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Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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37 minutes ago, Cloud Shrouded said:

Does anyone have any new album name theories or wild guesses :lolliney:

Good God would be a great title 

@heroinmelodies came up with it 


Also would love " The Revenge Of Lana Del Rey " as a title

Edit: oop just saw someone else came up with that as well:bebe:  




"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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9 minutes ago, anwdelrey said:

Releasing without physical copies would be the biggest mistake of her career. 15k first week incoming and she’d never recover. 

i feel like after COTCC’s physical success, they know a large number of Lana’s fans will buy physicals, and it doesn’t really matter when the vinyls come out and how many varieties there are, they’ll sell. 

We better get LYTAN demos from the 3 albums it was going to be for, Yes To Heaven style. 

18 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:

blackoutzone should spill the tea on the scrapped songs, their sound, even their titles... WE NEED TO SHAKE THE TABLE! 


he did say he would post fun facts after the albums out!! I’m sure there will be a lot of tea!


i can’t believe this is most likely going to be out in like 2 and a half weeks :crying4:

"Don’t forget me"

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2 minutes ago, bel air rose said:

I think this news is really exciting, we saw lana glowing last week in those pap photos and that hasn’t happened in a really long time. I take this sudden shift in sound as a new inspiration. I don’t wanna get my hopes up but after seeing her random serve i feel like we’re in for something fun :makeup2:


manifesting these new album titles



the revenge of lana del rey 

lana del rey

buttered noodles on the veranda 


she even has the butter-colored sunglasses for the buttered noodles aesthetic :diva: 




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2 minutes ago, Pico Boulevard said:

Good God would be a great title 

@heroinmelodies came up with it 


Also would love " The Revenge Of Lana Del Rey " as a title 



imagine the trilogy of born to die, lfl and revenge of lana del rey


the reuse of a born to die working name and also using 4 political songs from lfl sessions :shh2:


tumblr_inline_nojcj6qe1j1s5i2my_400.gif gmgif.gif morrissey-flowers.gif

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1 minute ago, anwdelrey said:

I do. It would ruin her legacy. 


It really wouldn't at all.


9 minutes ago, bel air rose said:

buttered noodles on the veranda 


LMAO the serve this would be...

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2 minutes ago, NewportBitch said:

Interscope wouldn’t let her fail like that calm down 

Does that label even think about her anymore? The US promotion for Chemtrails was non-existent. 

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2 hours ago, Deadly Nightshade said:

If she did scrap most of the old songs i hope that the new ones are more experimental production wise 


I bet she heard how people talk shit about Mike Dean's beats and she will fill the entire album with them.


 I would be happy.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sick of it


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7 minutes ago, anwdelrey said:

I do. It would ruin her legacy. 

this is so dramatic :thumb3: if the album is good and hopefully we get a professional cover, who cares about first week sales? no one is gonna remember that 10 years later 

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3 hours ago, DLT said:

So I think it is kind of a logical assessment that this album is planned as a digital release only initially if we are able to possibly avoid delay. I’m not complaining but I find it so wild to think that the label is willing to give up physical sales for the first week. 


3 hours ago, Honeyyoung said:

that makes no sense, COTCC first week sales were carried by vinyls. they wouldn't make her release the album without the thing that sells the most


29 minutes ago, anwdelrey said:

Releasing without physical copies would be the biggest mistake of her career. 15k first week incoming and she’d never recover. 


its probably her plan to go more unnoticed (even if it means  flopping on the 1st week), if she gets a good sale like chemrails was then what was the point singing tired of the fame:brows:

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so I had a dream that we got a music video and Lana was like sorta semi squatting/kneeling but like normal posed painting the bottom of her banisters and she stops and she looks to her right and sees her sisters and then cut frame to her and they're painting the walls across the stairs and can u imagine the gif value of that now I need to see that happen. they had rollers they were rolling them ahahahahahahaha oh and she was wearing a mint paint suit, with like a white overall pattern to them, like pockets etc. and was wearing like braided low pigtails is that what they're called? anyway and they were painting the banisters sage green. 

u know what that means? we're getting news soon mhm 


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3 minutes ago, bel air rose said:

this is so dramatic :thumb3: if the album is good and hopefully we get a professional cover, who cares about first week sales? no one is gonna remember that 10 years later 

true actually. the only notable achievement lana has on billboard charts is born to die’s charting. everytime lana has released an album it’s gained relevance after because everybody loves a good album :makeup:

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2 hours ago, shady said:


Why is sister Lana posting stuff she would regret it a couple of weeks later? 

 I'm starting to feel like Lana is quite a shaky person for everything. Why not complete an album and reveal small snippets like a normal artis in the age of social media? 


I've been looking forward to the newest album by The Marias too and I can't help but compare how they handle the pre release era vs Lana. The small indie band sent their fans a piece of a puzzle of the albums artwork for fans to reveal it on social media, then they released a song, then its music video in May, than another song, then a teaser of the album, a pre order of the vinyl and now they're about to release it on streaming platforms in a day. Meanwhile Lana... whatever she's up to. 


you really are new huh? 

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Just now, Style said:

true actually. the only notable achievement lana has on billboard charts is born to die’s charting. everytime lana has released an album it’s gained relevance after because everybody loves a good album :makeup:

Lana’s albums have consistently sold well first week wym? Up until Chemtrails she sold 100k+. If an album debuts super low (for whatever reason) it’s unlikely that it’s going to randomly gain traction and be successful in the future.

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5 minutes ago, TerrenceLovesHoneymoon said:

New album title: "I'm better than those indie acts" :gasp:

More like "I'm better than that ONE particular person from New Zealand" :oopna:

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1 minute ago, anwdelrey said:

Lana’s albums have consistently sold well first week wym? Up until Chemtrails she sold 100k+. If an album debuts super low (for whatever reason) it’s unlikely that it’s going to randomly gain traction and be successful in the future.


I don't think that applies to Lana. She's an icon with a huge fanbase around the world that will stick with her forever. If her label decides that they don't care about first week sales, the album will definitely make good money with physical sales down the line, especially if the music is good, which it always is.

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