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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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Imagine if we get no singles, no snippets and no hints at what the album will sound like, and then she drops a tracklist with these song lengths:


1. 6:00

2. 5:50

3. 5:30

4: 4:40

5. 10:45

6. 8:30

7. 7:20

8. 5:45

9. 6:55

10. 4:20

11. 5:00

12. 9:36


:defeated: :defeated: :defeated:

Whew girl this would truly kill me


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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To be honest, I still have no idea what “Chemtrails over the country club” means...


like... “country club” gives me privileged white girl (not a good look for her rn) and chemtrails...idk? I know it’s like planes but that’s so random. A metaphor for drugs? Getting high at the country club?


For what it’s worth, I hate the title of NFR too. I would’ve called it Venice Bitch tbh.


There's a sort of Fortean 'conspiracy' out there, and there has been for at least the last 25 years, that some branch of the federal government, like the CIA, is experimenting on America citizens via the heavy use of chemicals released from planes in their 'chemtrails,' which then float to Earth and influence and affect the population in mystery and probably negative ways. 


This theory has apparently arisen because of training missions by the Air Force and others which left the skies overhead certain areas heavily crisscrossed with 'chemtrails.' Do a Goggle Image search and you'll find plenty of photos. 


Nothing has ever come of the theory and no one has proven that the 'chemtrails' are nothing more than the usual vapor and exhaust that jets leave temporarily behind before dissipating. I don't think there's a single scientist that takes it seriously or promotes it. It's like the 5G conspiracy today, that 5G causes coronavirus. 


So for LDR, the entire album title may be literal or symbolic, i.e., 'mysterious, probably dangerous government experiments taking place over a ritzy, exclusive country club where the wealthy think they're safe,' something along those lines, or symbolically to mean something like "some people think they're better than the rest but are equally threatened by social forces beyond everyone's control."  


For more on the entire idea of environmental pollutions 'everywhere around us, affecting us in every way, very dangerously,' see the Todd Haynes movie 'Safe' from 1995, in which Julianne Moore becomes convinced that all the problems in her life are due to a environmental pollutions and retreats to a 'safe haven' where the isolated residents where plutonium suits some of the time and generally freak out if even a plane flies overhead in the distance. It's a pretty spooky film and may have given rise to the whole 'chemtrail' conspiracy theory. 


I do think the point of the film, or one of the points, is how some people can be convinced of anything, and start to imagine problems they don't have or blame others for conditions that don't actually exist in the manner they perceive them to. 


The 2007 Ashley Judd movie 'Bug' has a similar theme, in which a wayward couple become convinced that they've been infected by some shadowy governmental agency with a microscopic insect that lives under their skin, and they quickly go crazy together, even though their 'condition' is actually very likely a complete delusion. 


chemtrails over the country club, maybe a juxtaposition between a relaxing stripped down life in the country side and chemical wars? yes I know it could be a reach but considering how "political" she's getting since LFL and the fact that NFR was a subtle political commentary...


That's the general idea, though those look more like crop dusting planes than the sort of high-flying jets that leave chemtrails. 

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I said it was a dream. :)


Oh no I feel you on that haha! I hope it comes true I was just giving my opinion on how I think the release schedule is gonna go

5.11.14 // 9.20.14 // 6.11.15 // 6.13.15 // 6.14.15 // 1.26.18 // 9.21.19

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As much as I love to see what she's working (worked) on, it does indeed drain you mentally. To me the biggest tease and pain so far has been Roses Bloom for You. Why are you doing this to us Lana :rollin:

 DYJRPfi.gif c5dd836305cb85b3253fce96ae00741c547fd6fd.gif SH8DzJM.gif
???????, ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?????

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i did some digging on this because the entire situation is so confusing, Ari still follows Lana on instagram, Lana still follows Ari on twitter and that random Ari fan account on instagram and i cannot find any receipts about how Lana ever followed Ari on instagram in the first place (only about how she followed that stan account). 


If Ari was so mad at lana that she dm'nd her something bad then she surely would have unfollowed her first (or at least she would have unfollowed her at some point) 


if someone has any proof that she actually followed her on instagram it would bring some clarity to this.


the don't call me angel thread might have this information


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imagine if the album was like the two spoken word albums and like an ambient, almost acapella album, with honeymoon era style vocal swells and layering 

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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As much as I love to see what she's working (worked) on, it does indeed drain you mentally. To me the biggest tease and pain so far has been Roses Bloom for You. Why are you doing this to us Lana :rollin:

I still can’t understand to this day why she teased that one: did she think we wouldn’t harass her for that one until the end of time?


Maybe the snippet game would work if she teased 30 seconds of each song the day the album is released? Anyways, there’ll surely be an obscure retail site that will leak a preview of the album a week before and Interscope will still send copies early and one fucker will leak it anyways.

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if there are any piano songs, i want something that is not a ballad, but something similar to bartender. haunting, tea party, coven, ascension vibes. 

b0f7454bfdf51c714ff15397c7039290ee13dd98.gifv  1934eb52b983d677f8e845ced8d24c81c668c26f.gifv  a9ea5d92d62c706ba0d7db931e3cbe74d86e7998.gifv

y o u r  h o t , h o t  w e a t h e r  i n   t h e  s u m m e r  . . .

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if there are any piano songs, i want something that is not a ballad, but something similar to bartender. haunting, tea party, coven, ascension vibes. 


Omg yes

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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I feel like that's quite an unpopular opinion, but I'm actually obsessed with that title.


I hope the album has that lush 60s type of sound (maybe with a touch of psychedelic rock) à la 'Nancy & Lee' especially on 'Summer Wine' or 'Some Velvet Morning' or even like 'We Have All The Time In The World' by Lewis Armstrong (can you just imagine Lana even covering that one).


Because that's totally what I'm getting from 'Chemtrails Over The Country Club' and also judging by the couple of old movies pictures and videos she has posted on Instagram lately. Old school is what Lana does best in my opinion.

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