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3 Part Video for Norman Fucking Rockwell, Bartender, & Happiness is a Butterfly - OUT NOW

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The most mindfucking part is that some of you still think old hollywood is her aesthetic when her aesthetic has been california casual for years now. Stop expecting her to do hollywood-esque stuff for your own sakes please. If that‘s what she wanted to do she would do it.

idk, it's not as much ab what her aesthetic is as much as it is ab how it's executed.  Lana has always mixed styles that dont necessarily go together, but it worked a lot better in the past.


BTD: Old Hollywood glamour / hip hop tinges / 4th of July

Paradise: sepia western / road trip realness / California palm trees

UV: lost in suburbia / sad acid trip / old money Florida

HM: European vacation / cult vibes / 20s jazz

LFL: flower power / space explorers / techno-apocalypse / ruined peaches & black beaches


NFR is serving surfing & boats / piano balladry / Laurel Canyon teas / Walmart witchcraft / comic book style / neon green vibes / being too rich for the cops to apprehend you / wasting perfectly good sandwiches and slurpees


even LFL had a more beautiful style than NFR in my opinion.  I for one appreciated the 60s flower child vibe juxtaposed against space and technology even if i didn't really get the Hollywood sign thing.  it's not ab Old Hollywood, it's ab beautiful and meaningful style.  NFR is just kinda bland

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I really don't have to be grateful for this lmao


One of the top comments on the video is trying to make out like the people who find it dull are locals who only know summertime sadness, as if one of her most famous mvs isn't mentioned in every goddamn interview and article, and isn't also homemade. The difference between... this... and video games (and her lizzy vids for that matter) is the footage for vg fits the music, both in terms of timing, theme, and emotion. This doesn't at all. Watch the kill kill video and then watch the bartender segment. This is legit so lazy, and is2g this is the only big fanbase for a musician in which we're grateful for the absolute stalest crumbs and you're told you're not a "real fan" if you expect a drop of effort to be put into things like music vids lmao.

imagine being rich and famous to the point that all you have to do for "work" is create beautiful art - and being too lazy to even do that.  honestly id rather her just not do anything or keep it to herself.  bc it feels like a slap in the face to everyone who actually works hard doing shit they dont wanna do just to survive, who dont even have the time theyd like to devote to their art, but keep trying anyway.  she's like "ha ha yeah i made it, im rich and famous, i can just do nothing but barely observe ab how the world (cough, not really the world, just LA) is burning but still not do anything about it".. then has the gall to act like shes doing a lot of good for the world or something


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I have mixed feelings about BTD/Tropico-level videos, because, as great as they surely are, they must be a substantial distraction from producing music and may also accrue unhealthy debt to a record label. I'd rather she'd be just producing the music with as much freedom as she can. As far as this slapdash, informal video in her instagram-aesthetic goes, she did actually say: "Had the best time shooting with my sister and my friends, fucking around in a rented cop car in an abandoned parking lot. We’re weirdos don’t mind us". So obviously high artistic intentions is not the point of this, although I still enjoyed it. The brief cop-car scene (in the VB video, which predates this a year+) might have been how Sean got his first crack at her (asking her where she rented the cop car; it's probably a special Hollywood thing, as we know cop cars are often used in films). It may also be how she got the idea of Duke on the cover (and isn't Duke a friend of Chuck's?), so despite its modesty/laziness/arbitraryness, it may have had an important impact on her life (and the NFR aesthetic), so I'm kind of glad she's letting us see it.


Anyway, NFR is seemingly more of a poetry era. Well just have to wait and see.

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NFR part was fine. The rest sucked and after this post I will pretend it never existed.


also, incoming "Lana is so white privilege she's making videos about throwing food at cops and laughing, while dating one, when police brutality is...." I couldn't stop thinking about how lanaboards members were gonna be so pissed lol

Yes. That didn't go unnoticed...


like shes giving us rich girls throwing shit at cops and somehow not getting arrested for assault or gunned down?

My literal first thought was I'd love to see an "if Lana was black" parody version of the "Bartender" part.


This has to be some sort of weird troll of #Fuckstick, right?


its no tropico but its pretty cute


lol remember when we had Tropico to drag for being overly ambitious and terrible? Simpler times.


I’m almost sure that I won’t ever watch it again.



The video says a lot about how Lana drives a car

Her convergence with Caitlyn Jenner continues. :troll:


I still dont know what the fuck I just watched. I'm considering pouring myself a cold beer and going to bed.

Pour one out for Lana's taste. RIP.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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imagine being rich and famous to the point that all you have to do for "work" is create beautiful art - and being too lazy to even do that.  honestly id rather her just not do anything or keep it to herself.  bc it feels like a slap in the face to everyone who actually works hard doing shit they dont wanna do just to survive, who dont even have the time theyd like to devote to their art, but keep trying anyway.  she's like "ha ha yeah i made it, im rich and famous, i can just do nothing but barely observe ab how the world (cough, not really the world, just LA) is burning but still not do anything about it".. then has the gall to act like shes doing a lot of good for the world or something



Ik, I'm normally kind of w/e about it but it bums me out. Those of us who don't praise her laziness get told we want her to be the BTD gangster nancy cigarette tropico queen, as though honeymoon wasn't objectively beautiful, in terms of music and aesthetics :/ Like she's reading her own damn song lyrics from a phone in her own concert... she's stopping concerts to look for her f-cking vape... and I'm supposed to be charmed? Or find her relatable? Like fair enough if it's not right for me to expect more in terms of song lyrics, production, etc. but it's so incredibly disingenuous when people try to say that she's not lazy or entitled at all lmao. She's got all the time in the world to relearn lyrics she wrote, or make a video that makes sense lmao like... not impressed. And then she has the audacity to tweet the water clip from the end of freak and say she wishes she still made beautiful art for the sake of it. Who tf is stopping her.

locals only

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Just reading some of your comments and thinking... Her level of mediocrity has gone so far that, if she doesn't make a 180º turn on that in her next projects, whatever they end up being, very few of us will remain being interested about her or her output. I'm personally very frustrated about how she shows under zero responsibility for the things she releases or the messages she is legitimating (absolutely agree with the ones here complaining about the lack of ethnical/racial perspective on the thing with the "cops"). She's starting to cross the thin border between "fresh out of fucks forever" and being absolutely uninteresting, or even disgusting.

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So, watching the hiab video snippet she posted last year, I find interesting how the CGI wasn't done yet and it also seems to be using a demo of the song  :creep:

My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends... :illumilana2: 

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What makes the Ultraviolence and Honeymoon videos different is that they were undeniably her, and they didn't feel forced in any way, she didn't need to pull anything immature or shocking to make it good. She made them because she wanted to add to the art of the music. I didn't get that from this video. 


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personally, if this was my own i'd be really embarrassed to release it. also, i love lana but i want stuff that i can show my friends, like "hey, look at this cool music video/song/concert clip!" because i want to share her stuff and why i love it but it is getting increasingly harder to not cringe as i play her new music to my friends. like man, some of it is good, but then she just ruins it with a long, anxiety-inducing outro or a line like "goddamn man child". imagine if you see your favorite artist in concert looking on her phone for the lyrics or asking Win fucking Edwards what the lyrics are. i want to be proud of being a lana stan, but it's like i have to grasp onto straws to defend her low-quality, low-effort, low-calorie work. 


that video was so boring, my god. i had to force myself to watch it the whole way through.


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personally, if this was my own i'd be really embarrassed to release it. also, i love lana but i want stuff that i can show my friends, like "hey, look at this cool music video/song/concert clip!" because i want to share her stuff and why i love it but it is getting increasingly harder to not cringe as i play her new music to my friends. like man, some of it is good, but then she just ruins it with a long, anxiety-inducing outro or a line like "goddamn man child". imagine if you see your favorite artist in concert looking on her phone for the lyrics or asking Win fucking Edwards what the lyrics are. i want to be proud of being a lana stan, but it's like i have to grasp onto straws to defend her low-quality, low-effort, low-calorie work. 


that video was so boring, my god. i had to force myself to watch it the whole way through.


Wow, this. I want to be proud of being the devoted Lana fan that I am but it's hard. I'd feel embarrassed to talk about how much I love her and how much her work has inspired me and made me happy but also having to explain that she did a really mediocre song with Ariana & Miley and having to clarify that I was really disappointed in her. And although my heart belongs to some of her earlier works, I still love what she has in her main discography and I don't want some of her more questionable choices to overshadow that. I feel like she isn't taking herself seriously, and it's not in a good way either. 


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Ik, I'm normally kind of w/e about it but it bums me out. Those of us who don't praise her laziness get told we want her to be the BTD gangster nancy cigarette tropico queen, as though honeymoon wasn't objectively beautiful, in terms of music and aesthetics :/ Like she's reading her own damn song lyrics from a phone in her own concert... she's stopping concerts to look for her f-cking vape... and I'm supposed to be charmed? Or find her relatable? Like fair enough if it's not right for me to expect more in terms of song lyrics, production, etc. but it's so incredibly disingenuous when people try to say that she's not lazy or entitled at all lmao. She's got all the time in the world to relearn lyrics she wrote, or make a video that makes sense lmao like... not impressed. And then she has the audacity to tweet the water clip from the end of freak and say she wishes she still made beautiful art for the sake of it. Who tf is stopping her.


this. i honestly couldn't give a shit about how she looks anymore, i just want my interest kept. i want creativity and spontaneity and the annoying part is... she's clearly very capable? i think the 'doin time' video did that very much and i give her credit for it. it was funny in places, she played more than one character. it was a departure for her, i don't remotely expect big budget either but seriously what's even more frustrating is the songs are GREAT. but she never sells the full package and she has more ability to than she ever did and according to her, she's not even over her own career like we thought she was due to the lack of inspiration. it's all just so, so boring and mediocre. you can't honestly tell me the person who wrote those songs on NFR struggles to come up with videos to go with them, seriously? SERIOUSLY? the imaginative imagery is all there

There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live

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While all of y’all are complaining about it being “too simple” and “meaningless” I’m over here wondering when the NFR part was actually filmed. VB was a video combining the HIAB & Bartender parts a little bit. So we know it was filmed over a year ago



Also, while you’re complaining, don’t forget that FIILY&TG video DOES exist and she can do high budget videos or small videos with her sister BECAUSE SHE SIMPLY WANTS TO. She doesn’t have to serve you anything on a silver platter lol and i get the criticisms, especially bc we’ve seen a lot of the footage. If this footage was all new to you all, would you think any differently about it? It isn’t meant to be criticized the same as a high budget mv. That’s not the point of the video at all lol that doesn’t dismiss your opinions that you’re allowed to have, but you’re not looking at it from more than one perspective. It’s a lot of the “ugh we fans deserve better ugh she needs to serve us what we want”


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Without any attempt for drama or talking abput priviledge: the video is terrible. Especially the Bartendes segment. Back in the day, her homemade vids were moody and fit the atmosphere of the song they belonged to.

This is just random footage of a grown woman behaving like a rich 16 year old schoolgurl who thinks she's cRaZy N cUtE overlapping a beautiful, emotional and atmospheric piano ballad. It's extremely BAD from any artistic point of view since the incoherence doesn't even seem like an active decision. There is nothing "to get" here, no matter how hard self-proclaimed dyhard stans pretend.


I consider NFR an excellent album but it's sad to see how much her quality as a visual artist with a feeling for the right mood has decayed since the Honeymoon era.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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I consider NFR an excellent album but it's sad to see how much her quality as a visual artist with a feeling for the right mood has decayed since the Honeymoon era.

Her ability as a visual artist is very much intact the doin time video shows that. She just did this to keep her untalented sister employed if you want to blame someone, blame Chuck. She is the common denominator in lots of Lana projects that fans often complain about.

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