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33 minutes ago, trailerparkdream said:

I think about it a lot too and try to figure out what it is that’s so perfect about it to me.


I saw her live during the endless summer tour and she opened with it so that’s a huge part of it for me ? I struggled with drug use while living with a boyfriend who used during the years following the concert so then the lyrics had a whole new meaning. It will always stand out in her discography for me, I agree about never getting over it. 


That's so lucky you got to see that live on the endless summer tour! Aka, her best. And omg I hope you're in a much better place now ♡

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White Dress got boring pretty quickly. It was interesting and suprising for the first few listens but by now that thrill is gone and while I still think it's one of the strongest songs on CoCC, I often feel the urge to press skip after the first chorus. Apart from those high pitch vocals there really isn't a lot going on

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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4 hours ago, Surf Noir said:


it feels way too hollow & forced, yayo probably means a lot to her, but i think the original version was absolutely perfect, i honestly don't think the song fits the sorrowful, opulent sound of btd/paradise, it fits the folk/torch sound, it's especially worse with haynie's samples, i feel similarly with million dollar man, the demo was perfect because it fits simplistic production better, the final version sounds too over-produced & "processed"


It would be so nice if she could just release "Yayo" as a gift-single / stand-alone release if it was special to her. The way this song appears in both A.K.A. & Paradise confuses me.


She could just release "I Don't Wanna Go" to fill track 7 for the EP. 

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'Lust For Life' title track is not that good. It's so obvious that it was made to be a chart topper but there are so many better songs on that album for that position like '13 Beaches' , 'In My Feelings' and 'Coachella'. Not to mention that it's extremely repetitive, like 'Guns And Roses' level. There's nothing wrong with chart toppers I'm just saying that the song is a lot different than the rest of the album. 


In 80% case her long ass names of tracks are so unnecessary, for example 'Coachella – Woodstock in My Mind' , why not name it just 'Coachella'? Same for 'Let Me Love You Like a Woman' -> 'Love You Like a Woman' , 'Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman Like Me To' -> 'Hope is a Dangerous Thing' . Imagine if the song '13 Beaches' was named 'I took 13 Beaches To Find One Empty", kida unnecessary. 

I'm fucking crazy, but I'm free 


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6 hours ago, lili said:

I’m not sure if this is unpopular or not, but I truly dislike the lyrics of « Tulsa Jesus Freak ».

It's definitely the Cinnamon of COCC, imo

Lyrically not that strong but still a good song and a fan favourite

On another unpopular note, Cinnamon should've just been called Cinnamon because for almost two years we called Cinnamon, Cinnamon and then when it was no longer called Cinnamon it was jarring because it was always called Cinnamon and still should always be referred to as Cinnamon because it is Cinnamon

She doesn't sing Cinnamon Girl in my teeth she sings CINNAMON in my teeth

Maybe it could've been called In My Teeth like In My Feelings

Okay I'm going now

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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1 hour ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

It's definitely the Cinnamon of COCC, imo

Lyrically not that strong but still a good song and a fan favourite

On another unpopular note, Cinnamon should've just been called Cinnamon because for almost two years we called Cinnamon, Cinnamon and then when it was no longer called Cinnamon it was jarring because it was always called Cinnamon and still should always be referred to as Cinnamon because it is Cinnamon

She doesn't sing Cinnamon Girl in my teeth she sings CINNAMON in my teeth

Maybe it could've been called In My Teeth like In My Feelings

Okay I'm going now

I mean I can get over lyrics like « Life rocked me like Motley » or « Dear lord when I get to heaven…. » because those songs are absolute absolute masterpieces to me personally. I don’t know maybe the Tulsa thing reminds me of Sean, so I can’t fully enjoy the song. 

Wait… I always forget it’s called Cinnamon Girl. You’ve reminded me again. Now that I think about it, Neil Young has a song of the same name which is rumored to be about Jim Morrison’s wife Pamela Courson. Knowing Lana’s fascination with references, maybe there’s something there.

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Yayo Paradise is definitely the best version of the song we have and here's why:


Okay so I know many people don't favour this one, however, I feel Lana really captures the ethereal essence of the meaning of the song as well as the sound. Her voice is mimicking the lyrics "You are a tunnel lined with yellow lights on a dark night" - The Paradise vocals truly capture the sound of Lana's reverbed vocals being in that yellow lit tunnel. Her voice is travelling all the way through that long tunnel and out the other end, hence why her enunciation is slow, unclear and reverberating on the Paradise version. This is quite clever, and although it may not have been planned, it certainly adds to the realistic charm of the song and the melancholic feel Lana is going for. Her wailing vocals are mimicking cries. They raise harshly ever so slightly, almost in a wailing manner (such as the way she sings "ink bluuuuue" and "you have to take me riggghhht now"), and then softly descend into a quiet tone on the end of each sentence. You hear that pain in her voice, but the pain is subtle. It's modest.


The piano is gentle, sweet, and reminiscent of 1960's romance scene. It's simplistic yet tastefully different. There's not an awful lot of complexity, but it's just enough to pull you in like a silk rope and make you melt into a sea of feathers. It has a girlish charm to it, and the music box/xylophone instrument that harmonize with the piano adds to this quality. That's something the AKA version lacks in my personal opinion. 


Why people say the Paradise version is overproduced, I'll never know. The instruments and vocals are rich and clear, but that doesn't equate to overproduction. This is a very important thing to remember when evaluating music, and I feel like people get this mixed up far too much.


This isn't to say the AKA version is bad, but to me it's just a more rugged/dirtier version of the song. It has nice synths and strings (which make it feel full and grand without being overly pretentious), and the echo of her singing "dark niiiggght" is an amazing touch, but personally Paradise Yayo will always come out on top for the reasons above. 


Above all, I don't like the compare AKA and Paradise Yayo too much. They're both great songs in their own right, however given the meaning behind the song, I feel like the Paradise production does it more justice and goes wonderfully on the Paradise EP. 

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38 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

Yayo Paradise is definitely the best version of the song we have and here's why:


Okay so I know many people don't favour this one, however, I feel Lana really captures the ethereal essence of the meaning of the song as well as the sound. Her voice is mimicking the lyrics "You are a tunnel lined with yellow lights on a dark night" - The Paradise vocals truly capture the sound of Lana's reverbed vocals being in that yellow lit tunnel. Her voice is travelling all the way through that long tunnel and out the other end, hence why her enunciation is slow, unclear and reverberating on the Paradise version. This is quite clever, and although it may not have been planned, it certainly adds to the realistic charm of the song and the melancholic feel Lana is going for. Her wailing vocals are mimicking cries. They raise harshly ever so slightly, almost in a wailing manner (such as the way she sings "ink bluuuuue" and "you have to take me riggghhht now"), and then softly descend into a quiet tone on the end of each sentence. You hear that pain in her voice, but the pain is subtle. It's modest.


The piano is gentle, sweet, and reminiscent of 1960's romance scene. It's simplistic yet tastefully different. There's not an awful lot of complexity, but it's just enough to pull you in like a silk rope and make you melt into a sea of feathers. It has a girlish charm to it, and the music box/xylophone instrument that harmonize with the piano adds to this quality. That's something the AKA version lacks in my personal opinion. 


Why people say the Paradise version is overproduced, I'll never know. The instruments and vocals are rich and clear, but that doesn't equate to overproduction. This is a very important thing to remember when evaluating music, and I feel like people get this mixed up far too much.


This isn't to say the AKA version is bad, but to me it's just a more rugged/dirtier version of the song. It has nice synths and strings (which make it feel full and grand without being overly pretentious), and the echo of her singing "dark niiiggght" is an amazing touch, but personally Paradise Yayo will always come out on top for the reasons above. 


Above all, I don't like the compare AKA and Paradise Yayo too much. They're both great songs in their own right, however given the meaning behind the song, I feel like the Paradise production does it more justice and goes wonderfully on the Paradise EP. 


THANK YOU! :true:

That's an actual unpopular opinion.


I know people will go to length to say that the AKA version is superior (even though it's great). The Paradise version of Yayo is the best. It's eerie and hauntingly beautiful.

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I might be opening up a can of worms here but Arcadia is so bloodless and bland compared to her other music, I'm surprised it's on the same album as wfwf, one of Lana's rawest songs both lyrically and sonically. I love that she's bringing back a larger instrumental range (cocc was monotonous af) but the lyrical content is so inconsistent in terms of quality that it could pass for that of a LDR generator. Like those unbearable comical car references are so out of place next to the brilliant 'all roads that lead...' lyric. Her telling us to listen to it like we did Video Games makes sense in this context because you can just tell she was trying to recreate its magic which, naturally, didn't work and only made her come off as faux deep. That lack of authenticity is what made Arcadia age so fast for me while Video Games is still impactful and still worth its initial value even after 10 years of its release. (the people who trash vg can go be not-like-other-girls somewhere else).

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On 9/22/2021 at 11:07 AM, Arcadia said:

Yayo Paradise is definitely the best version of the song we have and here's why:


Okay so I know many people don't favour this one, however, I feel Lana really captures the ethereal essence of the meaning of the song as well as the sound. Her voice is mimicking the lyrics "You are a tunnel lined with yellow lights on a dark night" - The Paradise vocals truly capture the sound of Lana's reverbed vocals being in that yellow lit tunnel. Her voice is travelling all the way through that long tunnel and out the other end, hence why her enunciation is slow, unclear and reverberating on the Paradise version. This is quite clever, and although it may not have been planned, it certainly adds to the realistic charm of the song and the melancholic feel Lana is going for. Her wailing vocals are mimicking cries. They raise harshly ever so slightly, almost in a wailing manner (such as the way she sings "ink bluuuuue" and "you have to take me riggghhht now"), and then softly descend into a quiet tone on the end of each sentence. You hear that pain in her voice, but the pain is subtle. It's modest.


The piano is gentle, sweet, and reminiscent of 1960's romance scene. It's simplistic yet tastefully different. There's not an awful lot of complexity, but it's just enough to pull you in like a silk rope and make you melt into a sea of feathers. It has a girlish charm to it, and the music box/xylophone instrument that harmonize with the piano adds to this quality. That's something the AKA version lacks in my personal opinion. 


Why people say the Paradise version is overproduced, I'll never know. The instruments and vocals are rich and clear, but that doesn't equate to overproduction. This is a very important thing to remember when evaluating music, and I feel like people get this mixed up far too much.


This isn't to say the AKA version is bad, but to me it's just a more rugged/dirtier version of the song. It has nice synths and strings (which make it feel full and grand without being overly pretentious), and the echo of her singing "dark niiiggght" is an amazing touch, but personally Paradise Yayo will always come out on top for the reasons above. 


Above all, I don't like the compare AKA and Paradise Yayo too much. They're both great songs in their own right, however given the meaning behind the song, I feel like the Paradise production does it more justice and goes wonderfully on the Paradise EP. 

Thanks for saying this. 100% agree

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To me, Lana’s songs aren’t really sad or depressing the way people make them seem. They are thoughtful and contemplative, and they definitely elicit an emotional listening response, but I think everyone conflates sadness and reflection. I’m never put into a “depressive mood” when I listen to Lana — if anything, I feel uplifted and understood!

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4 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

To me, Lana’s songs aren’t really sad or depressing the way people make them seem. They are thoughtful and contemplative, and they definitely elicit an emotional listening response, but I think everyone conflates sadness and reflection. I’m never put into a “depressive mood” when I listen to Lana — if anything, I feel uplifted and understood!

Absolutely same. Only a couple of her tracks actually make me feel sad. Uplifted and understood is exactly how I’d describe my overall experience with her music - well put.

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On 9/23/2021 at 12:07 AM, Arcadia said:

Yayo Paradise is definitely the best version of the song we have and here's why:


Okay so I know many people don't favour this one, however, I feel Lana really captures the ethereal essence of the meaning of the song as well as the sound. Her voice is mimicking the lyrics "You are a tunnel lined with yellow lights on a dark night" - The Paradise vocals truly capture the sound of Lana's reverbed vocals being in that yellow lit tunnel. Her voice is travelling all the way through that long tunnel and out the other end, hence why her enunciation is slow, unclear and reverberating on the Paradise version. This is quite clever, and although it may not have been planned, it certainly adds to the realistic charm of the song and the melancholic feel Lana is going for. Her wailing vocals are mimicking cries. They raise harshly ever so slightly, almost in a wailing manner (such as the way she sings "ink bluuuuue" and "you have to take me riggghhht now"), and then softly descend into a quiet tone on the end of each sentence. You hear that pain in her voice, but the pain is subtle. It's modest.


The piano is gentle, sweet, and reminiscent of 1960's romance scene. It's simplistic yet tastefully different. There's not an awful lot of complexity, but it's just enough to pull you in like a silk rope and make you melt into a sea of feathers. It has a girlish charm to it, and the music box/xylophone instrument that harmonize with the piano adds to this quality. That's something the AKA version lacks in my personal opinion. 


Why people say the Paradise version is overproduced, I'll never know. The instruments and vocals are rich and clear, but that doesn't equate to overproduction. This is a very important thing to remember when evaluating music, and I feel like people get this mixed up far too much.


This isn't to say the AKA version is bad, but to me it's just a more rugged/dirtier version of the song. It has nice synths and strings (which make it feel full and grand without being overly pretentious), and the echo of her singing "dark niiiggght" is an amazing touch, but personally Paradise Yayo will always come out on top for the reasons above. 


Above all, I don't like the compare AKA and Paradise Yayo too much. They're both great songs in their own right, however given the meaning behind the song, I feel like the Paradise production does it more justice and goes wonderfully on the Paradise EP. 


I agree, but I think I would have a different opinion if I had found Lana in her AKA era and gotten used to that version of Yayo. I think a page or so back someone said the deepness of her voice in the Paradise version was forced and unnatural, and I can definitely see that, but it's what is very appealing to me at the same time. The forcing sounds purposeful and very dynamic imo, like she's carrying the rest of the song with it. On the contrary, AKAs Yayo vocals seem sound like the instrumental is the first melody, then her vocals are following.


I actually did hear the AKA version of Yayo first, at the same time as discovering her through Born To Die, and I immediately could tell it was an older song with a different vocal style to the BTD style. So for that reason, I always found the AKA version to sound like a demo, and with the Paradise version being more true to her BTD sound, that's the one I clung to and started really liking. 

But I just love the song so much, I can applaud anyone for saying either version is one of her best songs.


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some of her new songs are becoming too wordy for me. she's a great songwriter and i acknowledge how much she's improved (though she's always been great) but sometimes it feels like she's putting too much together and it breaks the flow of the melody.

for instance "all roads that lead to you as integral to me as arteries, that pump the blood that flows straight to the heart of me" is beautiful, but it doesn't run very well


i love you, but you don't understand me.

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4 minutes ago, Vanilla Icy said:

some of her new songs are becoming too wordy for me. she's a great songwriter and i acknowledge how much she's improved (though she's always been great) but sometimes it feels like she's putting too much together and it breaks the flow of the melody.

for instance "all roads that lead to you as integral to me as arteries, that pump the blood that flows straight to the heart of me" is beautiful, but it doesn't run very well


it's still objectively better than '...you trace with your fingertips like a Toyota, run your hands over me like a Land Rover'

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2 minutes ago, LanasRightCheekFiller said:

it's still objectively better than '...you trace with your fingertips like a Toyota, run your hands over me like a Land Rover'

I wonder if she got product placement dollars for that. Hilton too… is Arcadia a musical billboard?

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Without You sounds cringe sometimes, one of the most forgettable track in BTD. And it's too overrated.

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