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Indio, CA @ Coachella: Weekend 2 - April 19th, 2024

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5 hours ago, jealous girl said:

I see this going one of these two vastly different ways:

1. Her set will be pretty much the same apart from guests (Jack being likely to return)

2. (Delulu option) Show 1 closed the Ocean Blvd era and this will open the Lasso era and she’ll change the set to match whatever vibe Lasso has


I’m trying to expect no changes so I’m not overhyping it like last time but it’s really fn weird if they dropped all these Lasso hints for her to not announce the album formally

Definitely option 1 with very minor changes 

I actually think even her shows later this year will be similar because Coachella was the biggest place to change it up and yeah they did change the scenography but overall kept a very similar show as that of 2023

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3 minutes ago, littleredpartydress said:

I wonder if there actually will be more fine tuning and changing of some stuff before the next set given the now new drama that she just unearthed :rip: 

It will probably be better vocally and I hope have less long ass intros/interludes lol

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When Lana does this on the week 2 show:oprah4:




"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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is it still the same time as last week y'all?

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7 minutes ago, Thats why they call me Dita said:

I want to believe she’ll debut a lasso song on week 2, but when she debuted west coast in 2014 it was in both performances 

Singles likely coming in September and album March. 💀

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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20 minutes ago, SuperMegaStan said:

i'm still not over the fact that all of her major show debut gets cursed :thumb3: from SNL, both Glastonbury gigs to Coachella headlining :deadbanana:


She said in her IG post something about her tour manager leaving.

"Emily for stepping up as tour manager when Pete quit for no reason after 15 years because he was butt hurt that I got 10 comped bikes for free from Wally and randomly decided he was more of a stage designer than a tour manager... Never got a phone call probably never will. Still grateful for the 15 years though. No worries – 37 days was more than enough time to put together an entire headlining set all by ourselves. Not stressful at all. Way to go Emily you fucking killed it with grace."


That might explain why her nerves were shot and she didn't exude a lot of confidence during the show. Poor girl.

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11 minutes ago, Grenadine quarantine said:

dunno if Byron was just trying to throw us off but his post for coachella had beautiful people beautiful problems that would b iconic getting Stevie Nicks 

That’d be so iconic since Stevie is one of Lana’s idols like how Lana is to Billie. it would be so full circle :xcry:



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All packed for Coachella!!!! ahhhh i’m equal parts excited and nervous (for all the fucked up shit i know is gonna take place throughout my weekend) 


i’m about 99% positive that she will bring FJM out on Friday to perform LTLI live for the very first time so i’m stoked to be there to witness that. this will be my 5th time seeing Lana live. praying for no technical difficulties 💖

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6 minutes ago, living legend said:

All packed for Coachella!!!! ahhhh i’m equal parts excited and nervous (for all the fucked up shit i know is gonna take place throughout my weekend) 


i’m about 99% positive that she will bring FJM out on Friday to perform LTLI live for the very first time so i’m stoked to be there to witness that. this will be my 5th time seeing Lana live. praying for no technical difficulties 💖

Just finished packing too!! 
im so excited omg omg. Can’t wait

to see motorcycle moment IRL!

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