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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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them waiting to put up the bundles just makes me think the theory that they are cocc violet bundles is true... i mean they also havent put up the cream violet vinyl but whatever let me have my wishful thinking

That would be amazing, but still wouldn't explain why they won't put up the cream vinyl as a single product? I wish they'd just give us a little bit of info.

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I prefer LFL to UV and HM, and certainly to NFR. LFL has several great songs on it. 

pls aren't you the one that goes on rants about how you miss the old lana? UV and HM are peak Lana Del Rey™️ albums

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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No one here is dictacting her whom to date, obviously it'll always be her choice. However that doesn't mean we can't discuss her taste on here. So in this case she chose to date a cop, something I find tasteless and wouldn't do. Nothing wrong with that.

In regards to the acab: there are no good cops, if the system they are in is in itself abhorrently problematic. It punishes good behaviour (in the sense of condemning foul coworkers) and because of that the institution itself is setting a border between "us" and "them".


Also why wouldn't I demonize someone who's showing publicly his racist view on the current situation.

Judging values objectively is absolutely possible. For comparison Nazis are demonized to hell and back because their views and values were and still are wrong, period.

I understand the arguments behind "ACAB." I used to spew ignorant stuff like that all the time. My issue is that saying "all ____ are ____" is a generalization and a cognitive distortion. I have no particular love for cops and I think the system absolutely needs reform, but there is a worrying trend right now to go to extremes and justify violence and bad behavior with "everyone I don't like or disagree with is an evil Nazi." But I don't want to get too off-topic.


I hope Lana finds someone who will really value her. She deserves it. And I hope fans give her the space to have that.

  let me be who i'm meant to be

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i'd love another music to watch boys to type video where lana's just sitting around looking pretty while some vintage movie clips are placed throughout 

Me too! I would love to see her in a country club-esque setting, lounging poolside all glammed up  :flutter:

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I understand the arguments behind "ACAB." I used to spew ignorant stuff like that all the time. My issue is that saying "all ____ are ____" is a generalization and a cognitive distortion. I have no particular love for cops and I think the system absolutely needs reform, but there is a worrying trend right now to go to extremes and justify violence and bad behavior with "everyone I don't like or disagree with is an evil Nazi." But I don't want to get too off-topic.


I hope Lana finds someone who will really value her. She deserves it. And I hope fans give her the space to have that.


the argument here is not about cognitive distortion tho, it's about understanding abuses of power as systematic. policing itself is a system created to perpetuate racism, misogyny, transphobia, and on and on (as many ppl on here have said), and therefore regardless of who you are once you become a part of that system you become complicit in it. it is not a generalization to say that police forces nationwide have/do disproportionately harm(ed) marginalized people. 


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I've been eagerly following what Miss Lana has been cooking up and might I just say that COCC has me more excited than I was for NFR. Not just the damn acronym being actual COCC (absolute legend) but the fact that she has been slowly reverting to an image of hers more carved out like the past (pre-LFL).
With a few to mention: her Familyheirlooms tiktok name, Bel Air, her nails and lashes, the old pictures/movie clip, the allusion to 'luxury' in country clubs, and the insta post defending her past lyrical exploration. 


Now I might be a complete clown drawing up these conclusions, and trying to cling onto that something that's well in the past.. But I feel that she does this aesthetic so well. It's the reason I was pulled to her in the first place. Her enigmatic glamorous escapades through a 50s/60s cinematic scope. A visionary of her time (yep I said that  :hooker: )  

I will be one of those people with dangerous hope that this record will come out in September, and that she won't release many snippets like NFR. (maybe just a few very close to release). And I'll say, I'm thriving with yall saying that this pre-release looks like HM because if it's anything like it i'm  :sluttybunny:

source.gif source.gif

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all the recent comments on the video games music video  :toofunny:


popbase locals embarrassing themselves all on their own.. the comedy writes itself

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breakup Lana + isolation Lana = some heavy shit and I'm looking forward hearing how she's been getting thru. did we ever get the voice note, or was it just mentioned?

I’m one of her posts, there were a lot of pictures of her quarantine, one being a printscreen of her voice notes on her phone. One of them was called If This Is The End - I want a boyfriend and it was a 5 min plus voice note. It could turnout to be a new song.

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i'd love another music to watch boys to type video where lana's just sitting around looking pretty while some vintage movie clips are placed throughout 


I really didn't appreciate what we had, when we had it :defeated:

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i'm really hoping grenadine quarantine ends up on this album if it is a song, such a corny, interesting song title, and it's so lana.


if it's a poem, i could definitely see it fitting in with "behind the iron gates - insights from an institution". the quarantine theme really suits it.


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pls aren't you the one that goes on rants about how you miss the old lana? UV and HM are peak Lana Del Rey™️ albums

I never rant; I think. You troll. You try to rise to being a bully, but you end up just being a troll.

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coco isn’t coming on spetember


this is off topic but i was wondering why @@Elle doesn’t make a paypal me link and post it on the top of the page

i mean pretty sure lots of ppl will help to make this site to grow more and more and elle really deserves


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