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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I don't want Lana to be sad, God forbids Ru never, but I want the sound to be sad, or at least the combo nostalgic/melancholic which Venice Bitch is an amazing taste of. You don't have to be sad to create sad stuff, sometimes you can be really happy but precisely because you're happy, it's just a way of releasing what you have stored inside that might be sadder to get it out of your system and remain happy. Doesn't make the creation less genuine or powerful. Yes I love Ultraviolence because it's sad, and she was sad when Ultraviolence was made, but it's not the reason I love it, and I regret that the reason it is so deep in the ~sadness feeling is that she was genuinely unwell. My point is that there's a disconnection between your state when creating something sad and the actual sad result. And I think that what makes Lust For Life on a lower - and yet still fucking amazing - level for me is that it's not as sad as Ultraviolence, it's not as desperate-because-hiding-a-fucked-up-life kind of story as Born To Die and Paradise, and it's not as bittersweet nostalgic as Honeymoon; it's very much a snapchot of Lana's very mind when she created it, which is perhaps why some of you might feel like it doesn't age well; it made sense to her only, no matter how much it's "for the fans", at the moment she made it. It's like a diary page I don't know.


But yeah sorry it's late and my mind is frying from work and energy drink overdose but I just want saaaaaaaad music as long as she is not sad herself because sad music makes me happyyyyyyy


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:facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:

I think he meant an excellent album like the Grimes one. it is truly outstanding, though the cover art wants to make me puke. 

 Dido just released a new single for an album coming out on March 9. We already know that there are 12 tracks. Take note, Lana baby! Give us some juice!!!


I really hope Lana releases a single soon (though the chances for a single release before the end of 2018 are almost limited up until the next week, with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming) and reveals the release date. January or at the beginning of February tops, I hope. 

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If Emile Hayne was involved in LFL album production then we would have got an amazing album, like an actual sequel to BTD, Rick's production was dull here...


How come I have never realized that?



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How to Disappear honestly has the potential to be one of her best ballads if the production is done right.

It’s just so sentimental and endearing like Video Games. I love her really intimate songs where you can really feel how much she loves the other person :defeated:

“I’m always going to be right here” such a simple lyric but it’s so heartwarming within the context of the song :defeated:

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If Emile Hayne was involved in LFL album production then we would have got an amazing album, like an actual sequel to BTD, Rick's production was dull here...

The gays want UV 2.0 not a BTD sequel 

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we need a collab with a relevant artist, like Kim Petras .


Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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