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Mom and I took grandma to go shopping since she rarely does it herself because her hands hurt, and I saw these things.

These fonts look veeery similar, hmmm...!




(plz excuse my scratched nail polish)

48K6p1K.gif pyg088L.png

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Mom and I took grandma to go shopping since she rarely does it herself because her hands hurt, and I saw these things.

These fonts look veeery similar, hmmm...!




(plz excuse my scratched nail polish)

This makes me furious 

:icant2:  :icant2:  :icant2:  :icant2:  :icant2:

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I guess H&M was “inspired” by the LFL font (and color), but I think CK’s design came out before Norman.


There's no fucking way that that's a coincidence ... it even has an exclamation mark. 


Did Chase have a bottle of it in his bathroom and she went, "oh yeah, I'll use that on my album cover. Nobody will notice!"?

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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There's no fucking way that that's a coincidence ... it even has an exclamation mark. 


Did Chase have a bottle of it in his bathroom and she went, "oh yeah, I'll use that on my album cover. Nobody will notice!"?

I’m fairly sure it’s a fragrance for women but since it went on sale in February this year... yeah, she could’ve seen it somewhere.

48K6p1K.gif pyg088L.png

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Mom and I took grandma to go shopping since she rarely does it herself because her hands hurt, and I saw these things.

These fonts look veeery similar, hmmm...!

.... photo removed (Look at previous post)

.... photo removed (Look at previous post)


(plz excuse my scratched nail polish)


Those fonts are very familiar, but it´s pure coincidence.

Those font-types are used quite alot in other artworks and publicity these days. I used them before too in some of my art stuff years ago.


I think it was the artist Roy Lichtenstein who first began using them alot in his artworks back in the 1960s.

Here is an example of his art... " POP ". 

--- https://artattack911.com/roy-lichtenstein-pop-art-great-first-friday-art-classes-art-studio/

He has done many others in the same fashion.

Search Google-images for Roy Lichtenstein art


by the way, you do have lovely nails 


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Those fonts are very familiar, but it´s pure coincidence.

Those font-types are used quite alot in other artworks and publicity these days. I used them before too in some of my art stuff years ago.


I think it was the artist Roy Lichtenstein who first began using them alot in his artworks back in the 1960s.

Here is an example of his art... " POP ". 

--- https://artattack911.com/roy-lichtenstein-pop-art-great-first-friday-art-classes-art-studio/

He has done many others in the same fashion.

Search Google-images for Roy Lichtenstein art


by the way, you do have lovely nails


Ya I figured, I just thought that Lana might have made the LFL font more popular since the album got Grammy nominated and stuff. Plus, the white color of the fabric and the wine red color of the letters... aaaand I wouldn’t be surprised if H&M was “inspired” by popular stuff they see, basically steal it and print it on their clothes. It’s not like other fashion brands haven’t done it before. Not to mention that they picked “Los Angeles” to print, the same city Lana lives in.

By yeah, I think the Calvin Klein logo is just a coincidence. Was just something fun I wanted to share, that’s all.

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Thanks for posting it Clampigirl. It brings some good conversation to the table.


Looking at all the album covers I have seen in my life and knowing bands/singers history,  I would have to

say that many of the artists usually leave someone else to design their album covers. They hardly choose what they

want to see on their own music album covers.

The band presents an idea to the art department, but those guys take over and present "something else" which THEY think would be "commercially accepted"

by the general public. Often saying, "This is what the new generation likes/wants to see". SInce the recording company has ALL the money and

the last saying, they go ahead with it. Often leaving the artist with no final saying.


Same thing with the Fashion industry, they steal little bits and pieces from all over the place to create a "new look".

Its like music artists stealing (or "burrowing") a little drum loop or some other sound melody from another artist to put into their music.

EVERYONE has been doing it for ages!

It´s no secret.

Did you know there is a company who each year pic out a "COLOR tone" and tell EVERYONE and all the companies and fashion industry that

this will be... THIS YEAR´S COLOR TONE - and everyone just agrees and does it. LMAO   That is very bizarre , but that is true.
Same thing happens with Font types. Someone ( I dont know their names) chooses a font style/type and says... this will be the font most

likely to be in "fashion" this year. So most products have that same design on them.

This is a crazy planet.


I think it was the poet Oscar Wilde who once said, " imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - that mediocrity can pay to greatness" LOL

It´s true. It is true.

Everyone copies a great idea... if it will sell MORE to the public.

Here are a few  examples ... Henry Ford steals the idea of manufacturing more (cars) in less time by copying the Heinz Ketchup company and how they work.

It was not the Ford company who invented the moving assembly lines, he just perfected it.

Who do you think invented the Breakfast cereal?

Post cereals copies the secret recipe from Kellogs for a "better tasting breakfast cereal" - before Kellogs releases its own brand. LOL

But it was actually Quaker Oats who invented the idea for a breakfast cereal. Who cares! They all taste good to me.


Plagiarism and copy-cats are everywhere, and there is no way to stop it.  Never. Ever. 

So next time you buy something, look at the lettering or the color of the item , and wonder where it had its idea come from.

I often do that when I go shopping myself.  Many times.  I am a very observing type of person and as an artist I too

am guilty of sometimes taking an idea from somewhere else and use it. That goes for many other people who

also take my ideas and use them for their own benefit. 

This is a crazy planet we live in.

But at least it makes for a more adventurous life to live in. Otherwise it would be so boring.


speaking of copy-cats.... here is what I just saw in the news today...  

A British grocery chain poked fun at Beyonce's new clothing line, which looks a lot like its uniforms ! LMAO



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born to die and paradise are two separate eras and if you think otherwise.....


agreed, but musically i would still class them as the same era, because they use a lot of the same production samples and its from the same year, also the fact that they had a born to die paradise edition says a lot



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Looking at all the album covers I have seen in my life and knowing bands/singers history,  I would have to

say that many of the artists usually leave someone else to design their album covers. They hardly choose what they

want to see on their own music album covers.

The band presents an idea to the art department, but those guys take over and present "something else" which THEY think would be "commercially accepted"

by the general public. Often saying, "This is what the new generation likes/wants to see". SInce the recording company has ALL the money and

the last saying, they go ahead with it. Often leaving the artist with no final saying.

I know that.


Same thing with the Fashion industry, they steal little bits and pieces from all over the place to create a "new look".

Its like music artists stealing (or "burrowing") a little drum loop or some other sound melody from another artist to put into their music.

EVERYONE has been doing it for ages!

It´s no secret.

I know that, too. But I have also seen fashion brands literally stealing art by smaller, often independent artists and sellers. And that's not cool. What I meant is that I think it's sad that they can rip off an idea so obviously and not even trying to change something to make it their own and not a complete copy. Stealing someone's idea is different from being inspired by it. Is the font identical to Lana's font for LFL? No. But you have to admit it's a funny concidence that the font is very similar, has the same/similar colors (red with white background) and they chose to print "Los Angeles" on the fabric, a city Lana very often sings about. Those three things combined make me, a fan, think of Lana Del Rey and her LFL album. I probably wouldn't have reacted if the colors were different or the font was tweaked even more to make it less similar to Lana's.

Also, just to clarify, I refer the LFL font as "Lana's" simply because I don't know who's decision it was to use it for the album.


Everyone copies a great idea... if it will sell MORE to the public.

And the question is if it's always okay to do so. I'd say no, and I don't say to to "protect" Lana and her brand or whatever, because I honestly think she could care less, but I once again mean that it's not ok to take someone else's art and gain money or fame from it. Only the original creator should get that.


Plagiarism and copy-cats are everywhere, and there is no way to stop it.  Never. Ever. 

So next time you buy something, look at the lettering or the color of the item , and wonder where it had its idea come from.

I often do that when I go shopping myself.  Many times.  I am a very observing type of person and as an artist I too

am guilty of sometimes taking an idea from somewhere else and use it. That goes for many other people who

also take my ideas and use them for their own benefit.

Plagiarism will happen, yes, but you can also try to stop it by pointing out when it's wrong. Will it stop? No, because there's always someone who think they'll get away with it. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't do anything and just stand and watch when it happens.

When you say that you're guilty of taking ideas and using them, I hope you mean that these ideas inspire you to create something of your own and not taking them as they are, a finished product? Once again, it's a different thing to see, say, an illustration of a fairy and feel inspired to create your own fairy than to trace the lines of the already existing image and call it your own.

I don't well enough about fonts to know how it works when it comes to using them, so I will refrain from making a comment about that. This might also be my last comment on the pictures I shared in December.

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