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LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020

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I’m still not a hundred percent sure if we are getting the spoken word album or an actual musical release. Either way it’s obvious Jack is in the main production seat. That’s not to say there won’t be others involved. Really looking forward to this upcoming release and hoping for more raw emotion and content. Seems like she has a lot to say and touch on.


Really intrigued to hear more music from her and Zach Dawes as well, so kind of hoping he’s involved on a track or two! California was just magical so it’d be nice to hear them work together again. Not holding my breathe though!


It’d be nice if her team would release a statement clarifying if it’s the spoken album or musical release. I don’t see that happening anytime soon though. Think they’ll let it simmer for a bit and build up anticipation as well as cool down the hot water she’s in. We may be in limbo a while lol!

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I can only hope TaP will get on the bandwagon with the revival of physical CDs and picture discs for whatever the first song released from this album is. It's infuriating that every artist except the only one I would actually buy them from is doing it. And also so bad for the environment some of these songs that are put out for a quick chart hit only to drop the following week truly do not need to be or deserve to be pressed to vinyl, cd and cassette  :toofunny: . They should've done it for The Greatest / Fuck It I Love You.

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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so nfr's 4k pages. would it be possible to just eventually merge this thread w the pre-release when the time comes? Idk I wanna beat our numbers from last time lmao 

i don't want to surpass that, it was a nightmare. I would much prefer a quick and concise rollout, we have the nfr pre release to look back on if we want some good laughs

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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I really hope she keeps quiet about this album before its release. A lead single would be nice, but if she releases the whole thing all at once on Sept 4-5 (if that date stays the same), I'd be a happy camper. I loved the snippet game with the LFL and NFR pre-release eras, but I'm still not over the fact that she teased demos that changed a lot on the album (okay, it's mostly How to Disappear, but still). 

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Whatever it is, (I was assuming the musical album, based on her wording about the poetry books and their content, then going on to say the album will have "tinges"of what she was talking about) I'm excited, my birthday is the day before /csb

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how is there only two vinyl warehouses in the world, they must still be making tonnes of money from vinyl, its literally huge right now, it feels even bigger than CDs, i know more poeple that own a record player than an ugly CD player, build some more warehouses like come on



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I really hope she keeps quiet about this album before its release. A lead single would be nice, but if she releases the whole thing all at once on Sept 4-5 (if that date stays the same), I'd be a happy camper. I loved the snippet game with the LFL and NFR pre-release eras, but I'm still not over the fact that she teased demos that changed a lot on the album (okay, it's mostly How to Disappear, but still). 


I hate her snippet game, it's silly. In hindsight we legit had heard like 3/4 of the album before it even came out (we almost had heard HIAB in its entirety). Nah, she needs to release just one cute little album trailer with short snippets to like three song and that's it.

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i don't want to surpass that, it was a nightmare. I would much prefer a quick and concise rollout, we have the nfr pre release to look back on if we want some good laughs


It was a mentally destabilising time for some of us       :flop:  :flop:  :flop:  :flop:


I had so many dreams where NFR was out and I'd just wake up as I was buying it/I couldn't get the CD to play/etc - I remember waking up once ready to drive and get the album thinking it had come out  :derpna2:  :derpna2:

578c68b668f2f515fc750b6860a1213b--torch- Ever since my baby went away... its been the blackest day..... its been the blackest day

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how is there only two vinyl warehouses in the world, they must still be making tonnes of money from vinyl, its literally huge right now, it feels even bigger than CDs, i know more poeple that own a record player than an ugly CD player, build some more warehouses like come on

Sis you need to learn how to read. :toofunny:


The destroyed plant that was discussed earlier only affects lacquer discs – these are needed for the masters before something can go in mass production, and that was apparently one of only two plants that produced those. And while this, as I mentioned earlier, might still cause a delay in production (it happened almost half a year ago, though, and I haven't noticed that much of a delay), it has nothing to do with producing the actual vinyl records. Also, according to the article that was linked above, there are alternative ways of pressing records that don't even require those lacquer discs.


This being said, there definitely is a shortage of vinyl pressing plants, which is why so many artists release the vinyl versions of their albums weeks or even months after the initial release date. From what I know, this is because most pressing companies shut down in the late 90s/early 2000s when people stopped buying vinyl and it simply wasn't a profitable business anymore. Then in the early/mid-2010s, vinyl suddenly became popular again, but there simply weren't enough producers left to fulfill the demand. The main issue seems to be that those vinyl pressing machines are super expensive and complicated to build in the first place; in fact, pretty much all of today's vinyl records are produced by machines from the 80s. However, as popular as it is again, in the big picture vinyl is still very much a niche format, which is why people in the industry as well as record labels themselves are hesitant to invest in new machines/pressing plants. That's why the manufacturers that are left are always fully booked, which is why it takes approximately three months to get something on vinyl right now.


Here's a pretty interesting article about this, by the way: https://pitchfork.com/thepitch/363-why-arent-there-more-vinyl-pressing-plants/


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i kinda wouldnt mind a tease soon,,, its only about 3 months away!! lana teases sometimes over a year before a project is released so 

tbh based by all of lana's release schedules so far, we should get a song by the end of June i hope


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I'm late to the party but can't believe that a new alboom is coming in September.It feels unreal. And really excited for this upcoming record. It seems like Lana has a lot to tell and after the mothers day post and the post from yesterday I get the feeling that NFR! was the calm before the storm...


No holds barred, I've been sent to destroy teas


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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‘It’s coming May 1st’ ‘It’s coming top of the year’ Ya’ll don’t get your hopes up.

What was the May 1 date again? I don’t think it came form her officially... The more precise a date given for her is, the higher the chances it will come through. If I’m right, apart from « Violet out Jan 4 », all of her other precise dates checked out. But I agree with you that « top of the year » or « soon » or « in a couple of months » don’t mean shit.

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I hate her snippet game, it's silly. In hindsight we legit had heard like 3/4 of the album before it even came out (we almost had heard HIAB in its entirety). Nah, she needs to release just one cute little album trailer with short snippets to like three song and that's it.

I liked the snippet game in the LFL era. She had teased six tracks other than the singles and we had a couple of nice surprises (Heroin, Get Free, 13 Beaches...). I also like that all songs teased in snippet form do make it into a record (except RBFY, but she did say it wouldn’t make the LFL cut - still don’t know to this day why she teased a beautiful song we’ll never get to hear in the near future).

But the NFR era was something else. In October, when she teased many of the songs, I really thought the damn album was coming sooner than what we had. Plus the HTD demo that changed completely... So yeah, an album trailer or just a lead single or no single at all, and the total surprise when the album drops.

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