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Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.

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47 minutes ago, BartenderDeco said:

yeah but you also have to remember that she has thousands of young uneducated fans, she’s doing more harm than good. some find the need to criticise her here as she should be, because she’s not perfect and this was fucking stupid on her behalf. she legit put out a song about hating america a few years ago and now she’s thanking our president for funding the deaths of fucking kids? i do hope her intentions are good but knowing her she can’t keep her mouth shut and will record a 4 minute vlog on why she support israel - and if she does y’all can have an auction on my lana vinyl collection 


I don't think her song was hating America. 

It did thank president Biden but didn't support israels actions, but you could say because you thanked the president means you are supporting Israel but that's a few steps removed . 

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1 hour ago, Embach said:

I was looking for that letter and I found it and I put this one here in comparsion with the one where Lana signed:


The letter where they're thanking Biden:


It seems like Lana, Madonna, Katy Perry, Rita Ora and Regina Spektor are the only singers here who have thanked Biden, the others seem to be actors and models and others I don't know. 

The letter where they're calling Biden out:

And here the only singers seem to be Dua Lipa, Caroline Polachek, Kehlani, Miguel and Macklemore. Others are again actors and other entertainers. 



I have so much respect for some of these celebrities. It takes balls to speak out against Israel in an industry with so many Jews. I can imagine the number of roles diminishing after this.


Even Alyssa Milano - when was the last time she got any major roles? Well done.

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I do think there is a peformative aspect to this conflict and again whether people want to realise it- it isn’t that dissimilar to other countries colonisation where entire ethnicities like the native Americans and Australians are dwindling in numbers- I fully take onboard that we need to put Palestine as front and centre but none of us have the capability to stop genocide as proven by history- it’s time to learn from history and ensure that it isn’t forgotten nor framed differently by teaching our children and future generations.

That should be the way going forward so we don’t minimise it’s impact 

Also doing our part to broadcast the atrocities 

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people who said they will sell her copies and stop listen to her music really need to do this so the fandom will have lesser weird strange and annoying ones:wtf: letting u now u doing zero support by that it’s just weird


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This is obviously speculation since I have no idea how she actually feels, but I could see her casually signing a letter that supports Biden without thinking too much about it because of how aggressively people have accused her of being a Republican and wanting to distance herself whenever she can from those ridiculous claims. The letter focuses on getting the hostages back so maybe that's all she was presented with and thought "yes I am a Democrat and yes I want the hostages returned safely." I believe fully that her heart is in the right place as always, but she should absolutely educate herself further on what Israel is doing right now if she's unaware of how dire things are.


I think anyone who supports Israel's right to defend itself has the responsibility to see what that currently looks like. Some of the videos I've seen from Gaza in the last two weeks are beyond horrific and etched into my memory, and there is simply no justification. What Hamas did was horrific and unacceptable too, but the situation in Palestine is worsening every day and must be stopped. The fact that people are losing their jobs for reiterating things that major human rights organizations are saying is truly insane.

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I'm not surprised, Lana reads American news, they are very pro-Israel and don't tell the full story. It's hard to educate yourself on such complex topics when the media paints everything in black and white (quite literally). There's a chance that someone will reach out to her privately and tell her more about the history of Palestine and all the nuances... But before that, I want her to stay silent. 

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48 minutes ago, problematique said:

Why are people infantilising Lana and stripping her agency to say “she doesn’t know what she’s doing, when this woman is incredibly intelligent and knows exactly what she’s doing. Just because Lana might be not be doing something we necessarily agree with, doesn’t mean she’s an idiot.



Exactly. There’s really no excuse for this. She’s almost 40 and fully capable of doing her own research before signing an open letter. I can only hope that there’s more to the story/this was done without her consent or something because this is the first time in 12 years that something Lana has said or done has actually devastated me. Seeing her name amongst Amy Schumer and other “entertainers” that I have no respect for made my stomach drop.

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2 hours ago, lanaismamom said:

never understood this strange thing if political views of ur fav doesn’t match with urs and then u will stop listen to them, how does it exactly help:toofunny: happy i’m not one of those and happy not to see those on the site anymore

I think its because if you support someone by listening to their music, buying their albums/merch, giving them money etc. and that person takes that money and donates it to a political party or foundation that is actively trying to take away your rights then why would you want to support that person?

Not to mention that they may influence a whole new generation of people to be sexist, homophobic, racist, etc. and giving people like that more of a platform only means that more hate and discrimination will be spread.

♡ 𝓵𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓭𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓾𝔂𝓼 𝓶𝓮 𝓬𝓲𝓰𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓼 ♡

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6 hours ago, OscarScheller said:

Condemning taking babies and elderly captive, raping teenage girls and beheading civilians - is this now controversial?

This is a pro-palestinian pro-peace statement, encouraging looking out for civilians on both sides.

I really can't see how ANY of you, any human being at all, could condemn an ISIS condemnation.

thank you. I'm pro palestine pro israel not pro-terrorism or pro- war crime.. I also can call out Israeli war crimes easily because they are repugnant. It's possible to do both. Factionsim on this issue is the problem. Both peoples have a right to exist and both people clearly have governments that are not in their best interest.


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6 hours ago, evalionisameme said:

I’ll keep it brief- this weird new “liberal” view on a few subjects to me is outright insane- I’ve noticed there’s a similar herd mentality on other subjects such as landlords where it’s a black and white- only one right answer or you’re conservative trash.


Regarding the Israel/ Palestine conflict I’ve seen all sort of things said e.g. Palestine are suffering while negating that dozens of Israeli citizens were brutally burned and maimed. Is it odd that there was a festival near the attack? Maybe but very possible and clearly did happen. 

This war is not black or white and the fight over land spans a century- Palestines conditions do seem poor but these actions from a select few group(hamas) is not the answer nor should it be condoned.


The UN needs to step in but doing so would probably cause a bigger action by cause and effect- so I don’t think they will yet.

Honestly the UN should have been enforcing a 2 state solution with a Mandate since the beginning but alas.....


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2 hours ago, lanaismamom said:

never understood this strange thing if political views of ur fav doesn’t match with urs and then u will stop listen to them, how does it exactly help:toofunny: happy i’m not one of those and happy not to see those on the site anymore

Period and it’s even more embarrassing when the person in question is already dead 😭😭🤣🤣🤣 like those ppl who “cancel” john lennon or elvis presley etc omg who gives a FK … sure don’t listen to them if you don’t want to but why announce it to everybody like it matters 

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2 hours ago, fishtails said:

I think its because if you support someone by listening to their music, buying their albums/merch, giving them money etc. and that person takes that money and donates it to a political party or foundation that is actively trying to take away your rights then why would you want to support that person?

Not to mention that they may influence a whole new generation of people to be sexist, homophobic, racist, etc. and giving people like that more of a platform only means that more hate and discrimination will be spread.

but lana is not one of these words actually, she’s not that category, and i highly doubt she would’ve been the place where money would’ve gone to terror, and giving her money doesn’t matter i support her views - i support her music and vision and encouraging doing more, but those who said that by signing that she literally killing those people are wild and it’s untrue, and it isn’t her responsibility that some fans may take that and go with those views, her subject isnt politica and while telling that lana should be educated this or that questions maybe other people who are going to learn from her (that is not lana’s problem) should be educated too and don’t take political views from a celebrity, if we talking about kids why on the earth will they even be interested in this subject and pay attention on it, it’s lana’s choice and i believe her intentions has never been and will never be as cruel as good god it was said in this thread several times, she remains icona from all the sides nonetheless, just a little too expressive one,


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3 minutes ago, Pretty On The Indide said:

Honestly the UN should have been enforcing a 2 state solution with a Mandate since the beginning but alas.....

They won't because that requires giving palest. It's land back. I also think weapons manufacturers aid alot of these wars to start or continue through under handed methods.  

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There was a theft of extensive acres of farmland from Palestine weeks before Hamas invaded which was probably the reason Hamas invaded.  One of the main floor political problems in Palestine is it doesn't have any energy and has to import its energy. So they are a state that is beholden on other states to provide it, which they see as a burden. 

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20 minutes ago, DCooper said:

This is obviously speculation since I have no idea how she actually feels, but I could see her casually signing a letter that supports Biden without thinking too much about it because of how aggressively people have accused her of being a Republican and wanting to distance herself whenever she can from those ridiculous claims. The letter focuses on getting the hostages back so maybe that's all she was presented with and thought "yes I am a Democrat and yes I want the hostages returned safely." I believe fully that her heart is in the right place as always, but she should absolutely educate herself further on what Israel is doing right now if she's unaware of how dire things are.


I think anyone who supports Israel's right to defend itself has the responsibility to see what that currently looks like. Some of the videos I've seen from Gaza in the last two weeks are beyond horrific and etched into my memory, and there is simply no justification. What Hamas did was horrific and unacceptable too, but the situation in Palestine is worsening every day and must be stopped. The fact that people are losing their jobs for reiterating things that major human rights organizations are saying is truly insane.



100% agree. The UN has announced that the death toll has reached 5,000. This is beyond belief that the world leaders have allowed this to happen, and are continuing to turn a blind eye.


And don't get me started on people losing jobs, the social media algorithms reducing the visibility on pro-Palestine posts, or the Israelis messaging influencers offering them money to support the western narrative. It's crazy af.


Honestly, if this has taught us anything, it's that there's a lot of power in social media, and it's become the go-to source for free speech and getting educated on a topic somewhat, and being able to offer support.


It's ironic, however, that this support isn't moving anything. All those phones, all those voices, and the death toll keeps rising. The whole situation is absolutely shocking, revolting, and proves yet again what an unjust and disorderly world we live in. It's vomit-inducing.

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