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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Get Free and a lot of the LFL tracks are beautiful, in their own way of course


But omg pls stop arguining about what Lana has to do or what sounds amazing and that she should do. Even before LFL it was easy to tell Lana wanted to make an acoustic folk sort of album, she’s expressing what she as an artist needs to express in the capacity she is comfortable in. It’s easy to forget that Lana is human, her experiences are human, she should be able to tell whatever story she is comfortable telling.. the main thing that drew me to Lana is her story telling, to tell her what to say discredits everything she has done, I think we should be patient and see how this new album unfolds— no one has any idea, so calm the fuck down and breathe


Idk I’m drunk in a club toilet writing this cause nothing else matters rn


Lana knows what she’s doing fam

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Get Free is Lana's most overhyped track. I can mention at least six tracks from Lust for Life better than it, not to mention it really does sound too much like Creep.


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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Get Free is Lana's most overhyped track. I can mention at least six tracks from Lust for Life better than it, not to mention it really does sound too much like Creep.


6 better tracks from LFL is impressive... I'm intrigued aha

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Get Free is Lana's most overhyped track. I can mention at least six tracks from Lust for Life better than it, not to mention it really does sound too much like Creep.


You didn't lie. It's one of her worst songs.

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y'all : I don't like song XYZ kiss my ass bitches what are u gonna do about it???? xoxo  :hooker:  :hooker:  :hooker:  :hooker:  :hooker:

y'all: if you don't like song XYZ you and your whole family deserve to be permanently deafened 

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Okay while I don't agree that GF sounds like Creep, I CAN agree it is very, very, VERY overhyped. It's really not as great as some of you make it out to be.

I've listened to it maybe like 30 times since the album came out. It's just okay...

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I already loved Venice Bitch on the first listen, but after listening to it several times I love it even more now. It still doesn’t feel like a 10 minute song to me, it’s so good. Mariners Apartment Complex is really good too but Venice Bitch > tbh


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VB is a perfect teaser: we want more, we wanna see if the album will go in that direction, it is a very long song full of nuances, that we can appreciate after many listenings. If it had been released with the album, it would have overshadowed the others track of NFR.

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Unwanted Unreal Unearthly Tracklist :

1. Mariners Apartment Complex

2. Venice Bitch

3. Norman Fucking Rockwell

4. You're So Mighty

5. Roses Bloom For Legends Only

6. The Tragic Moans And Sighs Of Summer

7. Life Was Never Exactly Beautiful

8. Julian Augustus

9. Fantasy Hotel Sundaes

10. Unreleased Mood Swings

11. Chirping Sweet Nothings

12. Jumping In Neighbour's Pools

13. Bandwagon Bangers Inc

14. Liquid Courage Cruelty

15. Red Fucking Pepper Sprees

16. Dorian Blues Is Not My Lover

17. Whipping Kites At Critics

18. Diamonds Kill My Disappointments

19. I Could Be A Pilot And Crash Your Dreams

20. Dreary Poetry Par Excellence

I can definitely picture Lana actually using some of these extra song titles tho. We're talking about the same woman who has a song titled "Coachella — Woodstock In My Mind" and "Norman Fucking Rockwell".


ps. I find "Bandwagon Bangers Inc" and "Red Fucking Peppers Sprees" to be quite cool tho

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Get free, the most interesting song on LFL; which switches up twice and then explodes into a jubilant chorus, golden, headstrong lyrics and vocal delivery on the entire album AS WELL AS BEING her best closer ever? Out of the black? Into the blue? Lizzy vocals? The prelude to surf inspired NFR? It's greatness lies both in its composition AND its context in her discography

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Get Free sucks. get over it you twinks



Venice Bitch is that bitch

jst as i ghtoughjy TRAshfg



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