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LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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Heroin is about her ex Rob who died from a heroin overdose at the end of 2011, so the new year she's talking about is 2012




more about it here http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/1088-lana-and-shiny-toy-guns/?p=597654

Oh you're right. I forgot about that, sorry. I got carried away with explaining that Heroin was not meant for HM..probably people already knew that, lol. 

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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I had this song stuck in my head all day and when I got home and could finally listen to it on repeat, it kind of struck me that I wouldn't mind at all if Lana had instrumental like this in the next album... dreamy guitar in the background, heavenly strings from the second half of the song until the end, a bit of brass instruments... a smooth bass.



And yes, I love U2, sorry if this is irrelevant, but I'd love it if Lana had a sound like this.

48K6p1K.gif    70SP18s.png

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What if Lana will use a children's choir for a song on the next record? :fabcat:

Dear god i hope not, that sound is the ugliest thing the music industry has ever come up with. National Anthem had her worst chorus ever.



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Ugh I just want the dark Lana back lol.. i really hope to hear about her cult stories, and I really liked the theme of 'Solve Et Coagula' but I feel she's so far away from those themes now.. I feel like she's more outside her personal world and into the world as a whole, where she feels the need to comment/ write about current events... which is what LFL is mostly about but I miss her personal stories reflected in her writing...

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i think for me lfl was too grounded. it was too real life and i want her to go back to being some magical mermaid seductress or if she wants to stay more mature then she can still be a witch or something like. mermaid motel, pin up galore, raise me up etc i hope these identities and themes make some sort of return on ldr6

Ugh I just want the dark Lana back lol.. i really hope to hear about her cult stories, and I really liked the theme of 'Solve Et Coagula' but I feel she's so far away from those themes now.. I feel like she's more outside her personal world and into the world as a whole, where she feels the need to comment/ write about current events... which is what LFL is mostly about but I miss her personal stories reflected in her writing...

and this too, she can be so cinematic !!!!! we need a ride 2.0 . i really hope this next era is not as disappointing as lfl was, as much as i hate to say this. even tho she’s probably sticking with whatever this new pop sound she thinks sounds good and her personal growth theme :/ lmao i love her but ugh i wish she would stop w the pop. it doesn’t feel authentic to her. her early pop stuff that we have is SO much better and so different from what she’s doing now. idk what is going on in her little head


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eh, art's not like some robotic thing where you just punch in the right codes and you get the album you want. It's a messy process. The recording of the UV version we have was done fairly quickly, but Lana's also stated in other interviews she went through a long dry spell where she was writing songs she didn't like and discarded, not to mention the leak of black beauty which changed things since BB was supposed to be the centerpiece of the album. 

also, lfl was kind of bound to be slightly all over the place because the US culture shifted so drastically from fall 2015 to summer of 2017. There was a huge shift in conversation and Lana obviously wanted to be part of that, but also wanted to write about more personal things, so the whole album is a little all over the place. At this point though, I think the initial Trump mania "what the hell's happening to this country" has started to die down because of people getting naturally burnt out from all of Trump's chaos and/or people are shifting towards focusing on the midterms, so I don't think Lana taking her time with her next album is going to necessarily bring the same results as LFL.  

but honestly, who knows.

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I'm all for that. She admitted somewhere how she's been inspired by Britney, imagine a Brtiney-esque video. MTWBT 2.0? 






MTWBT is her most stale video. i hate it more than the UV video

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tbh she's kinda old and mature now, i think she should drop the Lana Del Rey brand and become Elizabeth Woolridge, it sounds older and more mature! 

She could also ask the Queens stylist for some dope suits when she goes on tour again!


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MTWBT is her most stale video. its more worse than the UV video

UV video is a masterpiece. Shut up! The aesthetic, colour tone & rawness fits the song so well.


TBH after the Paradise era, I don't think she gave us a single iconic video other than High By The Beach & Ultraviolence.


White Mustang video is her worst, accompanied by Lust For Life, Freak & Burning Desire (atleast in Burning Desire video she puts on a Bond girl persona which is interesting).

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TBH after the Paradise era, I don't think she gave us a single iconic video other than High By The Beach & Ultraviolence.

Shades of Cool says hi




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Um it's not just about the eyes, it's also a about the ears. The video should complement the song rather than try to supplement it. The video just doesn't "fit" the song. Same with 'Freak'.

freak deserved better it matched with the footage from the album trailer though so maybe she should have gotten the uv video to be edited better and to film more scenes for it.

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tbh she's kinda old and mature now, i think she should drop the Lana Del Rey brand and become Elizabeth Woolridge, it sounds older and more mature! 


worst idea ever. What the hell ? Elizabeth Woolridge sounds like she's 85

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tbh she's kinda old and mature now, i think she should drop the Lana Del Rey brand and become Elizabeth Woolridge, it sounds older and more mature! 

She could also ask the Queens stylist for some dope suits when she goes on tour again!


You mean this Queen?




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