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Showing most liked content on 09/01/2020 in all areas

  1. 15 likes
    tbh i don't think anyone is definitively convinced one way or the other...the issue isn't as black and white as it seems, and there's a lot of evidence that would disallow someone to make up their mind in order to answer it with a resounding "yes" or "no".
  2. 13 likes
    Lana Del Rey has announced her music video for "Chemtrails Over the Country Club," the title track of her new album, to be released January 11th. The album pre-order will also be available on the same day. For the video, her hair has been styled by Sheridan Ward & her makeup was done by Etienne Ortega. Other artists on the set include Alli Elizabeth, Seana Crain, Andrea Samuels, and Samantha Fryling. BRTHR directed the video, and Neil Krug is took photographs on the set. Day 1 Behind the Scenes: Malibu, CA - August 29th Day 2 Behind the Scenes: Tapia Brothers Farms in Encino, CA - August 30th Previous OP:
  3. 12 likes
  4. 10 likes
    Let's settle this once and for all with a POLE. Do you believe her or not?
  5. 10 likes
    omg this reminded me that i made an xcxworld version of this
  6. 10 likes
    as long as miss hacker gurl is taking requests, id absolutely love if the QT stuff was on deck next. makeover, baby bubbles....miss hacker gurl you see those file names in the server????
  7. 9 likes
    Thanks @Elle for making this into a post because you better believe I was NOT following any of these people and have no interest in doing so.
  8. 9 likes
    NO ?????!!!??? NEGATIVITY ?????? on MY timeline ✈️✨? chemtrails ✈️❤️?✨? over tha cuntry club baby !!! ?❤️??
  9. 9 likes
    it is very obviously not, I'm not sure why people are setting themselves up for disappointment
  10. 8 likes
  11. 7 likes
    a neil video!!! i LOVE her look here (esp the hair!!), feel v excited for the title track video now
  12. 7 likes
    Want to stay optimistic, so the answer for me is YESSS
  13. 6 likes
    The Sad Say video is amazing. As a lot of you said, we actually hear more of Mirrored heart but it's OK, it's a real peace of art. I hardly imagine it being played on TV to promote the album tough, as we don't hear much of the song. She definitely has the skills to act on some sci-fi/action movie. Would love to have her on some of the Wachowski sisters movies. What about Matrix 4 ? As for the Mixtape turned into a Beast of an the album... CAN'T WAIT.
  14. 6 likes
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