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She really out here calling Patty a cold hearted b***h  :deadbanana: (Joking aside, it's clear she's just not close with her mother, and she seems to be at peace with that. Honestly neat that she's being more open about it)


God bless America—and all the beautiful people in it 

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i dont know man... the relationship between lana and her mom obviously isnt crystal clear... i fear those fans that involve themselves in lana's personal relationships might start to even harass her mom or something ...


i know thats not lana's fault and she cant control what people do but... seems to me she wanted us to understand how she really feels ab her mother

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she aint holdin back no more 2020 is the year of no fucks 

It's to the point where "fuck" is no longer a powerful enough word for her. She may start using the "C" word as her go to.


Coming soon


"My C****, Your C***, It's All A Stinking Mess"     The latest album from Lana Del Rey.


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Holy shit. I understand where she is coming from tho. I mean not all of us have decent mothers and unfortunately that’s just how it is. Personally, my relationship with my mother is not great and it’s toxic af but I am not strong enough to leave the situation. I commend Lana for being strong and clearly being okay with separating herself from her mother. It isn’t an easy thing to do and she did it, but also has accepted it.

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