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Azealia Banks

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She is just one of those people in this business who got ahead despite not having anything special to offer. One can go on all day naming people who got ahead who should not have gotten ahead. But hey, thats showbiz for you.


The fact that we (myself included) are even talking about her is the problem. She does not deserve one second of our attention. We have a lunatic for a President, a pandemic, a legal system with systemic racism, millions homeless, millions without health insurance, climate change, rising crime and a crumbling infrastructure. These are issues that demand attention.


Azealia Banks? She's a waste of time and energy so I think we should just call it a day at this point. I know we have all said a lot of things, but this just feels like the right time to make her go away by ignoring her. Its the best way to deal with a narcissist. 

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K, just some facts:


1. There's no reverse racism. Black people can't be racist towards white people. Azealia's statements weren't racist, she's just being petty, rude and trying to stay relevant.


2. Lana's "controversial" post wasn't racist nor was she putting down other females; it could've been worded better, there was no need for her to state those names but what it's done it's done. If you still think she was being racist then the problem's on you, not on her.


3. If you say something like "I don't care if Lana gets body shamed" then I'm not even sorry to tell you you're a gross person, blatantly rude or you just plain stupid. Also, I really do hope you, or people you love, never get body shamed because it can destroy a person's self-esteem, even more so during this pandemic.


PS: I know this is a forum and bc of that you can discuss anything you want. But just a reminder that stating your opinion ≠ being blatantly rude


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She is just one of those people in this business who got ahead despite not having anything special to offer. One can go on all day naming people who got ahead who should not have gotten ahead. But hey, thats showbiz for you.


The fact that we (myself included) are even talking about her is the problem. She does not deserve one second of our attention. We have a lunatic for a President, a pandemic, a legal system with systemic racism, millions homeless, millions without health insurance, climate change, rising crime and a crumbling infrastructure. These are issues that demand attention.


Azealia Banks? She's a waste of time and energy so I think we should just call it a day at this point. I know we have all said a lot of things, but this just feels like the right time to make her go away by ignoring her. Its the best way to deal with a narcissist. 


Uh, Azealia's persistent attitude problem and bodyshaming aside, the girl is talented- wildly so. The only reason she hasn't made it farther than she has is because of her attitude problem. Let's not pretend like she doesn't have talent that rivals Lana. Her twitter/insta rants and tirades don't erase her accomplishments and skills. Don't be dumb. Also, don't mention "systemic racism" when you suggested a few posts ago that a POC was being racist towards a privileged white woman. Thanks.

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why is everyone on twitter always quote retweeting her or screenshots/recordings of her tweets/instagram stories, etc and saying "stop paying attention to her this is disgusting" while simultaneously spreading it because they keep quoting it in their own tweets.


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why is everyone on twitter always quote retweeting her or screenshots/recordings of her tweets/instagram stories, etc and saying "stop paying attention to her this is disgusting" while simultaneously spreading it because they keep quoting it in their own tweets.

it’s the same w so many problematic people, I always see people on my feeds sharing videos of Katie Hopkins saying ‘stop giving her attention’ but like... you are just by sharing her videos? :awkney;


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Uh, Azealia's persistent attitude problem and bodyshaming aside, the girl is talented- wildly so. The only reason she hasn't made it farther than she has is because of her attitude problem. Let's not pretend like she doesn't have talent that rivals Lana. Her twitter/insta rants and tirades don't erase her accomplishments and skills. Don't be dumb. Also, don't mention "systemic racism" when you suggested a few posts ago that a POC was being racist towards a privileged white woman. Thanks.


Talent that rivals Lana? Well I have yet to see that. Half of hip-hop today is manufactured anyway because record labels want to make money. Its no longer the 90s. 

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Then she should be banned from IG if she is a troll.


She's been banned from Twitter at least twice

K, just some facts:


1. There's no reverse racism. Black people can't be racist towards white people. Azealia's statements weren't racist, she's just being petty, rude and trying to stay relevant.


2. Lana's "controversial" post wasn't racist nor was she putting down other females; it could've been worded better, there was no need for her to state those names but what it's done it's done. If you still think she was being racist then the problem's on you, not on her.


3. If you say something like "I don't care if Lana gets body shamed" then I'm not even sorry to tell you you're a gross person, blatantly rude or you just plain stupid. Also, I really do hope you, or people you love, never get body shamed because it can destroy a person's self-esteem, even more so during this pandemic.


PS: I know this is a forum and bc of that you can discuss anything you want. But just a reminder that stating your opinion ≠ being blatantly rude


Azealia believes reverse racism is real. She's said multiple times that black people can be racist towards white people lol

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Azealia's just nasty to everyone, it reminds me of that cliché (but true) saying "Hurt people hurt people". I remember when Rihanna gained weight and Azealia went on IG live and was hysterically ranting about how she doesn't wanna be fat, she wants to be skinny. She was implying that because Rihanna gained weight she would have to aswell as if its a trend she'd need to follow or something.

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She's been banned from Twitter at least twice


Azealia believes reverse racism is real. She's said multiple times that black people can be racist towards white people lol


She's wrong, like she is about many things

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Uh, Azealia's persistent attitude problem and bodyshaming aside, the girl is talented- wildly so. The only reason she hasn't made it farther than she has is because of her attitude problem. Let's not pretend like she doesn't have talent that rivals Lana. Her twitter/insta rants and tirades don't erase her accomplishments and skills. Don't be dumb. Also, don't mention "systemic racism" when you suggested a few posts ago that a POC was being racist towards a privileged white woman. Thanks.


As someone who supported Azealia for many years, homegirl hasn't put out a good song in a long while lol. She has the talent but doesn't do the talentry.

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azealia talking about kanye being closeted gay on her story now bye


just saying


disclaimer: I'm not condoning this video, nor condoning Azealia in any way whatsoever, but what she's saying isn't anything we haven't heard before. She's still desperate for attention.

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