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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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the album WILL have a cover by Neil Krug I speak this into existence. Join hands sisters we are manifesting this into reality!!!


Let’s be real tho with a title like “Chemtrails over the country club”, Neil Krug and ONLY Neil Krug can do us justice


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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can we span neil's DMs and ask him to shoot w lanz again

It's Lana we should be DM-ing about this, she's the one who forgets photographers exist other than her mediocre sister Chuck E. Cheese Grant 

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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I'm starting to picture the album lyrically on the verge of Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino (I mean, the surrealistic criticism on contemporary societies -not that I think that Lana will be even half the writing genius Alex Turner is-) and sonically as a development of the sound she started experimenting with on Venice Bitch, How to Dissapear or Cinnamon Girl... Expecting a complex, obscure and satiric album. But maybe shouldn't, don't know.


By the way, do we expect Hey Blue Baby and I Must Be Stupid For Being So Happy to be on the album?

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By the way, do we expect Hey Blue Baby and I Must Be Stupid For Being So Happy to be on the album?


absolutely not. i love them, but they are not of the lyrical themes her album will be focused on. yes, i know this all because i am Lana's assistant


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Cus she’s on the Zimmerman grind, hopefully she wears something like this on the cover, idk what hair tho


Imagine a dress like that with kind of a Brigitte Bardot hairstyle now that Lana has long blonde hair..... ugh I want it. I doubt she’ll do big hair again, but a girl can dream.


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I always love your ideas on here! This >>>> 

thanks! (: hoping we get something around those ideas, dk when she'll be posting but pretty excited on what she comes up w.

This is literally how Lana will get the cover for that album 


Literally she could have a face as the cover, that'd be amazing but idk, it's whether or not she'd actually put any effort in it/ collab w someone who could fine tune the shot w her  :toofunny:


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Split btwn the Flaunt mag shoot v. Galore mag. maybe an updated fusion of it both.. Slim Aarons filter it. 


off-white pearlescent vinyl. 


I hope there's a touch of wtf offness to it like her wielding a quarantino'd nerf gun from the HBTB vid 


Aggressive HM vibes, w a touch of updated TNBAR chorus lyrics to piss people off


satire. ice. ty




THIS!!!! im really hoping we get some wacky weird shit honestly. the album title is already serving that vibe, so let's hope the album cover + music videos reflect that as well. lyrically and musically i expect it to be 100% different from anything we've heard honestly. she just seems to be in a weird place and i think the music will reflect that, too.


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THIS!!!! im really hoping we get some wacky weird shit honestly. the album title is already serving that vibe, so let's hope the album cover + music videos reflect that as well. lyrically and musically i expect it to be 100% different from anything we've heard honestly. she just seems to be in a weird place and i think the music will reflect that, too.

honestly the title just oozes out some kind of social perspective discrepancy and some sort of disillusionment. when I think about HM, I immediately think of HBTB and Art Deco for some reason. 

and I hope so too yeah, like some kind of psychedelic twist to the cover.. about her own tone n perspective, I think so too, nd I hope she uses the deeper range of her voice w something on the record. like how fucking terrifying would that sound, it'd b amazing/ even bring back the shrills 


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