps spewing cause you sound pretty dumb.
  4. Embach liked a post in a topic by Surf Noir in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    just weighing in on what i've read here so far... of course, 252 should not be kidnapped and taken as hostages, that is awful and terrible, but that does NOT mean that 36,000 people, especially when majority of them are innocent CHILDREN, SHOULD NOT be collateral damage for that, there's no way around that, you can acknowledge that 252 people taken as hostages is bad while also recognizing that killing thousands and thousands of innocent people, burning down their homes and towns, and destroying their land, their neighborhoods, and their livelihoods is also incredibly, indescribably awful and should never, ever happen
  5. Embach liked a post in a topic by rosemead ramada in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    I didn't just start supporting Palestine. The Pro-Palestine crowd has been well aware of what Israel does for a long time. The characterization that all these protestors just woke up one day and started being pro-Palestine because it was trendy is nothing more than demeaning propaganda. You could've asked me ten years ago and I would've told you how revolting Israels treatment of Palestinians was and the insane blind eye the world gives to their illegal settlements. The vast majority of people supporting Palestinians have been aware of what's going on for a long time. My cousins are half-Armenian and their family was from Jerusalem. They were living there in 1948 when Israel was created. They, like hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, lost their homes when the land was ethnically cleansed to create the Jewish state. Because they refused to have Israeli citizenship forced on them. Do you think when the British "gave away" Palestine that the land was empty?
    I'm also gay and I am so sick and tired of the pro-Israel crowd manipulating and weaponizing LGBT rights in their effort to guilt people into siding with Israel. It's revolting and offensive. Is that seriously how you justify all this? Your soul is rotten through and through
    I literally do not care that Israel is a better to society to live in for gay people. I do not care if the vast majority of Muslim countries are not very tolerant of gay people. That will NEVER justify what Israel does to Palestinians at large. That will never justify taking people's homes and bulldozing them, that will never justify forcing people to go through all sorts of checkpoints, that will never justify jailing children for throwing rocks. That will never justify the killing of thousands of Palestinians over the years. There are literally streets in the West Bank that Palestinians aren't even allowed to walk on. It's an apartheid state. The language used by the average Israeli to talk about Palestinians is absolutely sickening.
    The fact that you think Israel being more tolerant of gay people compared to a Palestinian state somehow justifies all this is absolutely deplorable and twisted. I'm sure all the gay Palestinians are just sitting around thinking, well it's too bad my grandmother's house was stolen and torn down to make room for more Israeli houses, and my little sister is in jail, and my father was shot and killed by the IDF on his way to work five years ago because he was mistaken as someone else, and all my cousins in Gaza have had their houses blown to smithereens and half of them are dead... but hey!!! Israel is LGBT friendly!! Go Israel!!
  6. Embach liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    @American Whore This is not a “hive mind” or “group think” situation where people are blindly following an opinion that’s popular for the sake of social capital or maintaining a status quo…given the history of the state of Israel and its violent occupation of Gaza, there is a genocide going on and people are naturally going to be outspoken against that. It’s not uncritical to be critical of Israel, in fact, we’ve seen that the “hive mind” or “safer” stance in terms of maintaining the status quo is to support the oppressor - case in point, look at how many people have lost their careers simply for refusing to support a genocide. Normal people, at that. And nobody is endorsing anti-Semitism by supporting Palestine, the two are not mutually exclusive at all. To play contrarian in the face of people’s and children’s lives lost is beyond reductive, and these innocent civilians do not represent whatever “anti-LGBTQ” sentiments you’re talking about. People are not their governments - you could say the exact same thing about the US.
    There’s no point in anyone even engaging with some of the points you’ve made if your mind is made up but I hope people’s responses to you make you think twice about doubling down. 
  7. Embach liked a post in a topic by That Venice Bitch in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    (Maybe this thread can be hot for better reasons)
    I just donated to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund!
    Here are some other reputable donation links and resources:
    Palestine Red Crescent Society
    Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund
    Women for Women International
    Medical Aid for Palestinians
  8. Embach liked a post in a topic by cherrytropico in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    i genuinely cannot believe people think this all started in 2023…like what? where have y’all been? 
  9. Embach liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    I wish people realized a ton of the demonstrations and protests are led by Jewish voice for peace. An ANTI-ZIONIST Jewish establishment.
    Half a year later and some of us still can’t understand the difference between Zionism and Judaism.
  10. Embach liked a post in a topic by rosemead ramada in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    I fixed your typos for you
  11. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by Embach in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    To be honest, this conflict did not start on Oct 7th, 2023. This goes all the way to 1948. Generations of Palestinians have been suffering ever since. Every decade there has been a conflict that became bigger and bigger whether it was in 1973 or now. But the thing is that Palestinians are still oppressed, for over 70 fucking years. 
  12. Unidentified Major Tom liked a post in a topic by Embach in Lana attending the Ivor Novello Awards at the JW Marriott Grosvenor House in London, ENG - May 23rd, 2024   
    Holy shit, BBC asking some of the right questions, although we kind of knew it earlier it was nice to have some confirmation about it. It's nice to have some nostalgia crumbs about Honeymoon  And also fuck the producers, they had the perfect song for the movie but they blew it. I hope she will write for the new movie, she follows the next Bond on Insta as well (and he follows her as well). 
    Also I loved this part where she said:
    “But I'm going to continue to do my little Nancy Sinatra thing every now and then and just pretend it's the title track.”
    I really want her to do soundtrack for the new Sinatra movie as well 
    Also I loved these Ocean Blvd crumbs:
    "And that's how Tunnel came about with Mike Hermosa. It was all done with him on Sundays in his two bedroom apartment in Genesee (California). Everything was just easy and I thought, here comes another record." But she added: "I was looking to get married, not to have another record!"
    Next week she's in Spain, so like last year, I think she'll be in Europe for the whole week before Primavera (like she was in Europe 2 weeks after Glasto and before Hyde Park in 2023). I really hope she's in London for a while, so you could meet her, wishing best of luck! 
    She usually calls her friends as sisters too, like Jen, who has two kids!
  13. Quincy liked a post in a topic by Embach in Lana Del Rey (A.I. Photos)   
    I saw this photo on Instagram recently and there was a comment saying "is this an edit?"
  14. rhubysyrup liked a post in a topic by Embach in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    To be honest, this conflict did not start on Oct 7th, 2023. This goes all the way to 1948. Generations of Palestinians have been suffering ever since. Every decade there has been a conflict that became bigger and bigger whether it was in 1973 or now. But the thing is that Palestinians are still oppressed, for over 70 fucking years. 
  15. Mer liked a post in a topic by Embach in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    To be honest, this conflict did not start on Oct 7th, 2023. This goes all the way to 1948. Generations of Palestinians have been suffering ever since. Every decade there has been a conflict that became bigger and bigger whether it was in 1973 or now. But the thing is that Palestinians are still oppressed, for over 70 fucking years. 
  16. LemonadeTea liked a post in a topic by Embach in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    To be honest, this conflict did not start on Oct 7th, 2023. This goes all the way to 1948. Generations of Palestinians have been suffering ever since. Every decade there has been a conflict that became bigger and bigger whether it was in 1973 or now. But the thing is that Palestinians are still oppressed, for over 70 fucking years. 
  17. sempervirens liked a post in a topic by Embach in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    To be honest, this conflict did not start on Oct 7th, 2023. This goes all the way to 1948. Generations of Palestinians have been suffering ever since. Every decade there has been a conflict that became bigger and bigger whether it was in 1973 or now. But the thing is that Palestinians are still oppressed, for over 70 fucking years. 
  18. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Embach in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    To be honest, this conflict did not start on Oct 7th, 2023. This goes all the way to 1948. Generations of Palestinians have been suffering ever since. Every decade there has been a conflict that became bigger and bigger whether it was in 1973 or now. But the thing is that Palestinians are still oppressed, for over 70 fucking years. 
  19. ethelcain liked a post in a topic by Embach in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    To be honest, this conflict did not start on Oct 7th, 2023. This goes all the way to 1948. Generations of Palestinians have been suffering ever since. Every decade there has been a conflict that became bigger and bigger whether it was in 1973 or now. But the thing is that Palestinians are still oppressed, for over 70 fucking years. 
  20. Disney Slut liked a post in a topic by Embach in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    To be honest, this conflict did not start on Oct 7th, 2023. This goes all the way to 1948. Generations of Palestinians have been suffering ever since. Every decade there has been a conflict that became bigger and bigger whether it was in 1973 or now. But the thing is that Palestinians are still oppressed, for over 70 fucking years. 
  21. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by Embach in Funny/Cringe/No Context Internet Content About Lana   
    Agreed on everything you said but this sentence outta context is so funny, i'm cackling
  22. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by Embach in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    To be honest, this conflict did not start on Oct 7th, 2023. This goes all the way to 1948. Generations of Palestinians have been suffering ever since. Every decade there has been a conflict that became bigger and bigger whether it was in 1973 or now. But the thing is that Palestinians are still oppressed, for over 70 fucking years. 
  23. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Embach in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    To be honest, this conflict did not start on Oct 7th, 2023. This goes all the way to 1948. Generations of Palestinians have been suffering ever since. Every decade there has been a conflict that became bigger and bigger whether it was in 1973 or now. But the thing is that Palestinians are still oppressed, for over 70 fucking years. 
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