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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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My guess is : dancing and twirling , men in music being crazy 


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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6 hours ago, Future Jazz said:

the way NFR is going to be unanimously praised in here in 5 years just like Honeymoon currently is after getting really mixed reactions :eartha: I’m not sure there’s much hope for LFL though sorry sweetie

Tbh I see it the other way around , lust for life was such a polarizing era filled to the brim with content to be appreciated, Norman Tin Can is gonna keep getting flatter with time. I don’t think I’ve praised that album in full since before it was even released... the pre-release felt like eons and left me feeling disappointed in the actual album. Atleast lust for life was actually a surprise to most people. Norman is just so watered down for me. Don’t get me wrong though cus songs like The Greatest, Venice, Mariners, and Fuck It, are all classics!!! Just as a whole it’s super tinny and flat

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32 minutes ago, CHIPCHROME said:

Tbh I see it the other way around , lust for life was such a polarizing era filled to the brim with content to be appreciated, Norman Tin Can is gonna keep getting flatter with time. I don’t think I’ve praised that album in full since before it was even released... the pre-release felt like eons and left me feeling disappointed in the actual album. Atleast lust for life was actually a surprise to most people. Norman is just so watered down for me. Don’t get me wrong though cus songs like The Greatest, Venice, Mariners, and Fuck It, are all classics!!! Just as a whole it’s super tinny and flat


lust for life is timeless :party:

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its been 2 and a half years since Norman came out and this thread is still discussing their issues with it... the album hasn't suddenly changed and isn't ever going to so i think it's time we all move on <3 :umadney:


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1 minute ago, honeybadger said:


sometimes i wish those guys on YouTube that make music videos without music and just the sounds would do shades of cool just so i can hear the thump on the glass from lanas hand in this gif




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4 minutes ago, honeybadger said:

i won't be able to figure out DATMIMBC until i hear the song.... but there's like a 50% chance the B is "blue" source.gif

As a stan of lana’s obsession w the word and concept “blue” I am here for it :wink:


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5 hours ago, RormanNockwell said:

Lorde literally said that that was the reason, but k

Neat info, but that actually strengthens my feelings about a rationalization behind PH's cover (it's just on Lorde's part, not yours). 


It's still an open question for me if LDR's cover art will actually relate strongly to album songs (certainly LMLYLAW didn't relate over much to its video). Not to beat a dead horse, but with all the flap about inclusiveness on her cover, it does seem strange that people didn't talk more about the lack of males. I get this sort of vibe from that exclusion (although my thoughts about her artistic intentions admittedly tend toward the weird):



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8 minutes ago, Eclipse said:

D stands for down



So we have DATMIMBC, D stands for down, and Men and Music are in this phrase...(just catching people up if they missed any of it)


So...down at the music industry men's business conference?



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