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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I think Norman Fucking Rockwell will be the first album Lana didn't really "experiment" like her previous ones. From what we've heard most of the album will be heavy piano influenced with some trap beats, and we've heard that from her before. I hope some of the other songs have synths or whatever because as for now she's giving us more of the same. I've always defended her from people who say she does the same thing since BTD because that's not true, she's been evolving and experimenting with new styles and genres ever since her debut and I hope NFR keeps the trend on going, but at the same time I feel like she reached her peak and should take a long ass break to get to know new things, new styles, experiment and come back with a kick ass fresh album. Her lyrics are also going nowhere, if she took some time to LIVE and get to know new people and places then she could write about these new experiences and serve something new lyrically. Lyrics like Love, 13 Beaches, Change and Get Free seemed like she was taking a step forward and these new songs are the complete opposite (except for MAC). 



Personally, I think this is gonna b the most Joanne era we'll ever get from her. Like it might seem like a step back, but doing that and really reassessing ur life and where ur at can also be one of the most difficult things to do. 


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do yall think she put any already leaked unr on this album? if sooooo which?

personally i dont think so but theres always a chance. 

if i HAD to ima just say architecture because i think that song deserves to see the light and it fits the whole "this guy knows hes the shit"

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do yall think she put any already leaked unr on this album? if sooooo which?

personally i dont think so but theres always a chance. 

if i HAD to ima just say architecture only because i think that song deserves to see the light.


I still want to believe BAR was reworked info the title track even if it's highly delusional.


Maybe Roses Bloom for You is an interlude.


Lana doesn't ever recycle unreleased, though. Unless it's completely reworked like Methamphetamine (which sampled a melody anyway).

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I still want to believe BAR was reworked info the title track even if it's highly delusional.


Maybe Roses Bloom for You is an interlude.


Lana doesn't ever recycle unreleased, though. Unless it's completely reworked like Methamphetamine (which sampled a melody anyway).

Although it was released she also redid Yayo. I’d like to hear her remake Pawn Shop Blues or something like that for this one


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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I had a dream that NFR was her hippie era like Miley's Dead Petz and she tweeted "My album is now out on SoundCloud for free" and oh lord now I'm sad it was just a nap and not a coma

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I had a dream that NFR was her hippie era like Miley's Dead Petz and she tweeted "My album is now out on SoundCloud for free" and oh lord now I'm sad it was just a nap and not a coma

Sunshine, pink orange yellow starbursts warmth peace love happiness is a butterfly, a single vinyl w/ MAC and VB that's what this gay wants giphy.gif


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(Not personal to you Cacciatore - I could've picked 10 different posts on the last few pages that are like this)


I think Norman Fucking Rockwell will be the first album Lana didn't really "experiment" like her previous ones. 




She put out a 9 minute song with transitions and psychedelic elements.




From what we've heard most of the album will be heavy piano influenced with some trap beats, and we've heard that from her before. I hope some of the other songs have synths or whatever because as for now she's giving us more of the same. 






I feel like she reached her peak and should take a long ass break to get to know new things, new styles, experiment and come back with a kick ass fresh album. Her lyrics are also going nowhere, if she took some time to LIVE and get to know new people and places then she could write about these new experiences and serve something new lyrically. 


Half this thread is bitching about her new friends and lifestyle and how she is living her life instead of putting the album out.



....The other half is a mixture of "why is there no news?" and "she should have just kept quiet". She clearly can't release the album - what do you guys want? She can either give you more info, which she either doesn't have, will be wrong, or will set you guys off again about how she should've kept quiet, or she can continue being quiet which will also piss you guys off. She's already said she doesn't know when its coming. Obviously she could have waited to release music and she could not have given a timeframe for release (however vague it was), but at this point it is what it is and she seemingly can't win no matter what she does going forward.


I am actually not much of a fan these days but when I do read this board and see so much complaining its just so old. How many ways can you guys complain about the same things for months on end? The speculation is what is driving you all crazy, to the point where I think some of you have lost touch with what is even real (see above). There are so many artists out there creating amazing music, with so much of it going unheard, maybe this is a great chance to dive into a new artist or genre you don't know and let go of whatever drives you to stick around here and make yourselves miserable. 


You are all ruining the era for yourself.

Goddesses don't speak in whispers. They scream.

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Imagine waiting for NFR to be released when you can stream the incredible 'To Be Human' by Marina :makeup:

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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My desperation for this album is getting to me. I dreamt that the Album arrived in the mail and it had an individual disk with amazing artwork for each single and came with the poetry book and was really nicely done. When I woke and realised I was dreaming it was quite disappointing! 

578c68b668f2f515fc750b6860a1213b--torch- Ever since my baby went away... its been the blackest day..... its been the blackest day

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the biggest pipe dream would be:


monday april 8 - press shot from the album cover photoshoot posted [no caption]


tuesday april 9 - lead single announcement, single cover posted


friday april 12 - lead single released, music video posted, beats1 interview with the G.O.A.T. zane fucking lowe


tuesday april 23 - album cover and release date posted


friday may 3 - promo single surprise drop


monday may 6 to friday june 14 - press shots and tracklist posted, magazine covers and interviews released


thursday june 20 - explanation of diabolical album rollout, apologies and thank yous posted


friday june 21 - norman fucking rockwell released



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the biggest pipe dream would be:


monday april 8 - press shot from the album cover photoshoot posted [no caption]


tuesday april 9 - lead single announcement, single cover posted


friday april 12 - lead single released, music video posted, beats1 interview with the G.O.A.T. zane fucking lowe


tuesday april 23 - album cover and release date posted


friday may 3 - promo single surprise drop


monday may 6 to friday june 14 - press shots and tracklist posted, magazine covers and interviews released


thursday june 20 - explanation of diabolical album rollout, apologies and thank yous posted


friday june 21 - norman fucking rockwell released




is it wet in here or is it just me

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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