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2019 Update

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I think it would be good to update it, people will get used to the new look and feel quite quick anyway and I thought that other website looked good. I think the mobile version would be good also as a lot of people use mobile but im not sure about the App, I dont feel many people would use an app if it costs to much to make one also Lana could at some point take a hiatus and then this site could be very quiet so you probably don't want to put too much money in when things are ok as they are.


I never thought about the costs before so I disabled adblock on here and will click on ads and stuff occasionally just to help out.


You should also advertise the donate place, I have never seen anywhere to donate and I just looked around for somewhere to donate and I cant see it?

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We love you Elle, and all that you do!!!  :kiss3:


I'm down with a theme change rather than a site update, but tbh I'm not familiar with that other domain (I'm an old fossil). Personally, I'm not as interested in an app but I'm down to donate for sure! 

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please update the site; diamondgarden looks and feels a lot smoother and it just might help out with some of the bugs we get!

yeah tbh i don’t see the reason in updating and costumising literally every single detail instead of just updating the whole thing, as i previously mentioned the user experience is pretty much the same but just more modern


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One of my pet peeves is broken emoticons in older posts. Which gets at my one fundamental request:


Don't break anything.


i sympathize but can u tell me the last time anybody used a scarlet johanson emote

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i sympathize but can u tell me the last time anybody used a scarlet johanson emote

is there an option to have favourite emoticons? maybe in the updated layout? bc that would solve this problem


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i sympathize but can u tell me the last time anybody used a scarlet johanson emote


I don't care if older seldom-used emoticons are unavailable to use in new posts. I just want ones that were used in the past to appear in old correctly in old posts.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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I think that the way the forum works (ie the position of the buttons and the ordering and structure of the different threads) is fine and shouldn't be changed since many of us have already become accustomed, the only thing that should change is the horrible gradient of the buttons, because I feel they make the forum look old and outdated. Is it possible?


the gradient is literally the only thing that's keeping us in 2012. don't change the gradient 

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A new theme would suffice, with minor changes to buttons, emoticons, gif catalogue in the toolbar etc. But I wouldn't be against a new format so it looks more updated and with the times.

Would it be possible to get the chat feature working? I think that would be pretty cool and more interactive for members.


I'm pro the chat feature but the only problem imo is last time we had it working no one used it! there were maybe 10~ people who used it a bit in it its first week then it died pretty hard... The chat also doesn't archive conversations the same way something as discord does. It's not a great site feature but it's fun.

i sympathize but can u tell me the last time anybody used a scarlet johanson emote


me, this thread!!!


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an update would be cool but please don't make it too different. i think the site looks pretty good the way it is and maybe with a new theme it will look better. idk, just fix some bugs and stuff. 


and YES to an update to the mobile version of the site.

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im not sure about a total update but some of the features seem a little out dated so i think a modern look to some aspect would be amazing! x


but thank you for everything you do for this website already xx

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thank you for being able to step up and care for the site


im probably repeating stuff people said but:


- the set-up is fine but a User Interface revamp is needed ala going from iOS 6 to iOS 7 [that was iconic], i think that will help with people staying here longer (another problem we have... we have 12K people yet only about 250 people actually are constant users//visitors)

-we need to revamp the emoticons section and have someone actually be active for that role (and have 2 or more people be in charge and not one) [all shade to the current mod :creep: ]

-actually be able to drag, drop, and post photos on here. im tired of having to go trough multiple steps by using imgur or tinypic to be able to post pics here

-organize and declutter certain forums and outright delete some threads because theyre are either outdated, unnecessary or incorrect. makes it harder to dig trought stuff as well. I made a thread "what type of porn do you watch" 4 years ago and I want to delete it so bad 

-like other said, easier integration when posting a link to a tweet or IG post.. that the content is shown and not a link we have to click

 thats all I have for now 


ive been on this urban planning/architecture board site since 2015 and I love it, but its a bit bland since its catered to more older or basic-er audiences. but the UI is nice and modern to work with {it also has that post-photo-from-the-reply-box}, idk if the Server Company is the same as ours:


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I never looked at the Diamondgarden website, so I just did and I was pleasantly surprised how similar it looks to Lanaboards. The theme is more simple but because i dont have an account there, i can assume it doesn't have as many features as this site?

Anyway, I wouldn't be too phased by some minor changes, if it does make this site look cleaner/neater/more modern, etc :)


Anyway, just thought id restate cause before i was so strongly for 'change nothing in the layout' lol

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I don't know if someone already mentioned this but I don't like that videos in the status update bar are embedded in HUGE format so they break the layout to the right (you need to scroll horizontally). It would have a nicer look and feel if the videos have a maximum width which doesn't exceed the right border of the site.


Other than that I like the forum - I never was a huge fan of Lana's picture that is on top of the forum but that's just my personal taste. And yes, on mobile the site doesn't look pretty. I think an App would be awesome but at least a mobile website version that has more features. (Like this one for a german football team – the site isn't that fancy so I definitely don't mean this to be some kind of design inspiration ;) , but the mobile version is quite clean and functional: https://www.holstein-stoerche-forum.de )

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