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Apologies if this has been answered already, but I cannot figure out how to go to new responses since last visit. There used to be stars and dots next to a topic that I would click to do so, but now they're gone. And apologies if this is a completely ignorant question! 

Otherwise, the new aesthetic looks great, thank you for the upgrade! 

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feeling so 3008!! i love it!! it looks so pretty and feels so smooth to use - obviously adjusting to the new features and layout etc but i LOVE it so far!! thank you @Elle :kiss: you work so hard for us and this site!

the new following feature is interesting too! and the MOBILE SITE..... SHE'S STUNNING


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1 hour ago, Electric Body said:

Sorry but this new system version is extremely ... bad. The status updates are a mess, the overall layout is less clear, the functionality feels more clunky... nah

im in a urban/city fanatic forum that has used this new version for 5+ years and its super functional. Remember that we just moved into this version and elle said that shes still figuring out things ie. many posts from years ago are still uploading/migrating. 

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42 minutes ago, Sugar Venom said:

I keep asking stuff in here lol I feel annoying :deadbanana: sorry but is there still a way to preview a post/message before sending it?? I really loved that feature 

Heyo, when you go to write  a post, in the formatting bar right before the align tex options there is a little page with a magnifying glass on it. If you click that, it will show you a preview. :kiss:


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38 minutes ago, takeitdoen said:

Heyo, when you go to write  a post, in the formatting bar right before the align tex options there is a little page with a magnifying glass on it. If you click that, it will show you a preview. :kiss:

ooh thank you!! sorry I’m still getting used to things lol


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Good afternoon, everyone! I'm glad a lot of you have been enjoying exploring the new update. It's the beginning of a new era! I thought I'd answer some questions that were left while I was asleep to the best that I can - again, I'm still learning some things along with the rest of you all! If there's any other questions, feel free to leave them below & I'll continue to provide answers x


12 hours ago, TrashMagiq said:

is being able to post pics/gifs on mobile a new feature cause i was never able to figure out how to do it before so i just assumed u couldnt

Yes! Before, you had to enter to manually enter in the [ img] link [/ img] coding for an image to embed. Now, it's a one button click! x


4 hours ago, Clampigirl said:

Is the “about me” box in our profiles gone? You know, where you could write anything about yourself. I miss mine, I had a drawing and listed my LB awards and stuff. :poordat:

The About Me is still on Profile pages! It's just the second tab. When immediately viewing a profile, the Activity tab is the default, but all your previous About Me info will be preserved in the About Me tab :) x


2 hours ago, Sugar Venom said:

I keep asking stuff in here lol I feel annoying :deadbanana: sorry but is there still a way to preview a post/message before sending it?? I really loved that feature 

There's an icon on the textbox toolbar with a magnifying glass over paper, and that will allow you to preview a post! x


11 hours ago, Skid Row Cherry Pie said:

a SERVE:defeated:

EDIT: It doesn't look like there's any handy way to reply to a status from the main/landing page on mobile, or am I being a dum-dum? I had to go onto the member's profile page to be able to reply. :creep:

For now, it appears that to reply to a status on mobile, a user would click on "replies" and then scroll down to the bottom of a user's profile to the status & reply. The Status Update feature is a bit different in functionality than how it used to be especially on mobile (I believe before you weren't able to reply to statuses on mobile) but if I find a different way to reply on mobile, I will certainly let you know! x


11 hours ago, Doin Time said:

Everything looks amazing but the avis are so small now :trisha:

5 hours ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

Also is there anyway to make the avi's a little bigger? And idk why but my creepy ass liked the feature where it says who is online and offline lol

5 hours ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

I love it! Only thing i wish is that it said how many users are viewing a page

I'm nearly certain that the avatar size is something that can be adjusted, I just need to figure out how. This is one of the things at the top of my list to look into, especially because I miss the larger images too lol.

You also should still be able to see who is online - there is a footer box when you scroll all the way down on the homepage that lists who is online. It is the similar in threads, for when you scroll down to the bottom of the thread, there is a footer box that lists who is browsing the thread x


7 hours ago, SlowGinFizzzz said:

Okay one random little thing that bugs me a bit... So when you quote an (older) post, it always says "On X/X/20XX member XY said:" 

But the date format is now M/D/YYYY, which I'm pretty sure wasn't the case before the update. No shade to American Lipsters, but could we please go back to the date format that the rest of the world uses and that actually makes sense (smallest unit -> biggest unit)? :toofunny: 

To my recollection, before the update it was also M/D/YYYY. There may have been a setting where users could choose how they preferred to see date formats if you do recall seeing a different format before, so I'll look into this as well x


6 hours ago, Trash Magic said:

Just noticed the time online feature is gone. What a blessing.

It's actually been gone for awhile! ;) x


4 hours ago, Skid Row Cherry Pie said:

Have I just been blind all this time or are the "agender" and "fluid" new as well?????

highly appreciated x

I actually added them a few months ago! :) x


12 hours ago, LemonadeHeavens said:

since i have a longer username, on my posts, the "s" at the end trails off onto a new line of text, is this something that will be corrected in the future? it's nothing urgent of course, just curious.

11 hours ago, SlowGinFizzzz said:

It'd be cool if clicking on a thread would take you directly to the first unread post. The "show first unread" feature seems to be gone, and it's rather annoying to always end up on the first page of a thread lol.

8 hours ago, Nightmare said:

it's soo smooth! but i really need to be taken to "first unread post" when opening a thread, pls.

8 hours ago, nevada darling said:

Is there a way to customize the "recently updated" thing now? (Maybe I just forgot how to do it...)

I really liked being able to choose which threads I wanted to see and how many.

3 hours ago, bougainvillea said:

Apologies if this has been answered already, but I cannot figure out how to go to new responses since last visit. There used to be stars and dots next to a topic that I would click to do so, but now they're gone. And apologies if this is a completely ignorant question! 

Otherwise, the new aesthetic looks great, thank you for the upgrade! 

This are things I don't have an answer for at the moment, but I've noted all of these down as things to look into ASAP. I'm still also learning what options are in my control vs. what aren't, so I will tag you all who asked these questions once I find a solution! x


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24 minutes ago, Elle said:

I'm nearly certain that the avatar size is something that can be adjusted, I just need to figure out how. This is one of the things at the top of my list to look into, especially because I miss the larger images too lol.

You also should still be able to see who is online - there is a footer box when you scroll all the way down on the homepage that lists who is online. It is the similar in threads, for when you scroll down to the bottom of the thread, there is a footer box that lists who is browsing the thread x

Thank you for being so informative :kiss::kiss:



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16 hours ago, Elle said:

Unfortunate indeed, but the things you've noted are beyond my control. It's something I unfortunately cannot change, as these features (such as the source button) were built in to the new software upgrade from Invision, and some features were so outdated, the full data couldn't be transferred over (such as past likes). Remember, this is a major upgrade of about a decade. We were outdated for a very long time, & this update had to happen in order to be able to be hosted on a server more fit for the boards, which was vital to prevent the crashes we would experience during high traffic times. We could've been one crash away from permanent disaster - that's the road we were headed down if we didn't make a change!

I know after such a long tenure on the forums you've become accustomed to the old layout as many of us have, but there will be some exciting new features to be added! My apologies for any disappointment! x

16 hours ago, evilentity said:

That would be really unfortunate. It was nice to be able to see who had liked particular posts. It would be a shame if all that old history was gone now.

I'm also really concerned about how the way the source button works now. I did a lot of manual formatting of my posts. The old formatting tags were pretty simple to use. Now it appears to be fairly complicated HTML shit.

I'm a web developer- given that there is a new like system, so long as the old one was designed at least half-decently intelligently (using unique IDs that transferred to the new system), if you have a backup of the old database, I could try helping you transfer over the old likes.

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